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Posts posted by Glasswave

  1. Do you guys think Riobot would consider making the Bubblegum Crisis MOTO-SLAVE?

    *Is it logical; considering their close relationship to Aramaki Shinji ??

    P.S. Counting the days until the Bartley's arrive woohoO!!(waiting for 30+ years)

  2. 12 hours ago, RavenHawk said:

    Agreed! If you can swing getting two of each, you'll be happier keeping one in each mode. They're engineered really nicely, and gorgeous to look at (they very much fit my personal tastes, style-wise), but these are similar to Arcadia products, in that there is solid engineering, they're decently entertaining to transform, but they're not "toys" and WILL have some weak spot break eventually.


    My one hope for the new Toynami 1/28th ride armors (having a brain lapse and forgetting the actual manufacturer) is that they're designed more to be toys, where you can absentmindedly transform them repeatedly and not worry about anything breaking. I wish Yamato had tackled these like they did the Motoslaves.

    Oh man a Yamato Ride-Armor series would have been truly legendary..Those 1/15 Moto-Slaves are 80's anime GOLD imho

    *On a side note: I believe that T-Rex was a designer at Yamato before working with Beagle.

  3. On 8/19/2021 at 12:28 PM, Ignacio Ocamica said:

    I want some small fun to handle Mospeada armors near my PC so these are a great option. 

    But I hope they don't "self-desmember" at the slightest touch.

     Don't these also have the distinction of being the smallest variable mospeada's ever mass produced?

    **On a side note does anyone have pics of the tiny scratch built mospeada ride-armor? I think i remember pics of it standing on a coin Lol

  4. On 8/6/2021 at 1:57 PM, jenius said:

    These appear to be reverse engineered from the Mega House toys. Since no Houquet there, no Houquet here? Seems lazy though, all the partsforming should side-step the bigger problems Beagle or Sentinel would face..

    I couldnt agree more. Hopefully with the huge retail price and strong sales of the 1st wave - HGeesh may cough up to have Bartley/Graham produced?

    Lol prob just pipe dreams

  5. 20 hours ago, RavenHawk said:

    I forgot about that. They made those WAY too thin.

    Even with how careful I have been with mine, one knee broke.

    It's unreal...and the plastic they used is so brittle and weak, I for one am convinced that anti-mospeada knomes from an alternative reality slipped into the factory.

    Again, I genuinely suspect this universe may be "incompatable" with the glory of the female ride-armor.

  6. On 7/25/2021 at 9:25 AM, Ignacio Ocamica said:

    Please not this time!!!

    Beagle: No Houquet.

    Megahouse: No Houquet.

    CM's: only company that completed the main 4.

    Correct Sir *except for the cracked or broken knee joints on every Bartley I've come across...smh

    The female ride-armor may indeed be too cool for this world.

  7. 1 hour ago, jenius said:

    It doesn't seem close.

    Ugh that blows! Do you have any insight into why an established company goes through the laborious and expensive task of creating a line of painted prototypes only to promptly mothball them for all eternity?

    *On a side note sometimes I feel doomed to be a mospeada addict..we get precious little respect and the aftermarket is smoldering barren hellscape!! :/

  8. On 4/12/2021 at 12:22 PM, Mog said:

    Yeah, 1/18 scale is good for displaying huge group shots and for those massive troop line-up displays.

    It’s still my go-to scale for most of my action figure collections.

    I think the main knock on the CMs Ride Armors though was that they were a little fiddly and fragile.

    Indeed..The CM's Bartley types have broken joints right out of the package -

    It's as if our universe refuses to allow a variable version to exist!! (I own 5 copies and they all have at least 1 cracked joint)fml :/

    P.S. Anyone  know of any replacement knee or hip joints that would possibly work? 

  9. 8 hours ago, lavinrac said:

    The fun ones is I have the Bartley in 1/15 too and I have no idea what kind of figure to source for it!


    Funny you should mention it...found this pic of someone using a AM Driver figure for the 1/15 Bartley.

    I must admit it's very tempting!

    (* The AM Driver "Moto-Bisar" bike has a very Mospeada like design)


  10. 8 hours ago, RavenHawk said:

    I feel very fortunate to have two of the Sega Tri-Chargers (though no RidingScepter, since the only ones I found were so overpriced, and in such terrible shape, that I just couldn't bring myself to buy them).

    While I truly love those toys, it's more the idea behind them than the execution.

    I really hope this new one comes to fruition, and at a decent scale for display.

     Indeed, I totally agree in regards to the concept vs. execution. The toy itself is quite a strange beast(the front wheel for example)..yet I still find to be one of my favorites!

