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Posts posted by Effect

  1. True it doesn't matter anymore but spreading misinformation when it can be helped is a thing that gets to me.

    I wonder though if the manga will take advantage to the series being over and do things differently in the time it has left instead of following SEED Destiny storyline like it has been doing. It has a chance of turning out a LOT better then it's anime counterpart if things are changed.

  2. You can't say there is no Atlantic Federation left. The AF was never seen being attacked on their land. Just the Earth Alliance space fleet was seen being destoryed. There is more to the EA then the Atlantic Federation. Just thought I'd comment on that. Cause hereing how there is no AF is just so damn annoying cause there is nothing to even suggest that in the series even though Fukuda and wife tried their best to screw over the EA.

  3. Reusing of scenes is so bad that Mwu/Neo's use of the dragoons ends with Kira's disabling (from when he first launched in Strike Freedom) and Mwu/Neo never cared about disabling anyone, even back in SEED he straight up killed those he was fighting against.

    Also the same move with Rey fighting his dragoons while attached to his suit and Strike Freedom fliping away had to have been used at least three in as little as a few minutes.

    Reused footage yeah but just thought I'd point this out.

  4. Cagalli is only shown at the beginning of the episode from what I understand with no lines. Meyrin and Luna don't meet face to face. Luna is still "with" Shinn even after he almost kills her(doesn't stop himself from attacking even when she jumps in front of Athrun to get Shinn to stop fighting). So it looks and sounds like he was willing to take them both out just to get to Athrun.

  5. Episode 15 was kind of a let down. I like Piere as a character but I think they could have done better. Then again it could just be coming off of episodes 12-14 that made it feel worst then it actually was cause those were so good (action, story, character development, etc).

  6. From what I'm reading on AnimeSuki it seems that they didn't even put any effort forth in the final episode. It seems IJ and SF didn't take any damage at all. Neo-Genesis stopped by one ship? Now I really do see why there will be a 40 minute special on the DVD. It has to be a redone version of this episode or some long epilogue to end things off. Leaving things open for a sequel is one thing but hell SEED's rushed ending was better then this and had more closure.

    Seeing as the episode was a half-hour early. I wonder why couldn't they make it an hour long instead? Or was some other show already having an hour long special which is why SEED Destiny was pushed up?

    With that said I need to see the ending anyway for myself. I still held out this last hope that the ending at least would be as kickass as the first episode. I mean it's the last episode, everyone wants their last episode to be great and be something to remember. Not this team and director it seems like from what I'm reading.

    Also it seems that Strike-Freedom does some transforming. It turns back into Freedom during it's fight scene for a while. Yeah......effort.

  7. Cool. I know them cutting through the floor and moving through the sewer like system of the ship is actually in the ROTS game. Was wondering if that was ever film for the movie and it seems like they were. I hope there was more on the attack on the Jedi Temple that was filmed. That was my favorite part of the game, seeing Anakin fighting his old teachers and classmates that ended up as fellow Jedi.

  8. I kinda agree Duke. The way she FTLed away as quickly as she could. In response to the resupply question, the Pegasus is a much larger ship, and may maintain more facilities, or they could be pillaging any and every civilian ship they come across and absorbing them into their crew, most likely destroying the ships behind them to avoid leaving a trail. Did anybody else get the feeling that the Peg was a fierce looking ship, from the angles they were showing it. The Galactica looks friendly by comparison.


    That's what I was thinking to be honest. For being able to resupply the Galactica, they either have to have a great ability to make and grow things onboard or they are basiclly raiding and taking over every single civilian or lesser military ship they come across and taking people they need for their crew. It does seem like she is covering something up. Her Xo, the one that talk with Galactica's about her shooting her previous XO. I think that is true now that I've seen the full episode and the story she feed Adama and the Pres was a complete lie.

  9. Baltar is still on the Pegasus right? Did Adama just forget about him or doesn't he know he's still there. I mean, you launch an attack to get your crew back. Last thing you want to forget is someone else, doubt Cain would just allow Baltar to just leave as well. She doesn't seem to care much about the actual government from what I can see so she isn't going to care that Baltar is the Vice Pres, just that he's from Galactica and supports them.

  10. One episode and eveyrone aboard the Pegasus needs to die.  Except maybt their new XO that talked to Tigh.  He seemed ok at least.


    I liked him too, I remember him as 'Stenz' from L.A. Confidential(Russel Crow's partner in the beginning). Cool movie.


    Yeah. He seemed like the only decent one there. Maybe also the guy that is Pegasus's deck chief. Yet I'm not done with the episode. The second Admiral Cain stepped off that shuttle I knew I didn't like her or most of her crew.

    I haven't seen much of the original series but I did get to see some episodes a few weeks ago on the SciFi channel of the original that dealt with the Pegasus. The original Cain was better I feel. I just want someone to slap that stupid smirk off this new Cain's face.

    Way to go Helo and the Chief as well. Just wish they were able to beat on those guards some more.

