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Posts posted by valkyrie312

  1. Well, I changed jobs. I went from an assistant band director (out of 3 directors) to a lead band director with no assistant to help me. It was kind of crazy, so I was basically working to work and working to relax. Yuck! Things have calmed down, so my MW visits have gotten to be more frequent! :)


    In Texas - the land of football and middle / high school band!!!!!!

  2. Howard is macross still in mucho saturation in toy stores there?

    The VF-1 are most certainly saturated. You can still find Banprestos, Bandai 1/55, Yamato 1/60 and 1/48 sitting on shelves gathering dust. Only the very high demand ones like the Low Vis, and VF-1A/S Hikaru are sold out. The VF-1S Roy that everyone was demanding a re-release of is easily found.

    The M+ stuff is pretty much gone though. Only a couple VF-11FP remain. None really flew off the shelves to start with though, it was more of a slow and steady sale volume.

    Howard is it like that all over japan or just the area you are located in? A lot of fans here keep saying "oh yamato's being ignorant oh yamato hates us oh they neglect us now after making money bla bla", so thats why I asked. From what you said, I gather stuff is not exactly flying off shelves.

    With that in mind, I can understand yamato scaling back releases. I mean if the market is saturated, the japanese fandom might want a breath of fresh air rather than buy new macross stuff. Who is to say it would sell? To US hell yea it would, but see guys our fandom on macross world, as big as it may seem, is small compared to the whole fandom in japan. And plus they are the target market, not us.

    Besides with market saturation there is not really a good chance to make mucho profit. Yamato is a small company why would they risk it? I mean I of all people was DESPERATE for a PV VF-0(you guys reember my polls? LOL), and I would love to see all new retools of all 3 macross plus toys, but realistically speaking, if yamato chooses not to for the time being, I don't blame them. I understand why. Doesn't stop me from wanting the "paper airplanes" but hell thats the way it is. No sense in blaming them for not making stuff we want.

    IF they've still got the licenses they procured to begin with, perhaps all this other merchandise non macross is to make profit until saturation wears off(1-2 years?) and then create another resurgence in macross product, considering if a market drought happens inevitably during the time no macross product is released. Don't get me wrong guys, I WANT yamato or hell even bandai to make more stuff, but if they do not I definitely understand. And I understand how a lot of you want the same, it has been a while since a company did good macross stuff, and bandai's lazy ass took too long!

    I can speak for the current Macross saturation in the Kansai area, Kyoto, Kobe and Osaka.

    I used to live in Yokosuka so I am familiar with the toy market near Tokyo. I would speculate that the retail market there has fewer Macross toys in stock, but the secondary resale market has more.

    For more remote areas with less gaijin and fanboy population I would speculate that they have more in stock. Those are the places I have been searching to find Low Vis. And it has worked.

    Now I just need you to find me a Low-Viz. :)

  3. My experience with them was positive, although not without hassles. I ordered the M&M Bandai set for them when they were first becoming hard to find. I got my box in a reasonable amount of time, but when I opened the box, I had Yamato M&M valks (which is great except that's not what I ordered). I e-mailed and called them and finally got the matter resolved, but it was kind of a pain. Just know that they have good stuff, but are hit or miss in the customer service department.


  4. I would love to enter, but I don't think I can come to the Con. I hope that I can get my work there (first, I gotta finish it on time). :) Hopefully, someone can help.


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