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Posts posted by cool8or

  1. Wait, what? How can we be sure about the attacker mode?

    After all, they've only given us battroids of the VF-1, despite all the fighters they've done.

    Did I miss something?

    Well, it's just my impression. I just say it because Attack Mode is more popular than the Cruiser Mode... So, if the Cruiser sales goes well, I think attack mode is the next logical move to Hasegawa. Also, I still remember all those policaps included (and not used) in the DYRL SDF-1.

    Anyway, if I'm wrong, we can just do some conversion to these cruiser kits to become in attack mode!

  2. I have that kit too, but in my opinion is too large to be 1/72. in MWF we discussed the size of X-9 several times and there are not consensus about this.

    I remember a image from a Macross Chronicle magazine showing the size of a X-9 compared with a VF-1, if I remember well.

  3. I had a few things in mind. I was planning to give the 1/48 Legioss project one last try in August. Other possibilities are

    -1/72 Dragon II

    -1/72 Q-Rau

    -1/3000 Macross TV version

    -1/9 MOSPEADA

    And of course, there's always the possibility of re-issuing a classic like the Regult. It all depends on where demand takes me.

    for sure I'll buy one of each of them!!

    I'm more excited about the TV Q-Rau, to match the N-Ger, and finally complete my dreamed Macross 1/72 collection.

    Second in my list, is the Dragon: having Tanmen's kit, I really feel that it deserves a more passioned sculpt. but I have to say it: if you do the Dragon, I'll want the Karyovin too!!

    About the Mospeada, why 1/9 instead 1/10? It will be great if you complete the Beagle's series with Kits of Houquet and Yellow... (I'm not asking transformable kits)

    and for last, nothing to say about the SDF-1... just do it!!

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