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Posts posted by Abombz!!

  1. I was wondering if these are any good to see.  I like stuff like 8th ms, char's counterattack, The original gundam, 0083, and 0080.  I dispise G-gundam and Gundam wing.  Please help.

    Would I like


    MS Gundam 0083 OVA, (is this the same as 0083?)

    MS gundam 0083 Stardust memory the movie (again is this the same as 0083?)

    Gundam Evolve

    Help I don't want to buy anything that sucks.

    Rent them all first. 0080 is heavily character centric. 0083 the movie is something you should avoid like the devil avoids the cross.

    woman!!! he said he saw and liked 0080 and 0083. lol.

    Before using such offensive tone on me.... I would appreciate if you actually READ his post!!!! He asked a question... I answered it. What did you do? Spam the thread with useless BS.

    What? Besides being uncapable of spelling words properly you can't read either?

  2. Well, it seems like people who prefer the Xbox like it because it is more powerful in terms of graphics and everything.

    The people who prefer the PS2 seem to really like the game selection.

    I am personally one who concentrates on the games available for each system. However, most of the games I like are available for both systems. Only a couple seem to be system selective, but from what I am hearing, the couple that are system selective aren't very good. I definitely will not get a Gamecube because I didn't like any of the games specific to that system.

    I went to Gamespot and checked out a bunch of games. In general, the reviews were pretty similar. The only time they differed was when it came to games like Max Payne and Hitman 2 where they said the PS2 looked sub par while the Xbox looked descent. However, I have been mislead before where people will tell me I have to see something on a certain format because it is utterly better, and I end up being unimpressed. So I guess what I am wondering now is:

    For people who have seen the same games on both systems, do they really differ that much?

    They don't really differ that much.... because both games pretty much suck on both systems. They are PC games at heart, can only be played fully on a PC.

    I personally own Hitman 2 and I don't know what I was thinking when I bought it. The controls are pretty bad and the game is just unfun. As for Max Payne... if you mean the first games.... then the Xbox is indeed the better version, though the PC version still whipes its ass with it.

    Unless you plan on buying nothing by system specific games...... don't base your purchase of an Xbox based on graphics. Very few multi console games actually look any good or better on the Xbox because they are all produced for the PS2 and then ported over. Very few games actually get developed for all systems at the same time, and very few get system specific features. So going to buy Xbox just for graphics? Then only exclusives.

    And don't mod your Xbox is you plan on using Xbox live! because it will automatically cut you off from it.

    BTW.... never listen to store clerks.... they get paid to push certain systems, so they will never give you an unbiased opinion.

  3. get a subscription to a gaming mag that covers all consoles, like electronic gamer or game pro.

    see whats out there for a few months and decide for yourself

    Or just find some place online with decent previews/reviews and check the list of games for both consoles. He won't have to pay for it or wait a few months. :)

  4. Wow, I figured I'd be the only R-Type fan here. Someday I'll get past level 5. Mind-warping as it is... (RX-11's rock, they're the only thing getting me to the boss)

    lol.... I'm in the process of opening up all the ships.... 59 down and counting. :)

    I really liked how they added some back ground data on all ships. And I can't help to think of the Dendobrium... every time I look at a D series R-9.... I guess its the long barrel cannon. :p

  5. EDIT:

    It sounds like most people like the Xbox for games like Halo and Panzer Dragoon. I'm not too into those. However, I want to get Hitman 2, Max Payne, and Mafia which are games that both systems support, but I heard the Xbox supports better. I also like sports games such as NHL Hitz, Espn football, and such. I guess my priorities come down to two types:

    Sports games (NHL Hitz, ESPN Football, NBA Street)

    Present day Cinematic Adventure games (ie GTA Vice city, Max Payne, Mafia, Silent Hill...)

    Both systems support most of these, but it's certain titles like Knights of the Old Republic and Resident Evil Outbreak that leave me undecided. Of course, now people are telling me that those games are actually not as good as they have been hyped up to be.

    So I guess my new question is:

    Missed this edit..... I guess what you really want is a PS2. Those games you just mentioned are typical casual gamer genre..... and the PS2 seems like it will really fill you up in that department.... unless you enjoy online play.

    If online play is really a factor in this equation.... get an Xbox... if not... get a PS2.

    GTA San Andreas is PS2 exclusive for now.... so that might help you decide which game to get.

    I want to get Hitman 2, Max Payne, and Mafia which are games that both systems support, but I heard the Xbox supports better

    Trust me... neither of them support those games well. If you want to play Max Payne or Hitman.... get yourself a decent PC to run them. Theres no control scheme that will be able to replace the mouse and keyboard set up.... ever.

    On the KoToR thing... the game is fun and all.... but the Xbox is plagued with fun sucking bugs. They can go from simple slowdowns to system crashes. The PC version fixes most of those... but if you were basing your purchase of the Xbox on this particular game... I assume you don't own a PC good enough to run the game.

    On RE Outbreak.... its just another RE title. I sampled the japanese version extensively enough to say that the novelty of playing with other ppl wears thin pretty fast. The only feature that really caught my eye was being able to play a zombie, and hunt down your ex team mates. Other then that.... its yet another RE title with more ppl. Nothing new.



    IN my opinion.....

    PS2: Disgaea, Ace Combat 4, Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter, R-Type Final (sorry, am a sucker for R-Type), the first Devil May Cry, the Winning Eleven series and the Onimusha series.

    Xbox: Panzer Dragoon Orta, Ninja Gaiden, Otogi and Otogi 2

    There are several other games.... but they are multi console games.... so I only mentioned exclusives.

