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Posts posted by cube

  1. I know WHY it was done.

    It was still a monumentally stupid move.

    killing prime was one of the most memorable moments in any kid's life. it was our version of jfk getting shot in the head. no matter how much hot rod and the other new tfs sucked, that moment made the movie matter

    it took Bambi's mother to a WHOLE new level.

  2. Whelp...just like everyone else, I want a 1/48 Super Millia VF-1J. Mint condition (obviously), all accessories (at least the important ones), don't care about the box, so that'll save on shipping.

    The price: $220 shipped to Canada...That's US dollars, paypalled to your account

    If you want to keep stuff, like the missiles or the fist hands, or hell, even the pilot, we can adjust the price accordingly and go from there. This sucker's destined for a life in Battroid, so armor, gun holder hands, and gunpod are all i really need.

    Sell it now for more than it's worth, then buy a new one when they reissue it (ie, right after I pay, Yamato will announce it's being reished anyways :lol: )

  3. my guess? invisible guy taught lindeman how to control his power...the same power peter has. Lindeman was an average joe, who has gone around collecting other peoples' powers, but since he can control his power better than peter, he keeps the powers he collects...sort of like sylar, but sylar is clearly just a thug in the world of super powers, not a mastermind of any kind. He's more of a juggernaut than a magneto.

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