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Posts posted by Jin_Kune_Do

  1. Weee!! thanks alot..

    I have another question. In regards to the PG Gundam kits. Which Gundams in the PG do you think has really good detail and quality. The "W Gundam Zero Custom" being one of the coolest, are there other types i should look for?

    Sorry for the many questions, there are so many Gundams, and im particularly interested in the PG series cause i get the impression that its the "1/48" of Gundams. So i would just like to know what other kits within the PG series are really worth getting.

    So what else to add to the list?

    W Gundam Zero Custom?

    All of the gundams in the PG line?


  2. Hey Haterist

    I did some "weathering" with my VF-1J too.

    If you are looking for a safe and easy way of doing some panel lines, i suggest you use a 0,5 pencil. Smalle if possible. Then just fill in the lines, and to get that "Used" and more realistic "dirty" look. Then just wipe ur finger aross the lines (with the airflow) and thats it.

    You might wanna take a piece of paper, then really scribble alot on a smal part of the paper, so the lead from the pencil is really think and black, then take an eraser and then rub it on the paper till the eraser is really black.

    Then you select certain parts on your valk, that you wanna dirty up...then smudge/rub the eraser with the airflow against the panel lines. If you want more acurate dirty effect then use the finger :p

    Or you can simply try to erase certain panel lines, that you think is too thick with the eraser and you can get a more dirty Valk that way too :)

    In any case the 0,5 pencil and eraser thing is a safe way of doing panel lines and giving it a dirty effect, and if you mess up then you can always wash it off with some warm water with soap.

    Hope this helps.


  3. Hey guys, thanks for the help.

    The reason why im asking is that my GF is in the Phillipines for the moment, and i want her to get me a few of those HUGE Gundams ive seen some members in here have.

    Since i dont have any modeling skills, i was hoping that those "big ones" are the so-called snap-ons with alot of articulation (from what i could understand from (gundamofficial.com Skill level 4)

    Anyways i just need to ask you, is this kit one of the big bad ones with lots of articulation :p uh huh me wants a Big Bad Huge Detailed Gundam with snap ons, is this one of those? :p



  4. Hey All

    I hope you can all shed some light on this question. Ive been wondering about this thing since i meet my GF who is introduced me to Gundam. Ive been looking at several pictures and websites and finally today www.toy-wave.com and i really cant make any sense of it.

    What are the differences between these different kits? Are they models or toys?

    MG (Master Grade)



    PG (Perfect Grade)

    Ms In Action

    Fix Gundam

    SD Gundam (Super Deformed)


    Also are these kits the same as the ones on the american Gundam Site "Gundam Official" are those and these the same "snap on kits"?

    Hope you can help.


  5. Also FYI some members in MW have already done some customising on the Yamato 1/60 Valks in JetFire color.

    I think a few others are secretly planning in doing a custom work on the 1/48 scale Valks. Its just a matter of time when that will happen.

    If you ask me....the best line to collect Valkyries in, is the 1/48 line. Since its the most detailed and best transforming toy to date that can live up to the Macross VFs.


  6. Yo Kyron!

    ....hehe your not the only convert in here :) I too was the Robotech fan and then i found Macrossworld :D

    I used to wonder for a great many years, why no one ever continued "Robotech" Why did it just stop? And like you, i loved the Macross Saga more then anything else in Robotech. Suddenly when i entered Macrossworld, that Macross didnt stop...its been going on ever since :p i was just fooled by HG.

    You have done well my young Padawan B)) ...welcome to Macrossworld.


  7. Well for the record, here is a list of the buying options that is available. So everyone is on the same page.

    - Jin


    1. Robotech "Single DVD" by ADV. Each DVD contains 6 episodes.

    2. Robotech "DVD Box Set" by ADV. Includes 2 "single DVD" and 1 DVD with extra material. Comes in a special color box (blue, red, green)

    3. "Complete Collection DVD Box Set" by ADV contains all of the single DVDs. This set includes the DVDs only, and does not come with the "Single DVD" case art. The set does NOT includes the "Extra Material" DVDs either.

    4. "Robotech Remastered Extended DVD Box Set" by ADV There are 3 volumes. Comes in a new design box art for each volume.

