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Posts posted by Macross73

  1. Have to agree. head iisnt anime enough or the hair. But as far as a 1/6 scale figure its a great addition to the collection that ligh on the chest plate is it reflective or is there a battery in the pack to light it up. very nice.

  2. any body contact Postman Pat about going to arafats house and getting his stuff back?

    hey guppy its not that these alerts are needed to warn others, but theres already so

    much written about him that after a while seeing his name pop up well...its a wonder

    that he hasn't gotten banned from e-b-a-y or robot japan or any other auction-type site.

    fools like that make it hard for honest folks to get a straight deal.

    but man this guy seems pop-up everywhere.

  3. even though some folks show an interest in a 1/48th conversion kit, i think that there in lies the problem - a 1/48th just doesnt exist (yet).

    NMB4M list of parts making a 1/55 is an intricate job even with something to work from.

    I like the 1/55s thy're easy to modify (for me anyway) compared to the 1/48s and the price of an original VE1 is getting higher and higher.

    so why not take this oppportunity to get a kit . its the closest many of us are going to get to an original VE1 1/55.

    the 1/48th Vf-1 i have gotten are great but my 1/55 are plentiful and much more suitable for modification.

    for those that want one i think this is the time to get one.

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