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Posts posted by Macross73

  1. thanks!! These look great and i couldn't stand having one marred b/c of my carelessness

    i want the rest seeing how i missed out on them but patience is not one of my virtues.

    Now my wallet cringes in fear hahahaha!!!!!! :blink:

  2. :) i just got my first set of 1/48ths, since the new releases of the VF1s/1a/1j were more in my $ prange than some of the others out there. they look great. :D Are there any other areas of concern for breakage?
  3. this should come with a 1/48 vf/vt/1d/ or other not another re-release and the figure as a bonus.

    i'm doing what i can to collect the VFs that i need I'm not ready for 1/6 figures at $250 each. They could make a 1/55 VT OR VE or VF1D etc...

  4. sucks dude... reminds me of a guy I talked to the other day, we shipped some stuff to a guy in florida, a part hit by wilma. Well, the UPS guy drives up and just chucks the package through a window that got blown out and drove off.


    Can't believe they did that though. thats just plain DUMB!! :angry: Cant believe Custom would be so destructive to a box in a box! :angry:

    edit : forgot :angry: still in angry disbelief

  5. how about All diecast small scale vf-1s/a/j etc that would be cool i'm not saying hotwheels size but smaller than the Alphas and still tranform kinda like the Henshin robo Alphas, but they make all our favorites

    That would be something I really want. not just diecast for the sake of it.

    And they could come with little runways that join to make a longer landing and take off strip. they'd be strong, heavy, and durable.

    What do you think ?

    edit:grammar spelling

  6. :D What if we see the redemption of the series :D

    a mini series on the aftermath of a ROTJ, and they use Dark Empire for source material and fill in with flashbacks to flesch out the Movies

    <_< No not likely but ... Dartht Vader is no cry baby and he was as evil as he could be for more sinister reasons right? :( I mean its DARTH VADER he struck fear into you the moment you saw him in ANH!

  7. I know what sarcasm is I'm just remarking on how the new movies and the old movies fail to marry up in a lot of the small details. I'm still one of those guys that believes ANH was a one-off stand alone movie and should have always been that until it's rampant sucess prompted King George to pull the "I really wrote six movies!" thing out of his ass.

    In it's own context back in the day without the other movies or outside materials exsisting yet ANH gave the viewer the feeling that the jedi have been dead for a very, very long time. It is not until you see the other movies that you determine that the died out a lot closer to the "present day" than they seem.


    i agree here; i always thought given the dialogue of ANH and the ending of ROTJ that Vader was much older when luke and leia were born and that the jedi lasted much longer than shown in ROTS.

    an audience doesnt have to see the war miinute by minute to know whats gonna happen. Too late now, but i would have preferred longer spans over time than those depicted.

    1-anakin is born

    2-his dark beginnings the teenage years

    3- adult hood and the beginiing of war

    4- his middle years War starts and he doubts the virtues of the Jedi.

    5- love and the conception of his offspring

    6-all out war and he's off battling not knowing he's a father

    7-the kids are growing up and he does't know and maybe thinks they (the family) are dead.

    8-he turns to the Dark side

    9- more battles he suffers injury after injury arms legs etc..

    10- Darth Vader rises and the jedi are exterminated over time

    THEN begins A New Hope

    there goes the crappy parts no Jar jar and stiff love scenes etc...

    EDIT: see thats the movie i wanted i'm not up for the DVDs until thier in the Bargain Bin ; Oh and i can't wait to see how things get changed b/c Lucas didn't like a scene and wants to digitally modify it!

  8. great tip! didn't know that would work.

    I recently bought several Bandai 1/55 reissues, and of them all, the VF-1S (regular, not super) is the only one with a sticky paint job/finish. Can anyone suggest a way to remedy this, or is it a normal thing for this particular reissue?

    They were all brand new, BTW.



    Try using Armour All (car interior protectant). Spray it lightly on a paper towel and rub it on softly. After you have finished completey rubbing the valk down, just leave it for about a day and a half. Not only will this UV protectant help keep your paint from remaining sticky it will also giveit a nice clean look.

    I tried this on a STRIKE, VE-1, and VT-1...worked like a charm. Plus, I think it smells nice too.

    BTW- It will not leave a heavy or greasy film. Just remember to wipe it down and leave it alone, as previously described. ;)


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