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Posts posted by mpchi

  1. Please don't t. Keep it spoiler free for about a month.

    List of Online MWers

    Once one of us makes level 3 we can start a clan. Correction, Squadron.




    Keith Zet



    If its game ID for MGO, I am pouchman. Though I used to only play solo (and still green), so need a pointer or two on how to join/add you guys or be in a clan.

    Also, did they removed the auto aim on MGO? Seems like the few games I tried couldn't auto-aim anymore on sub machine guns nor assault rifles. It just give me a "beep" when I try to activate it. Just wondering.

  2. Its getting pretty confusing, as I just bought a YF-19 from HLJ. Since they sold out long ago after first release, you would expect the current stock (a year & a half, as well as 3 reissues later) is at least the 2nd, if not the third re-issue stock. And mostly why I held out this long on the YF-19. But after finding out the stress marks on the 'neck' grey parts, as well as the crooked gunpod alignment, guess I was unlucky enough to get the 1st issue, unless Yamato never fixed the YF-19 single (non-booster set) releases. Hope the grey parts never fall apart. And I have floppy shoulder joints, loose upper arm swivels & a loose hip. Good that I can fix some of those with dental floss, tightening screws, and minor disassembling. Some screws are tricky to accss though. The YF-19 is in good shape now, and the yellow tab sanded down a bit. As long the the grey parts don't worsen and fall apart, I am ok with it. Might get some superglue to strengthen those parts late.

    Guess I really got my 'lucky' draw this time. This plagued bird kept hunting me down, after one and a half years of avoiding it. But if it doesn't fall apart, Its a pretty darn beautiful bird, if not a bit floppy.

  3. I strongly reccomend to all Metal Gear fans - if you don't want to be spoiled, stay off the internet. There are people going around and posting spoilers in every single Metal Gear-related topic, regardless of the risk of getting banned.

    In that case, keep this thread spoiler free please! At least we can have a place if we want fellow Macross fans to team up for some online play.

  4. FIX I think is a cool line overall. I really like their (Katoki) design and decaling. Look-wise, they bring out some of the best revisions on original designs. Though I have been warned enough to not dig deep into this line, due to fitment issues. Though I did get a Crossbone X-1 Kai and like it quite a bit. But I had most of my Gundam in MSIA line (yup, PVC galore), so don't need to expand into another Gundam line. Besides, my Gundam appetite is shrinking.

    But I do think that ABS and PVC both have their use. Just need to be used appropriately. ABS for sturdy structure, PVC for parts that need some flex.

  5. You see comickaze all the ppl on these boards are elitists when it comes to toys and collectibles and expect everything to be made out of abs like their beloved valks. Like the quote above me for example. All the toys that are made out there with abs usually cost a fortune and thats why valks are so expensive.

    Not true. Musou Shinki, TFs, Takara AG Votoms, Kubricks...etc. are made of ABS, but aren't really expensive or considered high end. Some people just don't like PVC because of the rubbery feel and softness (looseness of some pegs). Though I like both, when used appropriately. ^_^ Diecast even better.

  6. I'm thinking of buying my son the SOC Voltes V for his 4th birthday next month. Am I mad to think of getting him such an expensive toy, which will no doubt have lots of poaint chips and broken or missing parts in short order?

    Last Christmas, I bought him the English dubbed Voltes V DVD box set (the Philippine English dub, ordered it of Ebay) and he really loves watching it and keeps perstering me for a Voltes V toy. Unfortunately, there are no lower-end Voltes V toys that I can find. It seems to be SOC or nothing.

    He's already taken over my SOC Combattler V (and pretty much trashed it).

    He also loves watching my raw Combattler V and Mazinger Z VCDs.


    Not sure if Voltes is good for your 4 year old. Its decently solid, but the hip and ankle are not that tight. So your son will probably let it hits the floor here & there whenever its a bit off balance, which can break quite a few things. Unless you don't really care. I would give him something a bit more solid among the SOC family or from other gokin line. There are plenty of choice for Mazinger, but in SOC line, the Getters or Getter Gs should last pretty good (minus the Getter 2 or Liger). The old Jeeg from Takara is also a lot of fun, with all the magnetic joints and projectiles. That Jeeg can handle a lot of abuses.

