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Apollo Leader

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Posts posted by Apollo Leader

  1. The Beatles coming to Rock Band. Remains to be seen if this will be a fully dedicated game or DLC.

    Though the Beatles are truly rock legends and have a huge following, I personally got to ask how much of the Rock Band or Guitar Hero audiance going to snatch up whatever Beatles songs are put out on Rock Band? The Beatles and their music existed well before many of the people or kids that play Guitar Hero and Rock Band today. I know in my case I'm far more interested in either the AC/DC release for Rock Band or Guitar Hero Metallica then this news. Heck, I would pick Guitar Hero Aerosmith (which I have) over whatever Beatle release takes place for Rock Band. But I guess that's just me. :)

  2. It's official: Konami's Rock Revolution is an Epic Fail!

    "Chop Suey!"

    "Run to the Hills"


    Sad that there are some pretty awesome songs that Konami picked up for this game, but they were unwilling to fork out the extra money for the true album versions instead of covers. At least Dream Theater's Pull Me Under is on GH World Tour. Also sad is that if this had come out two years ago or earlier that this might have been a contender considering that GH 1 and 2's songs were pretty much all covers at that time.

  3. My 360: May 2006 - September 2008

    It has finally succumbed to RR syndrome. May it rest in peace until Microsoft sends me a repaired unit / replacement. Sending out my 360's coffin to MS tomorrow :mellow: . I wonder if they'll just give me a new one or try and repair it - I think I had one of the earlier models, so the former option doesn't seem so bad.

    I was given a refurbished system when my system from launch pooped out after 8 months of use. Fortunately my second system has lasted 2 years and 3 months of VERY heavy use.:)

    Trying to decide what to give a spin this week. Part of me is seriously considering getting back to COD3 which I haven't touched ever since the Gears of War bug bit me hard in late November 2006. I picked up Guitar Hero World Tour this evening and would really like to give it and Rock Band 2 some play.

  4. Tangentially related: I REALLY wish the laser rifle was reloadable.

    It's such an awesome gun for those first 3 seconds... and then it's nothing but dead weight.

    Yeah, it would have been nice if a reloadable version would have popped up as one of the last weapons. Supposedly the next game in this series is in the works in Japan so hopefully that will be added.

    Last night I decided to fire up Soldier of Fortune Payback which I got on the cheap earlier this spring. Probably trade this off as soon as I get all the single player achievements. :p


    I'm mostly through EDF. Cleared it on the first... 3 difficulties, if I recall.

    Close to the end on Hardest, with a smattering of Inferno stages.

    I need to get back to Bullet Witch some time. One of many games I liked, but never put the proper time into.

    Personally, I never saw the huge issues people kept claiming it had. It's not PERFECT, but it's still fun.

    Of course, it's a cavia game. They're good at making really fun games with glaring flaws.


    I never threw it out here because I don't pay for online play, so it seemed a moot point.

    If you run into any problems let me know and I can walk you through. Mostly you'll find yourself using either a sniper rifle and one set of turrets or two sets of turrets. 48 on Inferno was an oddball in that I used the AF100 assault rifle and the C70 bombs. 52 I think was the only stage I "cheated"... I had to do it as a 2 player game where I loaded the second player with two sets of turrets and the first player with one set of turrets and a Lysander Z sniper rifle.

  6. Since I've been back on GOW again working on Seriously..., I usually end up on at the same time as Milkman X.

    I really got to get back to Ace Combat 6... I blew $150 on that and haven't touched it in a year. :p A few weeks ago I picked up Mass Effect for $39.95... then it dropped to $29.95 at a lot of places a week or two later. Doh! :p

  7. Earth Defense Force is the must-have title, if you ask me. I'm also partial to Bullet Witch.

    EDF!!!! I finally beat it last night. :) Most gamerpoints (500) I got in one shot. I've heard that Bullet Witch has similar comparisons to EDF 2017. I picked that up over the summer for about $11 so I might be playing that one soon.

    BTW, JBO, what's your Gamertag or do you want that kept private?

  8. Alright everyone, I need your help here. My best friend and Boxer named Ootis had his eyes turn yellow on me this morning so I rushed him to the vet. It’s one of two things. Liver failure, which means he is already dead. Or gall stones which are theoretically treatable. I just got the first blood test back and it does hold some hope because the numbers associated with his gall bladder are off the chart, but so are his liver function numbers. The former could cause the latter and it is less likely that the latter causes the former. I am taking him in for an ultrasound at 2:00 to check his gall bladder and get the final diagnosis.

    This dog is my best friend. We have not been separated since the day I picked him up at 6 weeks old. He has been going to work with me for his entire life. He is currently 7 going on 8. He is the sweetest, most communicative and friendly dog in the world. He loves nothing more than to cuddle up next to you on the couch, lay his head in your lap and watch TV. He always has a smile on his face and has never, ever been a problem.

    Please, can everyone say a prayer for my buddy? I can’t stand seeing him go through this.



    I hope, and pray, that things turn out okay for your dog. But if it's his time to go, may his passing be as quick and painless as possible.

  9. I got a used Too Human cheaply the other day.

    I love it.

    Fun fun fun!