    I mean, a legendary video game company makes a Aramaki ride-armor toy...whats not to love?

    P.s. Good luck with the Scepter + fingers crossed on the new Tri-Charger!! *I think CM's was planning one that never happened.

  11. So awesome..Frankly I'm speechless. Thanks again for the link man - my mind is officially blown!

     Here are a few pics of my Sega Tri-charger obtained way back in 2002...By far the rarest piece in my  collection.





  12. 11 hours ago, Valkyrie Hunter D said:

    New pics of B2Five's Ride Armors at TagHobbybh06.thumb.jpg.e82ab8bce4856feb3136340af9c52a02.jpg

    Woah Thanks for the link!

    I did a triple take when i saw the Zillion Tri-Charger !!!

    I'm lucky enough to have the 1987 Sega Tri-charger toy, But o m g  this prototype is blowing my mind! A true "unicorn" dream Toy imho

    *Anyone have any info on this*?



  13. 2 hours ago, jenius said:

    Sentinel's Mospeada Breakers project credits both Aramaki's and Kakinuma's involvement so I think it's safe to say there's plenty of respect there and it seems likely Aramaki has been consulted on the ride armor toys to date. Hey, is Kakinuma's involvement proof that there's a Tread coming? 

    Wow cool I had no idea..a sentinel tread would be a 'unicorn' piece for the ages.

    And lol I feel my Bartley comment may be ill-informed or even a tad immature..Yet I've waited ovr 30 years for a deluxe Bartley ride-armor...Preferably RED haha! :P

    (The Beagle prototype still causes me physical pain upon seeing the images)

    Also : The teased box art depicts her in red..unless It was somehow fan-made?

  14. 5 minutes ago, tekering said:

    It's a fair and unbiased review, and he specifically addresses the improvements made to the Houquet figure (who doesn't fall apart like Stig does); he even acknowledges that picky fans will want to repaint her.

    He is correct on all counts. B))


    My apologies to Sentinel, to whom I intend no disrespect...


    My apologies to Sentinel Stig, who has been waiting for the same treatment since last summer...


    ...and a special apology to Jason, who has been extremely patient and understanding with me, despite how I selfishly put his commission aside long enough to paint up Houquet.  :sorry:

    I just couldn't stand seeing her in that unfinished state. :unsure:

    Now that is a jaw dropping paint job.

  15. On 12/8/2020 at 7:53 PM, CaptPower said:

    It irks me that yahoo shut down their american auction site, leaving us with the near-monopoly that is fleabay - which now could care less whether people get scammed so long as they get paid their listing and final value fees.

    Many Thanks for the link...that auction ended but i will hopefully track down a fast-pack version on there soon!!

  16. On 12/8/2020 at 8:29 PM, Shawn said:

    LOL blast from the past

    We mailed those Yamato hip replacements ages ago to forum members, and for the last, lets say 10 years, I had put out the remaining replacements in a 'freebie' box at my booth at the MWCon/Super Dimension Cons for those poor souls who needed them. 

    I think last year we might have finally run out, but I can check my packed up boxes if one is there, its been a while. I'll look in the next week or two and ping you if successful.
    I don't recall if this was re-enforced ver 2 hip or just another same-design replacement. I suspect the latter?


    Wow I can't Thank you enough for looking Shawn! Very long time fan (lurker) of you and Graham's site!!

    Very interested in a possible replacement set..or trying to find a good link for d.i.y. repair lol

    Thanks again man!

  17. 11 hours ago, CaptPower said:

    You'd think that with how much the things tend to sell for, the company would have designed them to to be more durable than a typical plastic model kit.

    Lol i cant help but agree with you..that said the version 2 is apparently issue-free : but i cant find one for less than $350!

  18. 13 hours ago, twich said:

    Actually, as I remember, Graham, who knew the people at Yamato had some sort of thing to get replacement hip parts, but that must have been close to 13-14 years ago. I doubt he would have any now.

    the best option is to loosen the screws a bit to relieve some tension, as I recall that being advice for me when I got one as it first came out.

    another possibility is to see if someone has done the hips at Shapeways? I know that the hips are metal, but it might be an option. Ask around, I know there are still a few from that time one the board who can offer more advice.

    hope this helps


    Many Thanks Twich!!

  19. Hey guys..just purchased a cheap 1/72 Yamato 11B brand new...

    ..any advice on how best to approach the hip joints before I even touch this thing?

    Do I unscrew the upper leg or even disassemble in order to loosen them?

    P.s. Is there an old post for outright hip replacement?

    Thanks very much for any help!!


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