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Posts posted by Dax415

  1. On 4/9/2021 at 8:34 AM, Zinjo said:

    It could, 

    My pet idea to shoe horn the series into the main timeline is that M2 takes place on in a colonial system trapped by fold faults for decades.  The only ships to effectively navigate the faults are the PC equipped ships with actual fold quartz and not the fold carbon common in most human made ships.  So when the Mardook arrive in their PC era ships they traverse the faults relatively easily.

    It would explain why the mecha look like derivatives of the original designs as the colony didn't have the engineering expertise found in the federal system.  So their versions were simply derived from what they had when they arrived.  The Macross class ship they had was an escort to the original emigration fleet.  If you look at the environment designs of the cities they look very much like repurposed colony ships that landed on the planet.

    To finally bring it into the continuity, they could animate a sequence with an NMC carrier arriving shortly after the events of the series to "find" them.

    That is how I'd do it.

    I like this idea..... very much along the lines of what I was thinking if it were tied into the main storyline, only more filled out. 

  2. Hi guys, like many others.... loved quite a bit of the mecha eye candy when I first saw it.  Now that we have even further macross shows, I kept wondering how well ,,,,,or perhaps....not so well.... Macross II would do coexisting in the macross lore.  What I was thinking,,,, is that it was actually a pre mega road colony that settled on a planet closely resembling earth in a star system similar to our own.   The fleet.... composed of a SDF class class ship as well as numerous zentran ships eventually get cut off from the rest of humanity.  Wanting a truely new start and to show case how rich earths original culture was.....they simply set out to rebuild the new planet as earth once was before the war.  Which would explain the construction and eventual prolonged use of the Minmei defense system and original style valkyrie mecha against rogue zentraedi fleets.  At least that would be the gist of what I was thinking.  I do realize there are further differences ....such as zentran vs meltran...... but I figured somebody more creative could fill that in, lol.

  3. 13 minutes ago, no3Ljm said:

    Or probably what @Dax415 is pointing out is that you have to beat the owner to possess it like the Elder Wand in HP? That is if I understand correctly his comment.


    Yeah, that's what I was confused with.... especially when Gideon says the sword itself has no energy.... i thought he was saying it was like the elder wand where the sword was only gonna respond to the person who defeated the prior owner in combat.   Thought they were gonna "recent" trilogy it and add a few liberties to the lore of the dark saber.

  4. I was just curious.... at the end of the day, ... Jango and his kin were used as pawns to set up the empire till the original clones essentially expired, got replaced, retired, etc.  Master planning by Palpatine....   Without Jango, Boba is essentially left to fend for himself, and grows up a bounty hunter/merc,  ..... after all this time, how much of the truth is known to Boba?  Did he get involved with Mandalorian politics or is he simply on his own?  There's alot that can be worked with.  As far as I can see, him being a merc and fulfilling those obligations and just outright surviving.... was never strayed away from.  Love this show and how it's drawing from other successful star wars lore.

  5. Looks like they are gonna do a really cool razorcrest.  I couldn't pull the trigger on it either......needed the monies in other areas.  Though I wouldn't be surprised with the popularity of the show that a smaller razorcrest be made or at least a reissue down the road come to fruition.  To those that snatched one up, I'll just appreciate and admire it through whatever postings get put up :hi:

  6. On 10/3/2017 at 7:04 AM, Focslain said:

    So has anyone tried the new Deadlock game yet? Looks good, especially the replay function that allows you to watch the mission like an episode of BSG.

    If turn based strategy games are to your liking + you are a fan of the show..... I highly recommend it.  Be warned, if you've been out of the loop in that gaming genre, there's a bit of a learning curve.  I stuck with it and when I got the hang of things....it was a lot of fun.

  7. Yeah, I'm still looking.... but no longer in need of the Buster Kit.  Wouldn't mind getting a Arcadia 1/60 Valkyrie or even a few things I could use for a 1/48 custom that's been on the back burner as far as projects go.  Just need to collect some parts and have a friend complete the project build.  1/48 Yamato Strike Cannon would be great, side covers and neck piece too. 

  8. I saw that same pic of the transformed Condor, but also remember a member here years ago getting in trouble by "the powers that be" for sharing pics of it (soldier mode of the Condor).  So I didn't want to mistakenly draw attention....  pfft......  Anyway, I rather like the transformed mode and it gives another visual origin of both the tread and legioss's beginnings.  Visually it looks more armored than the legioss and not packing the hard hitting ordinance of the tread.   As if earth was hit when the Condor was simply armo soldier, then it got beefed up a little and could transform.  Somewhere during the development of the rider armors, legioss, and tread.... the inbit got a feel for how our tech worked and developed counter measures, which made them even more effective rather than "superior".

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