  7. Toy-wave is good in terms of service. But the price is deceving, as they calculate the weight AFTER they add all the bubble and tape and filling and box and stuff. So while they might list lets say 1kg for your valk in the toy list, you will be paying more like 1.7 or 2kg shipping rate. On top of that, add another 4% Paypal surcharge on you (yup, they put the fee on your responsibility to use Paypal). So after all the add-up, the total price won't be as attrractive as they advertised. But you wouldn't find out until you pay during checkout.

    But knowing what you are getting into, Toy-Wave does have good selection, and both Toyman & York are cool guys with great email communications. Also, adding that optional box will add a lot to shipping cost, but if you want your toy box nice, you have to get the box. Otherwise, they will just bubble wrap your stuff into a bubble pillow with tape, and ship it out like that. The toy should be fine, but almost all the time the box will be toasted. So select wisely.

  8. All three were loose, with all accessories and what looked like unused stickers.

    3000yen a piece.

    If I were to get one, it'd be the Strong Bracchus. How are the joints on that one?

    Strong Bracchus should be a good choice out of the three. I don't have it myself, but its a later release compare to the others. Its more of a unique variant that not many other toy versions were made. 3000yen sounds like a good price, so I would go for that if I have to choose. And be prepared to do some work on some loose joints (since its used).

    Don't forget the Takara 1/18 DMZs though, if you want something that is more sturdy to play. Thats a good option of the Yamato line (but not comparable to 3000yen used ones :p)

  9. Zeta didn't stand out too much for me, but probably because I already know the plot (read the old manga) before I watch the TV series in its entirety. Lost all the sense of surpises, and kind of felt like its hard to feel characters' motives or emotions at times, not in the way Amuro and Co. did it for me in the originals. But the mechs are very cool. CCA has similar feelings too in terms of the characters. Hard to see myself reacting similar ways given in their shoes. Either the characters feel very cold, then dramatically try killing someone for something very trivial. Think overall, I still like the original the best, but both animation & mecha designs are a bit outdated. I like 0080 too, and 08th Team is pretty good as side stories. While Zeta, 0083 & CCA kind of sits in the middle. Not my favorites, but there is something cool about each one.

    Very interested in Unicorn, if it ever gets animated in the near future.

  10. Forms, not sparring, and he didn't train from Shao Lin. Chinese opera training is harder than learning wushu at a school, look them up. Plus Jackie is almost 10 years older than Jet :p

    Yeah. Jet Li's background is wushu, pretty much the 'ballet' of Chinese martial arts. So its more for the eyes than actual practical combat. But given the guy does know his stuff, as well as Jackie Chan, its really hard to tell who can really take down who in real life.

    That clip sure is one heck of a fight. ^_^

  11. Hey transfan how much was that Scopedog?

    Also folks, I just watched the first episode of Pailsen files, the only other Votoms experience I have had before is from watching preview snippets from a few years back. Any suggestions on what else I should be watching?

    Watch the whole TV series (4 stage, 52 episodes total) first. Its the meat of everything. Then go back and watch all the OVAs, and then Palisen Files last. While it s not in chronological order, watching Pailsen Files first or some of the OVAs will spoil some plot for you in the TV, even though Pailsen Files is a prequel.

  12. "After being critically injured during a battle with the Extremis-enhanced Mallen, Stark injects his nervous system with a modified techno-organic virus (the Extremis process) that not only saves his life, it gives him the ability to to store the inner layers of the Iron Man armor in the hollows of his bones as well as control it through direct brain impulses. Stark can control the layer of the armor underneath his skin and make it emerge from numerous exit points around his limbs as a gold-colored neural interface under-sheath. While in this form, Stark has technopathic control of the armor and can suit up at any time, calling the larger components to him. Furthermore, the Extremis process has increased his body's recuperative and healing abilities. He is also able to connect remotely to external communications systems such as satellites, cellular phones, and computers throughout the world. Because the armor's operating system is now directly connected to Stark's nervous system, its response time has been significantly improved."