    As usual, good to play GOW with you. :) Can't wait to slug it out with GOW2. :D

    Last night I discovered it wasn't going to be as easy beating EDF 2017 on stage 53 on Inferno as I thought it would be. So right now I'm farming for armor on stage 52 on Hard difficulty. Looks like the most effective way to work the level is to clear most of it, leave one UFO, and just camp underneath it with a set of LEXR turrets and the AF 100 assault rife. Should be able to build up my armor to 10,000 in a few nights.

  10. When it comes to me trading off old games and stuff I usually shop my trades around. Usually I will start by calling the Gamestop I usually buy and preorder and check with them for their trade-in values. After writing that down, I'll stop by one of the nearby Gamers stores here in the Omaha metro area and check on what they'll give me for it. Most of the time, Gamers gives me a far better deal. But if I have something that will have a better trade-in with Gamestop, with or without any promotional deal, I will take it to Gamestop.

    I know not everyone has this luxury or convenience, but it obviously makes that most sense to get the most value for your dollar. :)

  11. Mechafan has now been updated to be called TechValkyrie. Has anyone else changed their names recently? I swear I have a few XBL friends now whose name I don't recognize.

    Before I forget, here's the current list (as of about 4 months ago anyway) of Macross World members on XBL. As before, the name on the left is Macross World ID's while names on the right are their Live alias:

    Apollo Leader - Apollo Leader

    Chowser - Sarge051

    Mechafan - TechValkyrie

    BoBe-Patt - bobe patt

    Sephiroth - Sephiroth017

    MilkManX - MilkManX

    Dante74 - Lorenzo74

    David Hingtgen - Xenogears Id

    Valkyrie - Valkyrie2036

    Axelay - Silent Scope EX


    Oihan (Oyan) - Ashmedai

    Alpha OTS - Qaztab

    Fort Max - Angst O Tron

    mikeszekely - Pharaohman

    eugimon - eugimon

    Mechafan - TechGhostR6

    VT 1010 - ROU21

    Beltane70 - Beltane0070

    Ishimaru - Ryvann

    danth - Coocoocola

    yellowlightman - Crocodilopolis

    Godzilla - Tsoumiester

    Spatula - Delicious Bunny

    Ginrai - sayjeremy

    shogun029 - shogun029

    Southpaw Samurai - SouthpawSamurai

  12. This post should probably be moved to the "Toys" or "Models" part of the board. :)

    Regarding the Misa swimsuit figure, there was at least two variations: red and yellow. As for Minmay in her DYRL dress from the end of the movie, I've seen two variations: a light colored version more accurate to the movie and one in which all the colors on her dress are much darker, though I don't know if that was intentional or not.

  13. Tonight I should have EDF 2017 completely beat. Just need to beat the last stage on Inferno; almost did it last night as a single player. With beating just this one stage, I'll have half of the GS points for the game. :p

    Right now I'm debating on what I'll be focusing on next. With Gears of War 2 coming out next month, I really want to get the Seriously achievement on GOW1. I haven't touched Ace Combat 6 in a year and considering I blew $150+ on that, I really need to find an excuse for that joystick and throttle I got laying around.

    Choices, choices... :)

  14. Any one know of a online resource for pricing the MSIA's that I have? The mostly all came from the US wal-mart release years back. I have a huge gob of them I am going to part with and need to put pricing on them. If you dont mind PM me the answer also!


    I don't know if Toyfare magazine has any pricing for the US Gundam toys releases recently, but I would say scour eBay to see what kind of demand this stuff is getting right now to at least make a partial gauge on what you could sell the figures at. You could also check out the for sale part of Macross World to see what others have sold their Gundam figures for.

  15. I've never understood the fanrage over a game changing from an exclusive to a multi-platform title. Sure, if it wasn't coming out on the original console at all I could understand... but if it's coming out for multiple systems, who cares?

    That said... it's Tekken 6 and just like Final Fantasy XIII I'm left wondering why anyone would care about either series at this point.

    Ah yes, I guess now that Namco Bandai are

    If, for example, a game like Tekken 6 had abandoned the PS3 all together, I could understand the outrage. The thing is people got a little too much of themseleves into these little contraptions called video game consoles.

    As for the other announcements such as Halo 3 Recon, definitely will be looking forward to those game next year. Looks like some other great arcade classics are hitting XBLA, too.

  16. The update yesterday was in part for preparation for the new dashboard design which is suppose to come out in November. Was only playing EDF 2017 last night so I didn't need no stinking XBL. :) Got Hard difficulty beat last night with about 2,400 armor. Have beaten about a dozen Hardest stages during the last week and have a few Inferno stages under my belt at this point.

  17. Got Rockband 2 if anyone wants to jam!

    I will look for you when I'm on. :) Still blasting my way through EDF 2017. BTW, your system that RROD, was that your first or second 360? I'm happy to say my replacement 360 has lasted me over two years of some heavy duty gaming... I hope I didn't jinx my system by writing this! :p

  18. Maybe you or someone else can speak to this, but Boeing's contribution seems to be an outgrowth of its blended wing study (X-48B). Certainly how the wings operate seem to suggest this lineage.

    It's definitely obvious that Northrop and Boeing are basing their NGB designs off of their UAV attack aircraft from the last few years (kind of like how the X-45A was based on Boeing/McDonnell Douglas' Bird of Prey). I was looking through the NGB thread at Secret Projects and found that CG of Boeing's design has been out for a while, it's just that I had forgot about it. :)

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