  6. you have all the capcom and square games on PS2

    Well... he could defenetly live without the square games... since they have yet to release anything truly outstanding this generation (Unlimited Saga was bad enough to kill a man. FFX-2 was a joke). And capcom games? Meh. I think you might have mixed up Konami and Capcom. :huh:

    Other then Viewtiful Joe, Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter and the first Devil May Cry (maybe RE0 and the remake), Capcom has put out alot of crap. Chaos Legion, Devil May Cry 2, Rockman X7, PN03 and the full priced RE ports anyone?

    Two really good reasons why:

    1- Halo

    Thats the most overhyped game of all time. Only base your purchase of an Xbox on Halo... if you have 4 ppl, 24/7 to play with. The single player campaign is a joke. <_<

  7. Ah! The age old question. What a tricky question.....







    get the system that has the games that interest you. And on another note.... FFXI is going to cost you way more then 200 dollars. And Resident Evil Outbreak is not that hot. Those games should not be the reason why you should get the PS2.

    On the same note.... KoToR is not that hot either.... but Ninja Gaiden is alot of fun. While the system is pretty graphics intensive... only the sports games, FPSs and the online support really stand out.... every other genre sort of lacks in that system.

    To put it bluntly.... in this generation, owning only 1 system is a pretty damn hard kick in the balls.

  8. Camera sucks, but it's impossible to adjust well. Just keep hitting R to reset to default. Most of the time, just deal with it. Ryu has such incredible "knows where to go" when blocking or fighting, it doesn't really matter. My main gripe is that the camera is simply LOW, not looking the wrong way. I like the camera to be somewhat above the character, looking forward. Gaiden's camera is DIRECTLY behind Ryu, so you can't really see where you're going.

    PS--it's HARD. And fight in the air. Staying on the ground is death, always be jumping or wall-running.

    LOL... the camera is the least of your problems when you are having your ass handed to you by the insane difficulty. :blink:

  9. No more 2-d games in the US from Sony? How about no more crappy 3-D platform games ugh

    So I guess Hyper Street Fighter 10th Ann. isn't coming here either.


    What about the Guilty Gear games for the US? Those blow Capcom's 2-D games outta the water. Too bad about Metal Slug. That bites. Anyword on the 2-D Samurai Spirits/Showdown game?

    Its all rooted to the fact that Sony is only interested in showing the PS2 3D prowless.... or lack of. They see having 2D games as a weakness. Oh well..... most 2D fighters released on the PS2/PSX were done better in other consoles, and I doubt SF3 will be any different. <_<

  10. I was wondering if these are any good to see.  I like stuff like 8th ms, char's counterattack, The original gundam, 0083, and 0080.  I dispise G-gundam and Gundam wing.  Please help.

    Would I like


    MS Gundam 0083 OVA, (is this the same as 0083?)

    MS gundam 0083 Stardust memory the movie (again is this the same as 0083?)

    Gundam Evolve

    Help I don't want to buy anything that sucks.

    0080 is very character centric, but very nice. 0083 is the complete oposite. Everything besides the animation, designs and soundtrack sucks.

    As for F91... its an aquired taste. Personally, I enjoy watching it. But at the same time, I can see where many ppl come from whne they say they don't like it. If you have a chance to rent it first... do it. It has same quality animation as CCA, but they took a 40 something episode long TV show and crammed it into a movie. Has one of the best Gundam main characters.

  11. I take it that this game is only for Xbox? I only saw commercials for Xbox. I'll get it once it comes out for PS2.

    Its only for Xbox.... ever. Tecmos is MSs new lap dog. Don't expect to see this out on the PS2.... ever. And besides.... the PS2 can't handle it.

  12. Quite possibly only in Japan. Sony seems to be quite serious with their new "no more 2D" stance on US PS2's. Capcom Vs Snk: Chaos is XBox-only in the US, as Sony said no, purely because it's 2D.

    The basic idea is that they don't want "old-looking" games on their new high-end system, that 2D only belongs on the PSX etc. :p:p:p

    Seriously!! They even refused to release Metal Slug 3 in the US!!! :angry:

    SOny is going to lose alot of fans for this... and too bad the Xbox controller blows for fighters. :(

    I can't seem to see the page.... which version is this? 3rd impact or 2nd or a brand new version?

  13. What is this, so now the Aliens have a higher form of culture.

    For a creature with no eyes and a view of the world that be described mostly as if they are in constant inebriation, they surely have good artists. Love the detail around the alien relief.

    Well assuming that this wasn't made by the predators.

    Funny too... because thats the main art of the Alien 3 promos and posters. :huh:

  14. Event Horizon was fairly entertaining and had a pretty good atmosphere and creep factor. :(

    I actually liked Event Horizon (or "EH" as all of its 3 fans refer to it as) the first time I saw it. But when I saw it again a year or so later, I noticed that a lot of the "scares" were actually pretty cheap. for example, in the beginning of the flick, Sam Neill opens those Shutters Of Doom. And the whole "escape before the ship blows up" routine was pretty standard. Couple that with a really weak ending, and it comes out a loser.

    I did like the design of the ship, however. Creepiest space ship since the Nostromo.

    Well, the same can be said about every movie like that. Very few "scares" survive a second or thrid watch.

    But I agree with you on the ending. It started pretty good, and it slowly went to hell. Some of the early deaths were pretty good but the later ones were just boring. I wish they would show more of the "hell" clips. Some of the footage from the EHs cams seemed to be pretty bloody and creepy.

  15. Meh. Trailers mean very little in this case. Paul Anderson has never had a problem making a film that looked good, visually speaking. Its his absolute inability to tell a story thats his downfall. I guess we'll see, one way or the other, this august.

    Event Horizon was fairly entertaining and had a pretty good atmosphere and creep factor. :(

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