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Posts posted by cube

  1. Pics?

    ask and you shall receive :)

    with all kibble removed


    just with missiles


    just missiles again


    "riot shield"


    and here's a close-up of the hole the bits leave when you take em out. Big, but hidden away nicely on the back of the arm, so impossible to see from most angles.


    and just for fun: Prowl on Prowl :p



  2. AWESOME. That is exactly what I was going to try to do when I get Bulkhead. I'm very happy to hear it can be done without any cutting.

    As for the hole, would it be too big to place a white star sticker over?

    The hole is a 3cm x 1cm rectangle, so it's pretty big. With the arms turned a bit you can't see it at all though. It would be pretty easy to fill as well, if you really wanted to cover it up....a strip of styrene painted olive or black and you wouldn't know there was a hole at all.

    If you leave the plating in, but remove the missiles, there is only a small hole (under a cm diameter) in the plating, so it looks like the window in a riot shield.

    As a 3rd option, the slot in the arm is rectangular but there is a circular part in the middle, so you can actually remove the plating and plug the missiles straight into the arm.

    I also ended up taking out the saw blade, so it looks like he has 2 normal hands. I cut the tab between the thumb and fingers in the saw hand as well, so the blade can slide in and out if I decide I want it in for some reason.

  3. decided i didn't like all the kibble hanging off my leader class bulkhead's arms today, so i too them apart to see how it all attaches. Turns out you can take all the kibble stuff off, remove a couple pins and a screw, and put the rest of the arm back together. This leaves you with the normal arm (with a rather unsightly hole in the back...easily hidden, but not ideal), and the option to friction fit the plating/shield bits with or without the missiles (these also friction fit). Everything holds together tightly on mine and it looks a helluva lot closer to the cartoon version without all the crap hanging off the arms...looks pretty cool with the plating on one arm without the missiles too...kinda like a riot shield.

  4. most of the characters i like seem to fit into your autobot scale JT, so that one works well for me. I'll have to pop out to the local toys r us and see what I can find today.

    and mike...haven't seen any lugnuts or grimlocks up here yet (Vancouver, Canada), but Bulkhead, megs, and starscream are everywhere. Toys r us and walmart both had a ton of em.

  5. cool, i'll check out activators bb. I usually do all my toys in robot and vehicle mode, so will probably pick up a voyager bulkhead to display in vehicle...like the looks of it better and it's a more reasonable size.

    My toys r us shelves sound similar to yours...tons of arachnias and ratchets, plus voyager megs, bulkhead, and starscream...no sign of lugnut though. Don't really like his colors anyways, and apparently scale-wise, he's way too small.

  6. finally broke down and picked up animated leader megs and leader bulkhead...and now I'm hooked :/ The problem is I want to make sure I get the figs in the correct size in relation to the leader ones I've got now (if possible), so they line up as close to the show as possible...having never actually seen the show, I look to the experts for help.

    So, what I'm thinking is:

    Leaders: Megs, Bulkhead, Ultra Magnus

    Voyagers: Prime, Grimlock

    Deluxe: Bumblebee, Prowl

    any thoughts? :)

  7. :lol: Had hundreds of toys in my life and never broken one...except for one of every yamato toy i've owned: 1/60 backpack hinge, 1/48 backpack hinge, and my vf-11's hips eventually broke when I shipped it.

    garlands, -0As, tab Bs...it's almost mandatory that something is prone to snapping with everything they release.

    hopefully this shoulder is just a freak accident

  8. im thinking....since the vajra seem to be controlled by someone else, that the more they have in the battle, the less "skilled" they are. So there may be a limited number of controllers. Have a few of them attacking and they can put all their attention into avoiding missiles and fighting, put hundreds in and the controller's attention is split between multiple units, making them individually less effective.

  9. yea, i got regular goku from etoys, ss goku from bbts, and haven't decided where to get piccolo and gohan from yet.

    i'm with you on the man-doll thing too :) robots are "respectable", but once you get into things with clothes, it gets a LITTLE creepy :p These just look SO good though. I hope medicom doesn't get the license for Naruto too, cause that would end up costing me another small fortune. Don't know how the star wars collectors do it :/

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