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Posts posted by Abombz!!

  1. 70.5% here. Kind of funny though, the less you answer, the higher you score.

    "pure" meaning "otaku free". From the website...

    What does your % purity mean?

    I have received several complaints that the purity test program does not appear to be calculating purity correctly. These come from users who expect that answering yes to more questions will result in a higher purity. This is a result of confusion about the meaning of the term purity. As applied to the results of a purity test, your purity is proportional to how many things in the domain of the test you have not done. The more you have done, the less pure (and more corrupt) you are in the test's domain. In other words, the foo test tells you how pure/uncorrupt you are in the domain of fooity, not how purely foo you are. If the nerd test tells you you're 99% nerd pure, it does not mean you're 99% pure nerd (ack!)

    Apparently, I'm 81.5% otaku pure.

    Oh... then for an anime related site... these scores are kind of high, aren't they? :blink:

  2. DOOD!!! I just got my Ikki figure and man am I HATING it!!! freakin they cannabalized the color like the did with the yf-21 FPs!! it's super freakin purple!!!

    And look at his shoulder armor...did you think they'd be sittin THAT high on him? omg it looks fugly...

    here's a comparison shot of the two.

    disappointed with my favorite bronze saint... :(

    I liked mine. Unlike the previous releases.... this one looks like it will still be standing 1 month from now.

    As for the colors.... I blame on japanese color blindedness.... go figure. As for the should armor.... I would've expected you to noticed the trend with the previous releases... just look at the pile of bag crap that was Shiryus shoulder armor, and how high the heck piece is in Shuns figure.

    Look at the bright side... comparing the 2 figures.... makes me love the current line even more. <_<

  3. Why is it that every time a game may not come out for the PS2 in America, everyone blames it on SCEA's "policy" against 2D games?

    As far as I know, SFIII, Gradius V, and Megaman Anniversary Collection are all go for a North American release, not to mention that we just had R-Type Final and a King of Fighters... and they're all 2D.

    As for the next round of console wars, the reality is that the PS3 will probably remain on top.  It's not so much about launch or who comes out first/last (PS2 actually came out second, after Dreamcast, and the PS2 probably had the worst launch ever until the N-Gage came along)... it's simply marketing + installed base.  Consumers have the perception that Nintendo is for kiddies.  Meanwhile, PSX had a large installed base, PS2 has a huge installed base, and as long as there'll be Madden and GTA on PS3, a lot of people are going to buy the PS3 even if it's absolute crap.

    As for the PSP, I'd almost go so far as to say they have a different market than the GBA.  The GBA SP is a mere $99, and is solid as a rock.  I'll be the first to admit that I love mine, but I'll also testify that younger children play with Gameboys more than any other system, including the home consoles.  With at least a $250 price tag, the PSP isn't going to get into that market anytime soon.  They hope to get the same audience that the N-Gage failed to grab... and unless they price the PSP carefully, are more selective with the design and features, and have the right balance between processor and battery life, the PSP will probably fail at it too, at least in North America.  The situation in Japan, were almost everyone is spending ridiculous ammounts of time riding public transportation, is somewhat different, but in America I think we prefer high-end games on PCs or home consoles, and just need a handheld on the crapper... and the GBA fits that role nicely.  The only things I can think of that the PSP will have going for it are the fact that the PS3 will supposedly play PSP games out of the box, and a rumored remake of Symphony of the Night.

    Unless you are seriously drunk.... R-Type is not 2D. Its a side scroller shooter... not a 2d game. Can you look at R-Type and then Street Fighter and tell me they have the same type of graphics? Gradius V is the same deal. The graphics there are the key. Its not about being 2D... its about how many polygons on screen at the same time.

    As for Megama Collection... once again I fell obligated to point out the key word there.... "BUNDLE". It happened with the KOF release for the PS2, and it seems like its going to happen with the Street Fighter release.

    If thats not the case... explain why SCEA refuses to allow anymore SNK games for a US PS2 release? Why did they refuse to allow the YS collection to be released? (other then being an extremely poor port)

    As for the PS3 remaining on top.... I'm not betting all my money on it. Why? The PS2 is a weak hardware... its even weaker then the DC, which was released a few years before it. Why is it on top? 1-it can play PSX games, which gives it a huge library (how else can you explain the fact that the PS2 survived with a first year of nothing by mediocre games?). 2- it was out 1 year before the competition. Had it been released alongside the GC and the XBox... it wouldn't be the first one. 3-Its first because MS failed to attract the japanese market. Without japanese software, the Xbox isn't going anywhere. As for Nintendo? They are stubborn, and thats going to be their undoing. For every good decision they make, they make 100 bad decisions. Trust me, if the PS3 is first place... it won't be an easy battle like it was this generation. And I seriously hope all those Blu-Ray (or whatever) rumors are false. Otherwise, games are going to get seriously expensive.

