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Posts posted by Ork_dreadnought

  1. On 2/9/2021 at 5:22 PM, GabrielV said:

    Sadly, I know nothing about The Mecha Hack.  I've heard of it, but that's about it.  Could you explain some of the basics?


    Its based around a very stripped down version of Dungeons and Dragons, where you roll under a stat on a D20.  The intent is that you can generate a character is under five minutes, and a DM could throw together a scenario in about the same time. Mecha can attempt two actions in a turn, although if you repeat one, you have to roll your Reactor die to avoid running out of fuel. This has a degrading mechanic, i.e. roll badly and a d6 becomes a d4.  Characters are treated as a combination of pilot and mecha, in a race/class sort of way.

    Here's a video of it in play.


  2. Hi there!

    I recently completed a minor lifegoal, and figured out a relatively clean way to run a Macross-flavoured RPG. If you'll excuse an act of flagrant act of self-promotion, this homebrew can be found here. This is based around The Mecha Hack, a minimalist ruleset itself based off 1st edition D&D. If you want to run a game, and not spend an excessive amount of time on paperwork, I can recomend it and the other "Black Hack" related games.




  3. I just noticed your post, sorry.

    That's a very bad review, by the way. The guy hasn't read the instructions and so hasn't figured how to lock the wing assembly into place in Battroid mode, then concludes that there isn't one and it's just supposed to be all floppy.

    EDIT-- If it was locked properly, the arms would NOT move along when you swing the wing up and down like he is doing in the video.

    The toy is very well designed and yeah, there may be a few problems because of the level of intricacy, but I highly reccommend it.

    Thanks, duly noted.

  4. I got an Alto in the post yesterday. A few comments:

    1) This is the most durable feeling toy I've brought since, well, a chunky monkey (well, a Jetfire, 20+ years ago).

    2) Posability is decent, not great, thanks to the leg design.

    3) Its likeness isn't spot on, in comparison to the CG, but I only noticed that when I deliberately went looking for flaws. It's beauty otherwise.

    I think what is causing the contraversy with these toys is a difference in design philosphy between Bandai and Yamato. Bandai seems to being going for "toy", whereas, from what I've observed, Yamato makes display pieces. This is a uninformed opinion though, as I have yet to get a Yammie, so please forgive the sweeping generalisation, I'm just going from what I've read here.

  5. It is the final boss or last stage enemy.

    Looking at it. It is presumably Zentradi. But I can't make heads or tails if it is piloted or an unmanned like a ghost. In M3 it is the last enemy you'll face. It appears M3 was trying to one up the last boss of VF-X2.

    Ah, that explains the vibe I was getting from it. Its definately more video game in style than Macross.

  6. I'm just going to stick this question here, even though I'm not technically a newbie. Now that Frontier has finished, is there a consensus as to which group produced the best fansubs for it? By "best" I mean the most accurate, and truthful to the source material. Thanks.

  7. HLJ/Overdrive/Angolz. I've received items from all three of them with no problems. Overdrive seems to ship the fastest, and Angolz the slowest (maybe cause they are in HK?) but overall the time difference is nothing compared to the time your package will spend at HM Customs--which seems to hijack my packages at random :p. Don't forget if your package gets held up at Customs, you will have to pay at least 15% VAT+ processing fee

    Thanks, I hadn't heard of Overdrive and Angloz

  8. Well, if you can't get it through YouTube, download the torrent for an episode and put it in whatever you need it for. Windows Media can play MKVs, just not the subtitles.

    I did consider that as a plan B, but I also holding out hope of someone knowing where a handy direct download of just the intro was. Thanks for taking the time to respond though, I appreciate it.

  9. I'm going to hijack this thread with a plea for help. I apologise for this, but I've got a problem which is driving me batty. I've been trying to find a clip of either of the Frontier intros, but all I can see on youtube is very badly pixellated. Can anybody point me to a good link?

    Thanks, and sorry for spamming.

