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Posts posted by Convectuoso

  1. So far,I haven't had any problems with my Toynami 1/100 valks. I still have the CF, TV VF-1A Max, and a VF-1S, which I hope to replace soon with a HI-METAL. I sold the VF-1J Hikaru when I bought the Hi-Metal version, but apart from the VF-1S I don't mean to replace the others.

  2. Cool. What type of paint did you use?

    I'd like to know the same thing: what type of paint and what color did you use?

    Great job, btw!

  3. So I had a really wacked out dream this morning that I opened my Hikaru 1Js only to discover that they were a completely different design... hardly any actual transformation, mostly swapping out huge chunks of the body, more like a Tomytec kit.. and the boxes were half-sized or something, with no accessories at all. :blink:

    I wouldn't call that a dream. That's definitely a nightmare

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