    5. "Macross DVD Complete Set" by AnimEigo.

  8. Well...as for me, the best solution is the 0,5 pencil. Use that with an eraser, then you can get panel lines and the dirty/weathered look by smudging the eraser on the panel line. Rememver to do it on specific panels, like acces panels etc, to give it a more real "dirty" look on specific areas.

    Then if you dont like it you can always wash it off with soap. Its simple, cheap and safe too. The only downside with the 0,5 pencil is that you tend to over weather the panels.

    Just my two cents.


  9. Hey zeo-mare

    From what i heard, its a bad idea to use black color for panel lining. It makes it looks too "catnonish" well that was what i read. I use a black panel line too on my of my broken jetfire, and its true...too cartonish for me.

    The gray color is in my opinion much better. If you are gonna do it right, then from what i remembered, the Sakura 0,01 tecnical pen is the one to use.


  10. Hey eyesonme78

    Well i did the same thing. I used a 0,5 pencil and did all the panel lines on my 1/48s and i must say, it does look more real. I wish i had the skills of some of the members here to really make my 1/48s look like the real deal nor do i have the money for it, so i use this option.

    If you ask me, i think the Valks looks better with gray panel lines. If you use the 0,5 pencil option, then you can smudge the lines, giving it a "dirty" or "weathered" effect.

    I was planning in getting a 0,01 technical pen, but was unable to find one here in Denmark. So i ended up buying another kind. But couldnt make myself do it on a 120+ toy :)

    Hope the info helped.


  11. Well. i donno about you guys. But i still feel lucky to own most of the 1/48 series. I mean comparing to the this new product that is comming out, i would rather spend money on a new 1/48 then money on this VF-0S.

    Be it Macross Plus, Macross Zero or whatever...i would (personally) rather spend money on a "true to anime" transformable 1/48 line like the VF-1 line. Which has a better sculpting, better articulation and better detail. Then on the 1/100 line, which is for me, so off mark that i dont feel its worth buying.

    Feels like the 80s transformers again, where almost all of the transformers didnt even look close to the anime transformers. So unless yamato makes a 1/48 VF-0S (asuming they stick to the acuracy in transformation, sculpting as they did win the VF-1 line) then im not getting wasting my money on this.

    Just my two cents.


  12. Does anyone know how many different charecters you can chose in the game? Or can one simple "create" ones own charecter?

    Pictures of the different charecters would be really appreciated. The reason for asking is that, i think it would be cool to play a team of STARS or an RPD team.

    So if you got pics or info...please post.


  13. Well i have a little baby sister, 5 year old, and she started showing interest in my 1/48s after she saw a few episodes of Robotech with me. :)

    She was so curious about my Valks, so that she wanted to play with em :) But she knew that its an expensive toy. But i always tell her when i get new Valks and she always gets the chance to unpack the ones im gonna put stickers on.

    Well anyways i decided to give her my old Transformers Jetfire, it was pretty beat up, but she was glad. I gave her my Jetfire, so she wouldnt be so fixated on my Valks, but would instead play with her own Valk. Worked pretty well, and now she is passed that phase, and my valks are safe :)''


  14. Thanks for the info guys.

    Im no wizz on military tactics and so forth, but from what ive seen from the tv series, plus some additional reading on (now dont flame me) the "Robotech" and the "Attension On Deck" novels, ( and i know they arent "canon") Ive just got the impression that they situations a pilot faces, is complet chaos. I just figured it would be a real nightmare for the average "Brown" VF-1A guys.

    So it made me ask if the headlasers are an effective weapon or not.

    -Jin ;)

  15. I was only refering to the VF-1 series. I had gotten the impression that the Headlasers werent really that effective. And that the GU-11 was the weapon that was used most (after the missils loads are depleted)

    I cant remember that tread it was, but i read that the GU 11 could only fire up to 10-20 seconds before the ammo is used up. That would be kinda scary for the pilot, foremost since he cannot reload the gunpod in the field, meaning he has to return to the SDF-1, leaving him defenseless in the field (asuming that the headlasers are that weak and basicly worthless)

    So this means that the headlasers are powerful enuff so the pilot can still continue to fight, dispite that the GU-11 and missils loads are depleted?


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