    WOW! That is one fine example of modern literature! With imagination beyond imaginable! ^_^

  13. Well I just came up with this thought today. Wouldn't crashing in the Mark 1 and the Iron Monger suit kill the pilot? Even though the suits could probably withstand the crash, there's nothing like airbags to keep the pilot from getting splattered inside the suit. Just a thought. :unsure:

    Don't really think it needs that big of a crash. Just the 'small crash' when Stark first testing his new boots in his garage is enough to crack his skull and ribs. :lol: Though I bet the audience wouldn't laugh as hard if we see him turned into a pile of bloody goo.

  14. Just wanted to warn those who are looking for some of the six inch figures.

    If you're not interested in a good painted figure, then you probably won't care.

    Basically you'll want to check the paint on each figure for unpainted spots, messy splotches, missed painted spots, etc. Main areas to look for are the helmet and upper legs.

    Out of the six 6 inch Mark 3 suits I looked at, I only found one that was better than the others.

    Also look for damaged joints or anything visible through the bubble window.


    I was fortunate enough to find a Mark 2 (the only one from the 3 stores I visited last night). While excited to find what I want (the Mark 3s color/paint just don't look so good), I was quite disappointed by the quality. Warped rubber joints (fixed with a blow dryer), loose joints (fixed the hips with dental floss, but knees & ankles still very loose), bad paint job (touched up with paint and gundam marker). He finally look decent after some work, but made me feel like Hasbro figures still blow. I like the sculpt, but lots of details got all mushy by the PVC (have to finish some panel lines freehand since the seam disappeared on the sculpt halfway...). Thought I got a lot more toy out of my $9.99 on the TF Movie toys ( thanks to Takara being the designers). The looseness really bug me the most though. Guess I am too spoiled by the Revoltechs, and all other higher end stuff. Hasbro quality just doesn't cut it for me. Still like my Mark 2 though. Looks quite a bit better than stock. But structure and articulation could be a lot better than it is now.

    Oh by the way, you can sort of pose the left hand shooting the repulsor cannon/beam...however you call it. Not perfect, but they purposely made the hand guard shorter on the left hand, so it doesn't get in the way as much on the wrist when bending the open palm up. Though it still looks like an after thought anyhow. Just amazed me that these figures got very good reviews in other forums. Guess the standard the general public has on action figures are pretty low. Oh well...

  15. Playing as Snake was great! Octo-Camo is awesome!

    Yeah, it works better than I thought. Cause while you can see Snake bright and clear when you play as him, others don't see him at all with the camo activated, as if Snake is totally invisible...as long as you don't move and lie down. There are occasions when I just lie on the floor facing up shooting at 2 guys running by (one stepped on me actually), and they just look all panic and running around as if hunted by a ghost, shooting randomly trying to locate me, when I was just lying still in front of them. However, some slight movement will blow your cover. Fun stuff. ^_^

  16. Just tried the game Friday night. Fun, but a bit sluggish and really need some getting used to on the controls. Felt that it has too many options on disposal at first (just aiming has 3 modes, plus auto aiming too). The characters just run a bit slow, and the various camera speed is very slow even on 10. So you can't really take a good peek at the environment very quickly in 1st or 3rd person view, and always need to look around in the normal camera. Also find myself quite disoriented on what view to use in the heat of the battle, trying to aim good shots, then find the camera couldn't keep up with the running enemy...while being shot at too :p. Guess I should stick with auto aim until I get better with the basic controls. Oh, and some of the menus are pretty hard to read. Sometimes, the red/blue type is almost unreadable on certain screens.

    So overall, good game, a bit sluggish on the game speed, and need a lot of practice before the controls become second nature. Might be too slow or complicated if you are too used to COD4's quick run and gun gameplay. But I can see the game will benefit a lot after playing the single player campaign. Then players will be more into the actual tactics, rather than struggling with the basics.

  17. VOTOMs: the first - possibly the only - mecha series where the protagonist is not some lucky amateur, but an actual professional - the best at what he does.

    The the first (if not the last) protagonist that dodges all the shots and/or survived in all combats with a very story-related legit reason, rather than just being lucky like all the good guys in all other shows. :lol:

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