    As for the PSP... its going to fail. Different market? I doubt it, unless Sony decides to market it as anything but a portable system, which removes it completly from any video game related discussion. If the design being shown everyone online is the real design.... I feel sorry for whoever buys it. The PSP looks like the most fragile thing I have ever seen. And those button... ugh!

    One thing you can expect from Sony... the PS3 will have their trademark piss poor design, and it will break at the slightest touch. The same thing with the PSP. Seriously.... knowing sony track record.... I expect the PSP to break at the slightest bump.

    PS. Square left Nintendo not because of the format.... but because Nintendo controlled the 3rd parties like dictators, and charged a truckload to let games be made for their platform. 3rd pts jumped boats.... because Sony offered more humane conditions, that didn't require some sort of blood pact.

    PPS. The PSP will never burry the GB... because unlike home consoles.... Nintendo actually cares about the handheld market. Its what has been keeping them afloat since the N64 days.

  4. Bullshit alert. :rolleyes:

    Ace Combat 4 is one of the most entertaining games to be released yet, and the best game out of the PS2s mediocre lineup. Ace Combat 5 is going to be awsome.

    Now excuse me while I got burn my copy of Sidewinder (Lethal Skies). B))

  5. I got mine a few weeks ago.... its really an awsome kit. At first I thought it would be kind of loose because it had no screws... but everything fits tightly enough to not require them.

    My only problem with is.... the model will not hold the buster rifle pointing straight ahead. <_<

  6. Maximum Impact was only created because SCEA refuses to allow 2D games to be released in US (while in Japan, Sony has nothing against them). No wonder its exclusive, SOny is probably trying to save them the head ache of SNK fans completly abandoning the PS2 now that every single SNK release is getting an Xbox port.

    But Capcom doesn`t think as SCEA because Capcom is BRINGING STREET FIGHTER III to the states :


    Its funny because... it doesn't really matter. No game is released without SCEAs approval. If the bundle is being released... is because Sony approved it. Capcom can't simply will a game to be released.... its SCEA that decides everything. Thats how things work now, and thats how things worked back in the SNES and NES days. Thats why Nintendo got such a bad rep back then.

    And remember.... simply because SCEA is stopping all matters of 2D games, doesn't mean every 2D game will not be released in the US. Remember... SCEA disaproved every single SNK PS2 game in the US... and yet they let that KOF bundle be released in the US.

    I think the key word there is bundle. <_<

  7. Well they're only in one episode. You have to admit that the Red guy was cool with his Macross-esque helmet.

    They were on for quite a few episodes BTW. They first showed up on the episode where the bronze saints first find out Saori is Athena. Then show up when Shiryu gets blind. They show up when Ikki goes back to Death Queen island. And they show up the last time when Shun goes missing right before they depart to the Sanctuary.

  8. This is supposed to give the Russians fighters an edge, but at the same time losing speed for an adversary to take advantage of.

    In AC4 the AI really has a bad habit of mis-timing that move presenting you with the most beautiful target you ever saw.

    The AI in AC4 was pretty bad. The dogfighting boiled down to spinning around till the AI go tired and left itself open for 2 missiles. Either that... or spam the high manuverability missiles and watch all AI jets drop. <_<

    Even on escort missions... the AI didn't seem to want to attack the targets. Not that I hated that... because I honestly hate escort missions.

    AC3 wasn't bad at all... but the US version was. The japanese version had branching story lines. The gameplay though.... felt way too stiff for my taste (specially in the space mission)

  9. i just played ace combat 3, was fun but like all console games, is not very realistic, i saw a review of lock on: modern air combat and they said that it is so realistic that you spend 1 month just to learn how to fly with one plane. i still dont have it because i dont know if it will run fine with my computer. anyone played it?

    Well... AC3 is the most unrealistic of all 4 AC games. Space jets? Fighters that use beam guns instead of vulcans? Yep... it has it all. It even has a geafront sequence where you have to fly in an extremely tight place.

    Not only that.... but the gameplay is light years behind that of AC4.

