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Posts posted by GeneralMayhem

  1. The first version will be the TV version, followed by a DYRL version, and possibly Zentraidi helmets as well. The sculpt is going well, I'll post pictures when it's a little more "finished" looking.


  2. I had to redo a mold for a star wars Royal Guard helmet, so I haven't been able to get it finished yet. Plus, we just did our first costume piece for a movie, so things have been very hectic over here. Don't worry, when you see the final piece, you're gonna be blown away!

    ~ GM

  3. this HAS to happen! :D coffer table diplay everyone! :lol:

    Gm, hope you can get the helm to display for atmosphere an space mode! Pleasepleaseplease :D


    If I sell enough of the standard version, I will definitely do the other variants as well. I'm also working on a custom display base that will be offered separately.

  4. Have to get some orders for Dragon Con finished up first. Then I'll have more time to devote to it. I'm making a Star Trek TOS tunic for Vic Mignona, who's a friend of ours and is a big Trek fan. I may have him sign a helmet for my personal collection.


  5. There are two different visors. The space helmet had a full faceplate. The air combat helmet only had a visor that covered the eyes, which was rarely seen except for the opening of the show.

  6. The crash rating seems to be governed by how the helmet would crumple or delaminate in the case of a fiberglass reinforced helmet, so it sounds like they might be functional in that regard. But if it were me using it, I'd rather err on the side of caution and reccomend safety over fandom.

  7. From that article, it looks like having something DOT or otherwise certified entails having them intentionally crush X number of helmets to see how they hold up, and I'm not making a bunch of free helmets just to have them destroyed.

    Extra fiberglass reinforcemet can be added for a reasonable charge. I can't guarantee them as DOT certified or anything specific like that. It's more of a "use at your own discretion" kind of thing. But they can be made more durable than I'm already making them.

    ~ GM

  8. Considering it wouldn't be "road legal", why bother? If someone can find the regs on what the DOT considers "road legal", I can look into making one that is, for those that want them.

  9. Fibre glass reinforcement? Would that detrack or add to the look in any way?


    It goes on the inside of the helmet, so it doesn't affect the look at all.

  10. The stock helmet will be cast resin. I can add fiberglass reinforcement for a small fee. As far as whether it would "crash rated". I'm not qualified to say.

    The initial buildup is being made over a real crash helmet. Copies will be cast from that.

    After the run of Series version, I do plan a DYRL version as well, if there are solid orders for it. In short, if people are buying it, I'm going to make it. If not, I'll move on to other projects.

  11. GeneralMayhem-

    Will you be offering a Macross Plus, Isamu style helmet, complete with clear top?

    I am pretty sure there is a way to make clear resin/plastic.


    If enough Series version Macross helmets are sold, yes, I'll consider doing a Macross Plus version. Clear plastic is not a problem.

  12. Stupid question: does the painted helmet price include custom colors?  I want one painted to match the guy in my avatar.  :)


    Yes, the painted price includes your choice of colors, so you can get one to represent any character you like!

  13. Skull 1, sorry for the misunderstanding. As fellow RPF members can tell you, recasting is a touchy subject, and we take the issue very seriously regarding each others work, so forgive me if I seemed to overreact.

    We are accepting deposits for the first run. Others who would rather wait to see the finished piece can wait for the second run if there is one. Interested parties can contact us through our website, or write to us directly at shadow_dale_creations@yahoo.com.

    ~ GM

  14. The initial run of helmets will be the stock series version, followed by a deep space series version. Afterward I will modify the original to produce a DYRL version, followed by later Macross versions if there is interest.

    The recasting comment was directed at Skull 1, who brought it up.

    We never take orders for an item we cannot produce. We have in other forums, a reputation for delivering what we advertise. I do not expect anyone here to order one sight unseen. In venues where my work is better known, we have already begun taking orders, and those people have first dibs on the first run of helmets that are being produced. I'm sorry that others you've encountered were unable to follow through with their own obligations. I've had those experiences with vendors too. Our customers get what they pay for.

    And yes, it is a commission that people came to me with, but I am letting it be known here as well, since some of those people insisted I do so. They seemed to think that the members here would want to know about such a project. If that was not the case then I apologize for bothering anyone.

    When the first run is finished you may judge for yourself the quality of our work and decide for yourselves whether you are interested in purchasing one. If not, I won't lose any sleep over it.

    ~ GM

  15. "Vaporware"?

    I'll keep that in mind when you write in asking for one.

    The helmet may look small to you, but it's on a head cast that wears XL size hats.

    We have started taking solid orders for this, so it's on the calander for production. I'll post pictures when the first castings are ready to ship.

    P.S. Don't even think about recasting my work. I WILL find out.

  16. I keep getting inquiries about this item. I'm considering doing it as a preorder to help offset the cost of casting the prototype. This will be the series premiere version, with other versions to follow if there is a demand for it.


    I'm setting a base price of $300 for a hollow cast unpainted version. $350 for painted. $450 for painted with an attached visor and padding.

    For the painted version, people can get it any color scheme they want. The helmet will be cast in fiberglass reinforcesd resin. If you want to see other examples of my work, check my site, www.shadowdalecreations.com. We are currently booked at least 6 weeks in advance on new orders, so the sooner orders come in, the sooner I can place it on the production schedule.

    Anyone interested?

    Interested parties can write to us directly at shadow_dale_creations@yahoo.com. The first person to place an order puts this on the production schedule so everyone can have a chance to get one.


    ~ GM

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