  10. I thought the lust for power in the Frontier era was strikingly different from all the rest because, from what we know so far, the leadership of an entire human fleet openly rebelled against the NUNS. Now that I think about it, the actions of the Grace and her Galaxy Fleet hive mind are oddly similar to Anti-U.N. forces of Macross Zero. Their mecha have some similarities and they both tried to use an alien artifact/species to meet their goals. Coincidence?

    All things being equal, its a little surprising that rebellion, and infighting over alien technology hasn't happened more often. The assorted fleets and colonies are separated by vast distances and represent self-contained nations. It would be enevitable that these would seek independance for one reason or another. NUNS is afterall, distant ruler, detached from your world and appearently oblivious to your needs. I don't think we've ever seen NUNS (or the post UN Macross government) actively oppress anyone, but even if they did, they don't really have the ability to control things by force. It wouldn't take much for a mild resentment to turn into a full fledged rebellion, or for a military coup to escape immediate retaliation. Part and parcel of this would be the assorted protoculture relics, which could easily tip the balance of power. If an anti-UN faction got its hands on a Factory Satellite, for example, whoo-boy. I wonder if NUNS official policy on this is let everyone do their own thing, and only get involved when there is no other option, as being heavyhanded would be counter productive.

    Thinking about it, the only situation where I see NUNS bigwigs charging in and throwing their weight around, would be "first contact" type situations, such as Zentradi fleet joining humanity out of the blue, and the aftermath of Frontier.

  11. It's Gallia IV. The rock arc in the background is the same one in the canyon where they found the Global wreck. It's somewhat a plot hole nobody cared to go back to salvage the wreck until Ep. 24.

    I'm more surprised it was actually still recognisable.

    On the whole, it was a good ending to a good series. Nice characters, good animation, beatiful music. The downside? Well I found the plot to be rather weak in comparison with the rest of the series. I found speculating about it more interesting that what was actually revealed.

  12. I just watched episode 24. I'm still confident of a kill-em-all ending, though I doubt Alto is actually dead.

    I'd also like to say that time has made this thread completely redundant. It seems that every possibly plot that I had dismissed as too obvious or cliched seems to have been confirmed (Ranka's brother, Grace an evil scientist, the direct ties to M0, Sheryl all but confirmed as Mao's granddaughter etc). I'm not exactly pleased with that given how much time the series sent being myterious and encouraging speculation.

  13. Ok since the motives and machinations of the Galaxy consipracy are so poorly developed even by this point in Frontier I have only this to say.

    Maybe the reason the Galaxy wants the Vajra controled eliminated is because only the Vajra can see why kids like Cinnamon Toast Crunch so much. Makes as much sense as anything else at this point.

    Yeah, given the uh, "revealations" of late, I really hope that Galaxy and Grace prove to have a surprising motivation.

  14. You know this has been really been bothering me for a while....Who really planted that nest in Island 1? Grace or the First Vajras encountered in Episode 1 and 2. IIRC, during Episode 1 & 2 did'nt the Vajra hide in one of the Islands?

    Yeah, they did. The eggs could have planted there during the chaos of the battel since too. There's been plenty of oppitunity, the only question is exactly why? Have/do the Vajra deliberately leave eggs in fleets they have been unable to destroy, as a kind of time bomb? Possibly I suppose.

  15. You're just going to be trolled by SK.

    "Gamlin!" VF-17S exlpodes

    "Docker!" VF-19S explodes

    Moments later... Eh? They're still alive!

    He already trolled me with the SDF04 and "Goodbye Sister", so that wouldn't surprise me. Thing is, the way the plot developed so far, somebody has got to die, otherwise it could easily be a cop out.

  16. While I'm probably unique in this, I'm increasingly burnt out and bored with this series. The conspiracy and mystery plots look increasingly shallow (He's Ranka's brother, Ai-Kun is a Vajra, the war is about fold quartz, it all involves M0 etc etc). As for Alto, well, perhaps we're getting somewhere in terms of character development, but its probably too late. More action please.

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