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Posts posted by Eternal_D

  1. i got the american ver of DQ8...man, why'd they change so much? it was a waste having the stupid voice overs...they sound retarded. and for some reason it seems to lag like when loading a fight and ending a fight. the added pictures and menus are kinda lame too, I like DQ series because they try to keep everything the same look throughout and they even took out the stepping sounds when you enter a town/going up and down levels.

    also FF12 demo was short, doesn't really show much. graphics are like 10 but the new battle system looks interesting.

  2. o man!! hurry, i wanna see.

    dont' think I'll be gettin mine in for another month or so. I'm cheap and am probably going to opt for cheaper shipping :p

    speaking of pope shion...have you guys seen the throne?


    looks freakin sweet but it says preorder and i'd like to see it b4 I make a $40+ payment for a freakin chair :lol:

  3. I gotta agree with Zor there.  FF or any RPG I like to play for that matter has to have a start and finish...and within a reasonable amount of time.  leveling up is great, I'm all for it, but when it takes 3 days to lvl 60-61 or something like that...I get turned way off.  True there was a little story when i was playing, but not enough to keep me going for the amount of time I was putting in.

    oh, and another thing I hate, is all those people camping NM's....tehn when you finally get a whack at it, it drops a 100gil item for you.


    In FFXI You leveled from 1 to approx. 60 in three days? You, my man, are an RPG GOD. (played for over a year and only got into the 40s....)


    dood, if I could do that, I'd do that for all characters, and sell the account on ebay. my point was exactly what you stated...over a year to get into the 40's?? forget that! totally not worth it, no matter how many gimicks they try to throw in.

  4. I gotta agree with Zor there. FF or any RPG I like to play for that matter has to have a start and finish...and within a reasonable amount of time. leveling up is great, I'm all for it, but when it takes 3 days to lvl 60-61 or something like that...I get turned way off. True there was a little story when i was playing, but not enough to keep me going for the amount of time I was putting in.

    oh, and another thing I hate, is all those people camping NM's....tehn when you finally get a whack at it, it drops a 100gil item for you.

  5. I spent 3 months leveling my black mage to lvl 40 something...3 frackin months! and how many of the quests had I done? well, not counting all the ones ppl ran me through, about 10...10 frackin quests! and how hard is it to find money? oh, I'm sure it's great at high levels when you have all your skills up...but you can bet your ass I was taking hand out left and right in that game.

    I for one wish they didn't call that game FFXI. FF:damn waste of my time is more like it.

    I will probably never touch another MMORPG that requires you to pay monthly...or requires you to party up just to fight a lvl 3 monster.

  6. i liked 6, it introduced a lot of new attack moves etc.

    7 was ok...added 3d maps and story line was decent, had you going back in time picking up pieces of stone maps, setting them up in a room to make them reappear in the present.

    they remade 5 on the PS2 but only in japan, don't know if they're gonna release in the US...tho I think they should...so I can buy it and know the real story again lol.

    on another note tho, I just went through my friends DQ8 save file...90+ hours! but the final moves kinda suck. and no more monster friendlies it seems.

  7. Wow, what an improvement over the old version of "all you see is the enemies" type battles. This game is pretty sweet thus far. I'm playing the Japanese version right now so have no idea what the story is, but damn, the graphics, the item making, the battle system all get thumbs up!

    I've logged 10 hours over 3 days already...anybody else playing this? I'm going to get the US release for sure, so I at least know what the story is really about, no making stuff up with my half-aszed Japanese.

  8. after having some problems with my listing because of the way I want to accept payment, I no longer take paypal to the masses...but if you guys win something and want to use paypal, here are the rules...

    1) Non-CC, must use "service" or "quasi-cash" as category, no extra charges, paid to my personal account.

    2) CC, must add 4% to total after shipping. paid to my premier account.

    Please let me know you are a board member so I know.

  9. well double frak, after staying up till 3 in the morning last night, ebay still canceled some of the auctions I had changed. I coudlnt' change the original description because there were bids on the auctions already so I just added to the description.

    where's the ebay hating websites? I think it's time to join one and start seeing how we can stick it to them. maybe I can call the 4% extra my "you're making me do extra work so I'ma charge yo ass" tax.

  10. I fackin hate Ebay. they canceled 5 of my auctions because I said it was optional to use CC but if you do you have to pay a fee...how the frack is that even close to circumventing Ebay fees?? fack if I had more money I'd take this to a lawyer and see what they say.

    I just spent the last 2 hours revising everything because Ebay sucks a left nut and nothing is working, much like the brains of their customer service.

    freakin 3 o clock and I still can't sleep cuz I gotta get those canceled auctions back up and revise all the ones I wanted to put up tomorow! ARRGGHHHH!!!

    sorry about that, I'm freakin pissed. but to answer your question kanata, the censored cards just have big cicular censored stickers on them over the severed heads.

  11. why are ppl surprised at what ppl will pay for a collectable? if they have the means, and they want it bad enough, they'll pay for it. case in point, bill growse(sp?) of PIMCO paid almost a cool mil for a single stamp from the 19th century a few years ago(only 2 in existance)...I say almost because he was outbid by some other collector. just recently, bill acquired that very stamp from that very buyer for a set of 4 uncut upside down plane stamps(can you tell I dont' collect stamps?) valued at $3 million. crazy you say? not if you're in his shoes. he's wanted that for a while and he got it because he can. props to him.

    If I were him, I'd try my damndest and get the other one...pick which one is in better condition, and destroy the other one making it the only one in existance! or at least make up some lie that it was destroyed...lol.

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