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Posts posted by mbs357

  1. Indeed, it is.

    I just got my 1/48 1J...

    I'm so happy I can't feel my face...

    However, I need some assistance with the sticker placement, and transformation. Any links to guides? I just want to make sure I do it right...I could go by the manual...but I'm scared. O_O


    Just tried to get it to Battroid...it whooped my rear. I barely got it between Gerwalk and Battroid, got scared, couldn't figure out what to do, and then just barely got it back to fighter. =p

    I put the gear down, put the gunpod and some missles on...it looks nice perched on my stereo. ^_^

    Maybe tomorrow I'll worry about the stickers.

    This thing is awesome, but scary. O_O;

  2. Pretty snazzy!

    It'd interefere with transformation, though. Guess that's why it's removable.

    I'd like to see a gunpod similar to a VF-11's. With the flipout bayonet.

    Bayonets and GU-11s have been on my mind for quite sometime. ^_^

    Good job.

  3. It's obvious from the first episode that the VF-1D was, indeed, used in combat.

    Sometime ago someone compared the functions of the VF-1D with that of the VF-14 Tomcat. That the secondary pilot is there for the purposes of radar operation and other things. And also that the VT-1 was the training aircraft.

    /end TSSM

    (Note: TSSM = "Trying to Sound Smart Mode")

  4. Next time I go to my local Wally-World (which could be months) I'll look around for one of these. D=

    But I'm in sort of a small town, and we don't get much in the way of the mainstream stuff...so meh.

  5. I want a 1/48 scale SDF-1. With 1/48 scale ARMDs on the side with the Valkryie arm thingies.

    And I want some electronics. Glowy bridge lights and stuff. Electronic catipults for take off. Electronic arm thingies. And of course, electronic transformation and boom lowering with some kind of affect for the cannon firing.



    It will be nuclear powered and have a bathroom.

  6. Hmmm...the models look familiar.


    Does Wing Commander work on XP? It's an old game, no?

    I'd like to try this mod out. Has to be better than VO.

    And does anyone know what happened to the mod of Starlancer? I believe One Klump was the lead...

  7. Using SmartFTP, here, and I have somewhat of a problem.

    I'm now downloading Macross 7 Trash...and when I try to browse through the other folders, it won't let me.

    I know it downloads a list of files every time you click a folder, so is this normal, and a way to save bandwidth?

  8. A few weeks ago, in my English class, we had a look at an excerpt from the Epic of Gilgamesh, a Mesopotamian epic dated 2500 B.C.. I just happened to notice that on one page were shown a list of characters and information about them. One was Ishtar. It said "Goddess of love, fertility, and war, as well as patron of the city of Uruk, where she had an important temple; falls in love with Gilgamesh but is spurned by him."

    This seems to be alot more than a coincedence. O_O

    Uruk could be Macross City, and said temple could be the Macross itself (aka Alus). The relationship described between her and Gilgamesh seems to refelct her relationship with Hibiki rather well. However, Gilgamesh's describtion doesn't seem to match Hibiki: "King of Uruk and the hero of the epic; son of the goddess Ninsun and the mortal King Lugulbanda; named in a Sumerian list of kings as the fifth monarch after the flood."

    Hibiki is certainly the hero of Macross II (if I recall), but he is no son of a king and a goddess, nor is he a king himself.

    Also, I heard mention in another thread that the Marduk's mecha was named Gilgamesh.

    What's everyone elses thoughts?

    I did a search for 'Gilgamesh' on the boards...hopefully this wasn't brought up on the last ones.

  9. http://www.mangaroms.com/Roms/liste2.php?n=17

    Go there, scroll down to Macross, and click "Macross - The Super Dimension Fortress," says it's being/was made by Bandai. I've never seen anything like this before... From the pics it looks awesome.

    And it's certainly not Battlecry, VO, or the VFX games... Sorry if this was known about by the majority, but I don't see anything partaining to it currently on the boards.

    Edit: Also note the date, 2003-10-06.

    Edit2: Yea, so minutes after my post, I find the original thread, just 2 spaces under mine, then I find that there was indeed a post about it on the old forums. Figures. Sorry people. I think there really should be a way for authors to delete posts. >_<


  10. Here's a few more, including the elusive VF-4 and VF-X-4... collect them all!!!

    One thing I noticed is that they come off a little darker and blurry here than they actually look on the dock.

    Gotta catch 'em all.

    Nice work dude, if I had a Mac I'd so use these...

    Heck I don't even know what they're for! Yay!

  11. What you could do, is one of you make a background scene in the modelling proggie, and use it wiht every.

    Say you place your valk in the coordinates where it needs to be, render it, take the pic, and paste it on the big image. That way all the ships get where they need to be, and they all look like the same scene...

    I hope someone understood that. =p

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