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Posts posted by Excillon

  1. Picture2 has some sand paper on the bottom right hand corner. I have 3 types of paper that I use to sand my parts.

    All parts are nice and clean, just like it came out from the box. Besides the fact that I did all kinds of %$#* to it and abused it.

    It's a sad day for my battroid, last night while I was cleaning the parts I wasn't thinking for a second and washed the parts with the drain hole open.

    One of the parts said goodbye to the others and jumped into the abyss.

    The part that committed suicide was the little light thing on the shoulders of the battroid.

    well, maybe if he's weathered and battle damaged, it got blown off. That's what I'd do. Better yet, take a clear plastic sprue, cut a few small pieces and put them in the lost piece's place, make it look like it got shattered!

    personally, I didn't think your first attempt was that bad. I would have worked with it rather than dissected it. the torso I thought actually looked pretty good, as did the head. But it's your model, so what you think is all that really matters.

  2. Wow a tutor with a student who has the hots for her. I'm sure that never happen before. So does was hot Japanese tutor turn in to a robot? Does she have a cyborg arm? Is there a tatoo of the Macross across her chest? If not then I'm not seeing how this is on topic.

    I got a paycheck that says Hasselhoff makes a cameo. ALL HAIL THE HOFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Some smack the crap out me for saying that please)

  3. I think there might be a few scenes were the VF-1A's flying with Roy have skulls too. It only lasts for a few seconds and the skulls were small.

    I wish we could have seen the VF-1D in more than 2 schemes. The thing is combat capable, its possible there were squadrons that used the 2 seater for long range CAP flights, with the backseater taking over flying while the pilot rests.

    Also, I think Max had more relevant scenes in his VF-1A than his 1J. His J has importance of course, because it was his personal mount and has more visual appeal, but his VF-1A is where he made the most impressions. Sure his 1A looks plain in comparison, but its important. Puzzles me why his is still not made.

    You're right about the skull markings on other fighters, you see them twice in Boobytrap.

  4. I love it as well. Clearly superior. Only thing I don't like is some of the english dub voicework. While I would never say Robotech is better, they did have a couple better voice actors. Roy's and Gloval's. I don't know why, but the only thing good about RT is Dan Woren did a GREAT job as Roy. I liked Gloval's voice, because it added more diversity to the cast by having a European (Russian?) commander. Really added to the whole "united govt." thing. Plus, it was nice to see a Russian calling the shots rather than an American. However Hikaru's and Minmay's voices in Macross are way better, and far less annoying.

  5. I didnt mean like that, I thought some members would have some luck with kind of thing, I mean how would you treat a middle eastern girl not like how you would treat a american girl. god I think this going to be a good thread. I got the idea from train man.

    actually, I'd treat her just like an american girl. I dated a Japanese girl for a year and a half (she was born in the US though) and I treated her just like any other girl I had dated (not sure if that was a good thing) but anyhow, it was a good relationship until I dumped her for another girl and she went psychotic (but that's 99% of women). Point is, she hated it when people treated her differently, whether it was in good or bad way. I didn't even set out to sleep with her, I sold her some pot at a party, and then somehow got lucky that night. God that seems like eons ago. I wonder what I miss more, her or the pot? I think I miss the pot more, because dude she went freaky nuts on me.

  6. Ok, here's the thing. I live in a really small town (pop. 3000) and because of this, a lot of people know each other. Thus, I've gotten to be friends with the guy who owns the local video store. Now, here's the problem, and there's a lot of smart people, so maybe you all have some ideas. They just opened a family video franchise right here in town. Rediculous for a town of this size, I know. I'm trying to help him find a way to stay competitive, and for the most part he is except one area. Here's the breakdown:


    Family video: 11a-Midnight

    local store: 11a-10p

    New releases: he upped how many he buys to compete.

    Pre-viewed movies for sale (local store): 7.95 per DVD or 5 for 25. Newer releases go on sale 1 month after being released.

    Family video: Usually 60 days after release, aside from new copies, they sell for 9.95-12.95

    Video games: he charges 5 dollars for 5 days, and sells for reasonable rates. Here's the problem though. He only gets a 10% discount, and he's taken a bath on a few of them that no one rents. 54 dollars is a lot to invest for a small business owner. I've tried to help him by recommending games I know would actually rent and have so far been successful.

    I guess what I'm asking is if you were in this postion, how would you stay competitive? How would you draw interest to your store to take away from this evil franchise?

  7. Welcome! You've got a nice effect going, really. Only two things I can see need fixing. One is you've got some seams going on by the legs. Two is the consistency of the weathering. It seems heavier from the torso up, I'd add more to the legs and panel lines. Also, since you've got a really good battle effect going on, maybe add a few scratches/gouges, or even some bulletholes!

  8. Learned about Yamato Valkyries coming out somehow or the other... found valkyrie-exchange.com and from there found here.

    Well, I was a Transformers/Gundam fan who became very bored with the franchises. Then, I got into robotech searching for something new after vaguely remembering it as a child (I remember owning a 1/55 1S as a child) and bought all the MPC's, DVD's, etc. Then, after getting REALLY sick of the elitist @$$holes on that site, I began looking for new sites to call home. That's how I found this site. After joining, I learned of the differences between RT and Macross, and how much of an inferior product RT was. So I'm actually very indebted to this site. The funny thing is I've been an anime fan for a really long time, and have owned Macross Plus forever (since it was out on VHS in the mid-late 90's) and never made the connection between Plus, Macross, and RT. I guess I have a lot of people to thank on here for educating me, and showing me that there was a lot more to the Macross universe, like Yamato stuff (although given the cost I'm not sure if it's a blessing or curse).

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