  11. Since when is Bahamut suppose to be good or any summon? I figured that all summons as far back as when they first came into the games, were neutral for the most part. It's who summoned them, earned the right to summon them, that were either good or bad. So they could be commanded to do evil things or work for the side of good.


    Don't tell me you just started playing Final Fantasy with these new-fangled 3D PlayStation era Final Fantasies?

    In the original Final Fantasy, after completing a task to prove their worth, Bahamut gives power to the Light Warriors, giving them their class upgrades.

    In Final Fantasy IV, Bahamut only agreed to aid the companions and allow Rydia to summon him after they demonstrated that they were fighting for justice.

    In Final Fantasy VI, although we don't get to see much of his character the way we do in Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy IV, we're given to understand that he, like the other summonable monsters in the game, is an Esper. The Esper race seemed to be, on the whole, a benevolent race.


    No I've been playing Final Fantasy games as far back as Final Fantasy 1 on the NES.

    Like I said I thought they were neutral for the most parts. All summons where I mean. Sure Espers were a good race for the most part but when reduced to shards, basiclly anyone could have used them to learn spells or summon the Esper to do work. I didn't remember the thing about Bahamut allowing a person only fighting for justice to summon him. Then again FF1 was pretty linear in how it's story turned out and you didn't have knowledge of both sides of things like you did in the Final Fantasy games that followed it. FF1, everything was centered on the Light Warriors.

    It stands to reason, at least how I remembered or thought about it that when you break things down to things like Esper shards, Materia, or even Guardian Forces anyone could use or summon them. FF9 was based on who used them from what I remember. I'm not sure about Final Fantasy 5 in how the summons there worked.

    I'm trying to remember about Final Fantasy 2 and 3 but I think again things were centered on the actual characters without much play from the bad guys and don't think there was much of a focus on the summons in those games but not sure.

    Wait in FF1 Bahamut wasn't even really a summon was he? He was just an NPC for the most part right? Should that version even count here since we are talking about summons for the most part?

  12. Since when is Bahamut suppose to be good or any summon? I figured that all summons as far back as when they first came into the games, were neutral for the most part. It's who summoned them, earned the right to summon them, that were either good or bad. So they could be commanded to do evil things or work for the side of good.

  13. I figured anyone that was infused with Mako had the Geostigma. That would include Kadje and his group, Seph, Cloud, and Rufus. Anyone else think Kadje's group were ex-SOLIDERs for Shinra? (ala Seph, Zack, and Cloud) Then there is the effect of the Lifestream on people at the end of the game. It seemed like only kids had it as well.

    Seemed like an interesting way of taking revenge or getting in a parting shot. It was said that the Geostigma was caused by Jenova right? If that is the case then what better way to kill off people then to kill off the kids or any new kids. Either born already(there at the time the meteor was about to hit(Marlene and Denzel for example) or about to be born so they couldn't grow. At least that's what I think that was the purpose of the Geostigma at first then Kadje used it to turn the kids to his side which at the same time does the same thing since it helps Jenova and hurts everyone else.

    I've never actually gotten Knights of the Round in the game but what Cloud did at the end, that was basiclly it without showing actual giant knights right? They were also doing Omnislash(did get this) as well during that fight right?

  14. Just watched The Last Order without watching Advent Children yet.

    Damn my brain needs refreshing. I don't remmeber what happened between Zack and Cloud being defeated by Sephi and then Zack and Cloud escaping where Cloud was comatose. The fight scenes in LO were excellent stuff! If there is ever gonna be a FFVII series, the people who did this OVA has gotta do it. Zack VS Sephi was the win. Only thing i rememebred about it in the game was Sephiroth doing some Jenova ping thingy (whole screen flashes green) and super deformed Zack is thrown to the floor. (I thought he died then...dun remmeber)


    If I recall after the event at the Mako Reactor and the flashbacks you return to the present part of the game. In order to get more of the backstory on Cloud and Zack you have to actually visit the Shinra Mansion, which is where you pick up Vincent. As he's an optional character it's possible to completely miss that part of the game and story, same with Yuffie. While there, you get the rest of the flashbacks about the experiments done on Zack and Cloud, how they escape, them in the back of the truck, and I think how Cloud ends up mixing his memories with Zack's actions and stories. Which is why at first he believes he was the one that came back to his home town with Seph and meet Tifa when it was actually Zack as shown in Last Order which also shown in the game(after Cloud first believing otherwise but Tifa not correcting him until later one). I think she doesn't say anything to him at first cause she beleives something must have happen to him to make him think things went differently then they actually did. She was right on the money I believe cause his mind was pretty screwed up after the event and up till he and Zack were heading for Midgar.

    At least I think that's the case. Been a while since I played but I believe that's the case. You even meet Zack's parents as well in the game in one of the houses on the map as you are traveling to the port city(forget the name). The one that ends up having the big gun placed in it later on in the game.

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