  10. Let's hope Arc System Works keeps Guilty Gear in 2D.

    The next Guilty Gear game is supposed to be 3D (not talking about the X series).

    And from a few pics I saw from this game.... Maximum Impact seems a bit too similar to DoA (artistically), and DoA is a mediocre fighting game.

    Maximum Impact was only created because SCEA refuses to allow 2D games to be released in US (while in Japan, Sony has nothing against them). No wonder its exclusive, SOny is probably trying to save them the head ache of SNK fans completly abandoning the PS2 now that every single SNK release is getting an Xbox port.

  11. damn, no more campaign give aways!!  cuz i'm not in japan and I don't know anybody who is.

    and yah, what Abombz!! said...he's referred to as Roshi by everybody in the beginning.  and I didn't remember his real name until you said.

    Removable hair? Or maybe just update the design and turn them into tiaras/masks once and for all. Only Aries and Taurus would be a problem. Considering that big home Aphrodites almost never wore his helmet.

    is that word meant to be homo?

    I don't remember much from the comics, but at least half the chars have helmets instead of headbands :p right? well, as long as they make Saga look nice...it's all good.

    any word if they're going to make some of the new gold figures into the hades figures?

    Well.... some of the helmets could very easily be turned into masks or tiaras. Just about every Golden Saint, except for Aioria, Miro, Kamus, Death Mask and Aioros, wore helmets. Considering they have been using removable hair for the bronze saints.... it might be the answer to the Golden Saints too.

    I wonder how far Bandai is planning on going with this line... I wouldn't mind God Warriors, Sea Shoguns and dark saints. ^_^

  12. damn, no more campaign give aways!!  cuz i'm not in japan and I don't know anybody who is.

    and yah, what Abombz!! said...he's referred to as Roshi by everybody in the beginning.  and I didn't remember his real name until you said.

    Removable hair? Or maybe just update the design and turn them into tiaras/masks once and for all. Only Aries and Taurus would be a problem. Considering that big homo Aphrodites almost never wore his helmet.

  13. I wonder if Libra will come with a mini figure of roshi.   :D

    It's the first time I heard this name, "Roshi". Is Roshi the american name ? Beacause the japan name is "Dohko" for the Libra Saint. In the french version, this is "vieux maître" (old master), a kind of Yoda. :rolleyes:

    There is a rumor in France launched by a french animation magazine, who has good contacts in Japan. With the liitle thumbs on the box like that : t4_18.jpg, we could win the armor Seiya has in a short sequence in the new movie Tenkai-Hen, whick look a little like the Odin suit.

    But I don't want to affirm this, cause maybe it's just a rumor and I'm not sure for the goods with these thumbs...

    Roshi is how Shiryu refers to Dohko 99% of the time. It means like ancient master or something. We don't really hear his name untill the Hades saga, so calling him Roshi is as valid as calling him Dohko. :)

    Wait... isn't the last movie just the ending of the Hades saga? Wouldn't that cloth simply be the Pegasus God cloth? :huh:

    Because it sure as hells looks cooler then yet another variation of the old pegasus cloth. <_<

  14. -1/48 VF1s

    OMG! So I'm not the only one?

    You must have the other piece to this amulet?

    *holds up half-completed amulet*


    The VF1J was pretty nice, but not nice enough to warrant the money spent on it.

    The others? They were not good. I was specially pissed at how bad they screwed up my beloved VF1S. And those hands... ugh. And how cheap they feel.... double ugh. <_<

  15. Question... anyone got past the first Chopper battle? My game freezes when I go up to get the long bow, and the system gives me a read disc error. Maybe its impersonating a PS2 or something, but the CD is not scratched and the system works fine with everyother game.

    Is my copy broken or is it a bug? :blink:

  16. -Drakengard- yet another one of Squares "gems". <_<

    That bad? I guess I'll wait until its 19.99 or lower lol

    Imagine Dynasty Warriors.... now strip it of everything that makes the series even remotely fun, now add Panzer Dragoon to the mix, but strip it of everything that made it remotely fun. Now add Evangelion to it, but strip its story of any coherence (as if it was really necessary).

    Now, put all that in a game engine that would be a shame to look at even 10 years ago, along with stiff gameplay, bad voice acting and fighting the same enemies over and over again.... and you get Drakengard.

