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Posts posted by hutch

  1. The Hulk was radiation... Super Soldier Serum = Synthetic Testosterone. We don't know what the Nazis called the drug, but it basically had the same goal, supersoldier.

    IIRC in the 2008 movie, it was a mix of the super soldier serum and gamma radiation. Kind of a mix of the original Marvel origin and the Ultimates version.

  2. That is a crazy markdown, but i can't spend monies on this, when this bad ass 1/60 Fire Valk is coming soon...

    "Soon" might be relative, considering we haven't even seen anything beyond a resin prototype yet. I guess my bet would be middle of next year for the Kai and Dec 11 for anything resembling a Blazer?


    Ah well. I like the designs from Zero but can understand Yamato's position. I'd much rather them make wise choices and Macross stay profitable even if they don't make EVERYTHING I want.

  3. Transformed my VF-25 and VF-27 yesterday for the first time in a while.

    I had Alto in GERWALK for a while and when I went to transform to fighter mode, the legs are completely floppy below the knee. Specifically between in-line and the 'hyper-extended knee' position. If it weren't for the lock with the wing section they would droop down.

    On the 27, even though it's been in fighter mode for months, the shoulders have gone really soft. They're so loose that he has trouble holding his gun up. Wasn't that way when I got it.

    It's disappointing. I love those designs so much but it seems like Bandai has a hard time building a toy that can sit on a shelf without getting floppy.

  4. I can take $400. If I had some assurance that we'd see the TV version I'd wait for that though, to be honest.

    Am I correct in seeing the date as 12/2010?

    I will say the enjoyable thing about the DYRL version is every time I see it the beginning of "Everlasting Love" plays in my head.

  5. All in all, I'm incredibly excited about having it, I imagine it will be the centerpiece of my collection (and not just my TF one) for many many years.

    I'd imagine so. I'm a huge Bruce Timm/Batman Animated Series fan and I remember how I felt when I found some of the WB Store maquettes for a decent price. Cloud nine.

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