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Posts posted by Berttt

  1. I think a better challenge is for John to consider a conversion kit for a VF-1 Armored GERWALK in 1/72 scale!

    Now that would be as rare a subject as his 1/72 Monster was! B))

    JHohn didn't do the Monster - that was Mike Salzo

  2. I'll just say it here, filter and all: I'm prone to rubbing off as an apeface. I'm not good at sugarcoating, all right?

    So the fact that you are your a juvenile who can't use the King's English without being insulting is everybody else's fault?

    Take some responsibility.

  3. Good points. T

    hough I think it would be pretty tough to get rid of most of those seams. That said modern "slide mould" technology would fix that though I am not sure Hase would invest that mich in an anime kit. Maybe if it was the thirtieth iteration of a Tiger tank but not a VF-1 :)



  4. Hasegawa could learn a lot from Bandai.

    I distinctly remember WM Cheng saying that the Bandai 1/100 EX Yukikaze static kits were a pig to build compared the Hasegawa static kits. And the Bandai ones were released after.

    Lets compare apples to apples shall we. Hasegawa stuff is not "Gunpla" and for a dying hobby scale modelling is spoilt with an awful lot of new kits released every year - not forgetting the awesome Finemolds SW stuff.

  5. Let's face it, modeling for the most part as we know it is dead. It used to be that you really work to achieve a great look. Then Bandai came along, and came up with ways to make great looking, high detail kits which with a little more effort through washes/markers/minor paint apps look incredible. Not saying that's a bad thing at all, if it makes for a better kit than great. However, I can't count how many times I've heard people say they don't want to build Hasegawa's because their not variable. This is the future of models, toy meets kit with high detail results, and what's not to love about that? It started with the variable 80's kits, and evolved...and I for one am glad it did.

    Hasegawa really needs to get into the 21st century. With less and less interest in "real" kit building (I use the term "real" loosely, see the 1/48 MF valk thread that became a Bandai model kit vs. Standard model kit debate) they HAVE to evolve. This means they have 2 choices IMO, one, take a risk and start making kits that compliment toy lines that there are no toys for in the same scale (Regults, Glaugs, etc.), or the safer bet and one I'd like to see, take the Bandai approach to kit design, but keep they're high detail standards. I have no doubt after building the Reactive armored 0S they could do a great kit. Too bad I don't think we'll see it. I pre-ordered the YF-19, I figure for 50 bucks I'll give it a shot, and if I hate it, oh well. If I'm not blown away though, and it's just a 1/72 version scaled up, I won't be buying another.

    Thats right don't try and learn anything - just bitch and whine because you can't have it handed to you on a plate.

    Get some skills boy, your gum flappin has the sound of a toy freak to it.

  6. RuskiiVF, sorry man but I am going to have to cancel. I have just gotten home after a month deployed and have some catching up to do WRT house that my wife and I are building. The work thing was a bit of a shaft and I looked at trying to squeeze it in ut its a no go go - sorry man.

    I was really looking forward to it as well, but I hope the rest of you guys have a great time.



  7. You know I can understand most of these requests (even the crazy wish-list ones) but I can't get my head around this one.

    The kitbash gerwalk (using Hase kits) is so easy to do and at around $60 it's less expensive than a resin conversion kit would be, plus afterward you've got some great bits left over for your spares box.

    I disagree. I have seen the Hasegawa battroid/fighter Gerwalk kitbashes and haven't been impressed for the most part. Now I am not picking the builders here, but I can't get past the massive gap that you get at the feet, nor the awkward knee joint. A solid resin conversion kit would give some much needed weight to the legs making the kit stable too. I have a partially finished conversion kit in the works - I just need to finish it off and get it cast.

  8. But MT, Prime is real. :angry: All the Autobots are. I see cars with their logo all the time. A few months back I saw a Decepticon disguised as a Toyota. I would have rammed it but I was uninsured :(

    Decepticons should be wiped out since they have no self respect. I saw one the other day disguised as a clapped out Daewoo.

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