    But what pisses me off so much... is that Square, that can compose master pieces of music like Chrono Cross and FFX OST... managed to produce quite possibily the worst sound track of any game to date. The game has 3 songs, 1 for the intro, 1 for all the lvs, and 1 for menu. <_<

  17. -1/48 VF1s

    -Yammie Qrau- as a fan of the design... I can honestly say, this is nothing to look at.

    -KS ZZ Gundam (can't even hold the damn gun. Bandai really needs to learn how to panel line plastic and not make it look like ass)

    -GFF AUEG Gundam MKII (I swear, who every designed the armor, was drunk)

    -Plastic Zeta Models (as loose as they can get)

    -1/72 YF21 (no reason to go beyond the fact that is plain bad)

    -Real armor Saint Seiya (a couple more months, and the Seiya figure won't even stand on its own anymore)

    -Aoshima Mazinkaiser (love the figure, but the Shin Getta figure had a fair amount of articulation, the Mazinkaiser has none)

    -PG Gundam MKII (once, I cursed the PG Wing metal frame, but after building this POS, there no way I'm ever buying a PG without full metal frame)

    -Drakengard- yet another one of Squares "gems". <_<

    -Nintendo 64- if I had known that Nintendo would release the N64 Zeldas on the Game Cube, I would've skipped this POS system

    -Soul Reaver 2- they stripped the sequel of everything that made the original fun. I swear, ppl should be shot for releasing action RPGs without cool boss battles.

    -Mega Man Network Transmission- I'm still waiting for Capcom to release a decent Mega Man game ever since Megaman 2/3 came out. <_<

  18. I played this game for a good part of last night to get the feel of it. So far my only beef is the camera. I the difficulty is a welcome change. Most games lately seem to have been pussified from their originals and very easy. This game is the opposite. Did bring abck fond memories when I played the original trilogy and how happy I was when I had beat them all. They were all very hard but easy to master once you learned the pattern of enemies appeared and moved in. So far this one is turning out quite the same.

    Abombz, thanks for the tips the other day. So far the game hasn't sucked but you were right about the story. Ninja nonsense!

    I think I might have been a little picky on my review. The game isn't bad, but its not the greatest action game ever, by any stretch of imagination. The graphics are still pretty lack luster, Hayabusa doesn't walk like a ninja, and the over all game feels like a trainwreck between Onimusha and Devil May Cry.

    As far as challenge goes.... the game is easy period. I went back and restarted the game, and I went through the first 3 stages without being hit. Black Spider Ninjas? They are a joke!! All you have to do is block their combos untill they freeze for 5 seconds (like every enemy), and do an air combo finishing with izuna drop. Not only will you kill the particular ninja, you will also severely dmg the ninjas that are caught in the drop blast. The only thing that makes the game hard is the fact that Hayabusa can't take any dmg before crying for his mom. I don't even know why they put a health bar in that game.

    IMO the toughest enemies are the black soldiers with shields, since you can't always block them and they can grab you. And the enemies get much easier as the game progresses.... the zombies are a joke, and so are the fiends. The SWAT soldiers are easy preys to the flail, 2 hits is enough to decapitate most of them.

    The bosses? Only the big breasted pink demon lady presented a challenge. The rider was easy to beat, all you had to do was kill the magic ninjas and use the charge attack against him. The fat guy.... flying ssparrow his ass to death. The giant zombie dragon was pretty easy too.

    The controls.... they are ok. Some of the moves are really hard to do, like the flying sparrow that I seem to do out of sheer dumb luck. Aiming the bow is a pain too. As for the camera... I don't understand why ppl complain about it. Can't see the enemies? Then you are not paying much attention since the camera always moves funny when an enemy is nearby.

    Greatest action game ever? Sorry.... the first Devil may Cry eats this game raw any time any day. <_<

  19. Why should you consider the PS2 over the Xbox? 1 simple thing. When the PS3 is out, you will be able to play PSX and PS2 games on it. When the Xbox 2 is out..... you will play.... nothing, because it won't be backwards compatible. <_<

    Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance ( メタルギアソリッド2 )

    Konami, 2002

    Rated M (Mature) for graphic violence, mature situations and mild language.

    MGS2 got mixed reviews when it first hit the PS2, mainly because not everyone wanted to play Raiden. The XBOX version gives fans what they want: playing the second half of the game as Snake. Plus, Substance has more training levels and more fun with the ever-popular Ninja. A

    I would like to point this out..... MGS2: Substance was also released on the PS2 with the same features.... but with better optimization then the Xbox.

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