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Posts posted by Lightning

  1. That amazing Twin Seater VF-0A (that's what it seems) is a mix between a Hasegawa VF-1 and a YF-19.

    it always seemed the -19 had a longer nose, but the canopy seems like the -19

  2. You know, sometimes I think I should take up armed robbery as a hobby. When was the last time you heard of someone committing a crime to fund an addiction that wasn't drug related? :p

    umm....not sure, but you'd probably make a killing!

  3. I have always wanted to see a grittier Macross "Side Story" that parallels the first SDF Macross. Perhaps featuring a "nobody" flight group like Blue Squadron or something, a bunch of fresh out of flight school green pilots who fight through the trip back to earth from the botched space fold.

    This series should be more true to the story of war and loss than the previous sugar coated Macross stories... I would actually like to see the entire "Blue Squadron" get wiped out in the final battle with the Badolza fleet. It would put a lot more importance on the original SDF Macross if we got to see the other people that flew with the "aces" and never made it home. It would go great lengths to putting a more human emotional face on Macross rather than the outrageous circus act it normally is. Kawamori and his gang tried to insert a lot of anti-war sentiment in the shows but it always comes off as stupid or goofy. I would also like to see more "love story" elements than just one "triangle" per show... perhaps the new show could involve the love stories of all the pilots... and how their partners feel when they get told "Tommy never came back from patrol".

    that sounds cool, but havent we seen enough VF-1 stuff?

  4. {Begin saracstic voice} I'm sure all the magazines in the world get it wrong just because they're out to piss you off, not because the majority of people playing video games doesn't care, or because the Amaricanized version of Macross is Robotech and most people would be far less confused if a Macross game was referred to as Robotech since what most kids in the U.S. saw was ROBOTECH, and most kids in the U.S. that would by that game have never heard of Macross, or if they have it's not something they are intimatly aware of, I think it is most definatly just to piss you off {end sarcasm}

    ok, ok, i get the point, i was just ranting bout my disliking them thats all.

    They still need to be snuffed out with the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.

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