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Posts posted by mbs357

  1. best death ever? thorin in the hobbit :D


    You just ruined the book for me! D=

    I had just gotten to where Bilbo entered that long shaft thing...

    /me cries


    But uh...

    Well, Roy was really playing that guitar...I saw a C cord.

  2. Sooo, looks like we wont see a captain Global in Zero wiping out AUN forces in space. =p

    I wouldn't be surprised if it is at least alluded to at some point. Even the possibility that the SV-51's are somehow involved in the hijacking of the Tsiolkovsky.

    As to the weapons, it works if the ship is designed for an anti-capital ship mission, since those things are expected to take place at long ranges and every will have plenty of time to manuever into position. But to have a limited amount of armament against smaller craft is just silly, even for the fictional world of Macross. The VF series itself was implemented in the expectation of having to fight it out with the giant-sized aliens hinted at on the ASS-1. Why wouldn't one also assume that those same aliens will have a fast and nimble fighter as well?

    A lot of ideas Studio Nue comes up with are pretty neat-o. But this one is generic and a little naive to state the least.

    Not that I don't like it. But overall the concept, not the physical design, could've used some work.

    Yea, I mean to include in my last post something like "unless it were in the form of a flashback"

    It does sound rather important, almost too important not to be mentioned.

    I know it was commissioned in 2005, but I didn't think it was also hijacked then as well.

    It says it was destroyed Setpember of 2005.

  3. In response to my last post: Looks like we won't see it, according to Nanashi's site (I clicked the VF-0S reactive armor):

    A VF-0S equipped with Reactive Armor deployed aboard the Asuka II (CVN-99) in actual combat during a secret program near the island(s) of Mayan in the year 2008.

    Sooo, looks like we wont see a captain Global in Zero wiping out AUN forces in space. =p

    I think its more that none or few survived because there were nearly 5 million Zjentohlauedy warships firing at the Earth and the destroyers were in front of the target. ^^;

    That'd do it, huh? =p

  4. 2005:  Goddard:  Used tactical reactive weapons for the first time in combat against the Tsiolkovsky (Destroying it).  Ship Captain: Bruno J. Global

    2005:  Tsiolkovsky:  Hijacked by Anti  U.N. Forces and later destroyed by the Goddard.

    That's certainly interesting. =D

    Perhaps we'd see this in Macross Zero, I'd sure like to. What year are we in Macross Zero currently?

  5. EDIT: If the pics don't work at first, try adding a space at their end in the URL bar.

    Here's a VF-0 scheme I did based on my clan colors:


    Here's another version:


    (The insides are darker, as if looking through the canopy)

    They might not have fancy shading and all, but I think they look decent. ;]

  6. This isn't really a repair question, but it's a minor problem I'm having with my 1/48.

    I decided to put a few stickers on it to make it look better, but I suck at putting them on so it'll only be a few.

    One of them, of course, would be to cover up the big white spot on the side of the nose. Are the instructions telling me to put both stickers 14 (the kite) and 15 (some kind of white/clear thing) on at once? Do I put 14 then 15? This is confusing me to no end.

    (The Valk in the sticker page is a 1/60, I find that humorous.)

  7. About the left hand/right hand thing.

    In episode 18, Pineapple Salad, it's clearly visible that after Max smashes through some buildings in pursuit of Millia that he has been carrying his gunpod in his left hand, he then switches to the right and fires.

  8. Half-Life does indeed use a modified (heavily) Quake I engine, NOT Quake II.

    I once had a YF-19 model for Q2. No idea where I got it. It was neat...

    And wow, Fokker, you were the head of that mod?

    I had checked the site out many times looking for new info back when I was a Tech-Head...(cringe).

  9. I've put together a NASCAR model (which was the works, glue, paint, and other stuff) fairly decently, and a snap together F-16 model. I've goofed with legos alot, so I guess I can get the parts to go together decently. But the painting and decal part kind of worries me. Should I start with cheaper models before getting myself into a Hasegawa 1/72 kit? I know they're not exactly pricey, but I'm sure there are cheaper models out there that I could hone my skills on. If I can get it to at least look decent with my skills I'll be more than satisfied.

    Also, what would you all say would be the simplist Macross model kit made by Hasegawa? I don't want to start up suddenly doing a kit after such a long absence from the practice.

    And most Macross models by Hasegawa are listed as Skill Level 3. If I'm not mistaken, doesn't this rating system go up to Level 5?

    I think that's about all I wanted to put in here...I hate when I forget what I've planned on writing for the last 20 minutes when I open up the post thing...

  10. That 1J model is definatly not transformable. =p

    If this mod comes out any time soon, I may reinstall HL for it. =x

    Otherwise, I'll wait for their HL2 version. =D

  11. I have my VF-1J in "perched" mode on my stereo at the moment. Really neat mode.

    Wish I had FAST packs...but man, it's already awesome enough. If I get anymore happy I might explode...

    /me cuddles 1J

    Anyway, yea, perched mode owns.

  12. That is a great custom. For some reason I've grown to like the Minmay Guard quite a bit. If I can find a pic of the decal sheet or something, I may install VO again to have a crack at a custom skin...bwahahaha...

    No one cared about my MW schemed one. =[

  13. AvP2 is one of the best games I've ever played. I think that the baldness and a few facial features (big nose?) reminds me of Rykov.

    But yea, all of the models in that game are great. The game itself is great. And it actually has good acting. D=

    It just lacks a bit of replay value...

  14. I'd be willing to buy one of those peices that holds the backpack and hatch thing in place for my 1J.

    I have no FAST packs, but for some reason the hatch does not snap into place. I've examined it well, doesn't seem to be anything there that makes it snap...it's weird.

  15. Good to hear, too many good sounding Macross mods go under. XD

    That's definatly a great Bretai model, man. I think he looks more like Rykov than Superman...but that's just me and my love/addiction of AvP2 talking. =p

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