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Everything posted by rosedoggydog

  1. Ah, a place where I can get my foot in the door. n00b here to Macross but not to TF's. Word is MP SS is gonna test the water for that line. We'll see how that goes. Hopefully if they ever decide to make them we won't get plagued by the shelf warming repaints that we have currently with Alt. line. While I just bought my first Macross ever this weekend (VF-1J-SSS) I have amassed a frightenly huge collection of TF's since 20th Ann. Optimus Prime came out. I'm hoping to take it slow with TF's for awhile since they're done with Alts. for the year but with the 6" titaniums now out and with Classics coming up, we'll see how that goes... As for the Macross I've been kinda eyeing that for the past few years but I don't anything about it since I've know it was called Robotech from the cartoon many many moons ago. I originally wasn't going to buy the VF-1J SSS once I saw MP-03 was coming out because I knew MP-03 would have better articulation but when I found him sitting in the store I had to have him. I could pass up a Jetfire/Starscream dual. Now if I can only find a VF-1S 1/48 head.
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