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Posts posted by Gaijin

  1. Ok, so I finally set my system up online. Now that I'm here, what do you people recommend I do? There's a ton of stuff to look at and I could see myself spending alot of time in the store...

    I'd get a few of the PSN downloads:

    Pixeljunk Monsters

    Super Stardust HD


    Wipeout HD

    Super SFII Turbo (if you don't have it)

    The Last Guy

    Bionic Commando Rearmed(if you don't have it)

    Pixeljunk Shooter

    Fat Princess

    Savage Moon

    Ratchet and Clank Future: The Quest for Booty

    There are a bunch of PSOne games...

    And I really like the Pulse download videos...

    Free Themes and demos.

    There's a lot to play with and see.

  2. It seems this board tends to hate nearly everything especially movies. And will try to make you see WHY you shouldn't like something. Pointing out the similarities between Avatar and the plot of films before it, does not make you clever or smart either. People liked this film, and it did well. Even the "can't they come up with anything new?" crap is old; whenever Hollywood and TV and the game industry try something new, it isn't embraced.

    Dances with Wolves? Sure...how many people born after that film will see Dances with Wolves? Not many. There is a market for it. Whether you're a part of that market is moot. If you aren't, why waste your time?

    That is what I don't get. I don't like toys...I don't go into the toy thread saying how stupid it is to be spending money on plastic spaceships and stuff. It's a hobby for some, and you should be allowed to enjoy it. Some people like different music, different books, different cars, watches, games. It's ok to discuss why you didn't, but people seem to take to the extreme nowadays, and are so proud to tell the board on how bad something people like is. It's like you're Debbie Downer or something.

    Hey, some people juggle geese.

    Edit: fixed weirdo sentence. Thanks Shirokaze

  3. Does anyone have an Android phone? Can anyone explain what the big deal with it is? A friend of mine and I were at the Verizon store the other day, and we both decided to get new phones. He went with the Droid (and he's my third friend and seemingly umpteenth acquaintance to do so); I went with the HTC Touch Pro2. And I just don't get it.

    I mean, the iPhone I understand. Despite its flaws, when it debuted it was a gorgeous and easy-to-use device aimed at general users competing against phones that were often large and clunky business affairs. Blackberry, I get. RIM was already a major player in the smartphone market and has maintained a dedicated following. Even Palm I get. I think webOS looks fantastic, and the primary issue holding it back is that it's only on two unimpressive handsets.

    Yet on sites I read, like Engadget and Gizmodo, Android is often lauded as the best alternative/competition to the iPhone, and Windows Mobile is almost universally derided. Don't get me wrong, I get a lot of the complaints about Windows Mobile. It's true that in it's raw form, even the new 6.5 update isn't what you'd call pretty. And yeah, it's not always finger-friendly. Different developers but their own UIs over top of it, though, and some of them (like TouchFLO) are quite attractive and certainly go a long way toward making WinMo finger-friendly enough. Plus, although not always for novices, Windows Mobile is an open platform, leaving tons of room for further customization and third-party applications.

    What I'm really not getting is why Android gets a pass. It looks good when covered up with a developer UI like Sense, but in the raw it's just as ugly as WinMo. While it's become something of a sport to try to root Android devices to accept third-party apps, out of the box Android is a closed platform. And after screwing around with the Droid for awhile, I'm not seeing any killer features that would make me say that any Android phone is an "iPhone killer."

    I expect that over time Apple will turn out to be their own biggest enemy in the smartphone market. It's current dominance (at least in the American market) forces RIM, Palm, Google, and Microsoft to continue to improve their software while Motorola, LG, Samsung, and HTC continue to improve their hardware. Meanwhile, we get one new iPhone a year retaining a design that's not as sexy as it used to be and adding improvements like MMS that the competition already has. In the meantime, I think as long as you're happy with whatever smartphone you have, be it an iPhone, Android, WinMo, or something else, that's just fine. Whatever works for you. I just don't get why it seems that the internet hates WinMo so much and thinks Android's the best thing since nachos. If anyone with an Android phone could explain it to me, that'd be great.

    People who hate the iPhone need something to embrace. Android is the closest thing. Even though it's not.

  4. sh it im even more confused. But thanks

    I liked Season 1 and the last few episodes of BSG but all the stuff in the middle made me hit the bathroom every 10 min

    In the opening of the show you see caprica and it looks pretty futuristic.

    Also I accepted the Hard Tech look of the battlestars and Vipers. But I didnt accept the real world references to modern day earth. In Serenity

    There was a lot of tech. Yet on the outworlds because of the hard life tech was hard to get and controlled by the fed alliance. Votoms also incorporated hard tech but you could still tell it was a scifi show set far into the future. No im not expecting SW or Pre enterprise ST but they could have done a little more to incorporate a futuristic look for example Suits and ties all look like they were bought at gap and Hugo boss. I think dress would be very different and I would expect something fresh. The few space battles pew pew was cool. Too much drama at the end of S2 and all S3 and S4 until the drama started to make sense at the end. The whole pseudo-pyscho bable between the skin jobs WAS irritating. Lost is good drama, scifi is hard to pull off drama, it can but its difficult and BSG at most times pulled off the wrong drama.

    And I am one of the few that really liked enterprise. It was a great show. A great example of Hard tech approach that looked very real. Instead of beep bop beep boo blinking lights and magic consoles. I expected Holograms to be center stage in the command deck of the BSG battlestar not phones at least a conference center piece SOMETHING WIRELESS comeon PDA. Yeah Yeah Cylons could hack the computers but did all the programers all of a sudden die???

    Thats it the cylons make a virus and game over dont use useful display consoles Holomonitors PDAs. Heck the space mariens from Aliens could have taken control of the battlestar. That was hard tech but dam it was pretty futuristic.

    Anywho I will give Caprica a chance but its looking pretty dim for me. Suits from harry rosan and telephone polls from bangladesh and over acting pre tween 90120 wannabes, next thing we will have a kid in the background watching spongebob square pants


  5. this thing was prohibitive, I remember when i bought my NES for $100 in the late 80's this thing was going for $600 the system and $200 each game. :(

    It was a true arcade system in your home...it was expensive but, oh man if you loved fighters, there was no other way to go except to mess with JAMMA boards.

  6. Pinouts! I remember now!

    I was supposed to say something in there about it being a trivial effort to make a converter, then got distracted by the wholly tangential ROM size thing.

    Since everything except the pinout (and maybe actual physical connector?) is identical, it's a simple passive adapter to convert home carts to arcade carts and vice-versa.

    Just 2 connectors, cross-wired to create the right physical connection on the other side, in much the same vein as the FamiCom->NES adapters found inside several first-run US NES games.

    Stability would pose a hell of a challenge with carts that big, though... maybe that's why adapter boards to stick home carts in arcade boards wasn't a booming business.

    I don't doubt it could have been done....but no one did.

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