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Everything posted by RDX17

  1. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    That I definitely understand.
  2. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for the additional information. I just need to keep my anticipation in check now.
  3. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    This is great, thanks so much. I pre-ordered a Glaug, but decided to skip the Monster and the Brownie, so I'm just trying to get a sense of what & when to expect next.
  4. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Reading through posts from the last few weeks, it looks like the VF-1A (Brownie) was officially announced April 19th, followed by the Pre-order on April 28th, with a release date schedule for September. Being relatively new to this, is this how the prior announcements/pre-orders/releases have been handled as well? A week or so between the announcement and pre-order, with a release scheduled 5 months down the road? Thanks!
  5. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Hey, look at that! No doubt.
  6. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Ah, got it. Definitely sounds like they're still having some issues with emails and additional shipping invoices getting out. Hang in there, I'm sure your Roy will be on its way soon.
  7. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Ah, okay. I don't think you'd be expected to pay additional shipping. Maybe they're focused on sending out the orders that include the stand first, or just those with a Roy? I don't think it would hurt to send an email asking about your order though, and I'm sure it'll work out.
  8. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Did either of you receive the message from NY regarding additional shipping charges? If not, I'd scan through the last few pages here to find out what others experienced. I believe contacting NY would be in order ASAP.
  9. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    I was originally a bit perplexed by the inclusion of the small wings as well, however I've been using the ones included with the VF-1S Strike (Hikaru) on the Armored VF-1J and appreciate them quite a bit. I now wish they'd been included with the Armored VF-1J.
  10. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for sharing those pictures. Having never ordered from NY it's nice to see how well their packaging is for potential orders in the future.
  11. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    I noticed that as well. Good catch.
  12. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Tamashii Nations post regarding the HMR commerical: http://tamashii.jp/special/macross/ Direct link to the commercial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wm84jOO20rA&feature=youtu.be
  13. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    No yet, but there's always hope for future releases.
  14. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Ah, thanks for clearing that up. Very good to know.
  15. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Does this image actually indicate what releases to expect with the Hi Metal R series? If so, I can check off a few of my wish list items...and add a couple more.
  16. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    I agree, that would be a nice addition. I wouldn't mind this at all.
  17. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    I agree, although looking at the original announcement, the pre-order timeline, and the release date of this first wave, I'd say calm, cleansing breaths and some patience will be required. If I'm not mistaken, the HMR's were announced in November 2014, the first available pre-order was May 2015, the first release was September 2015, and we're still waiting for the VF-1S (April '16), the Glaug (May '16) and the Monster (July '16). A year-and-a-half from announcement to completion. Not complaining or criticizing, just trying to put the timeline into perspective. So, if there is a second wave announced later this year, and they follow the same schedule, we're looking at the next actual release date starting in September 2017. A little over a year away. Not too bad, all things considered. It should hopefully give us all time to reinforce our bank accounts.
  18. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    I hope Bandai continues with the Hi-Metal R 1/100 series. I'd love to see the following made available: DYRL VF-1A Super - Hikaru variant DYRL VF-1A Super - Max variant SDFM VF-1J - Max variant (possibly in the next release wave?) SDFM VF-1A - Cavaliers (not likely) SDFM VF-1J - Macross the First (just dreaming) Regult Scout Tomahawk (possibly in the next release wave?) I'd like to see the Fan Racer released as well, although a 1/100 scale would be a bit small.
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