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Posts posted by Universe1010

  1. the Destroids are gonna be smaller than the VF-1's (excluding the monster and what are you doing putting a monster in a flying pose anyways?) I'm gonna second the opinion that Yeti's are massive overkill for pretty much anything in the HMR line. even for formation display's you're better off just getting a tamashii trident base or chaining together regular stages and arms since the stage Act sets are all modular anyways.


    actually I take that back. I want a yeti adapter for the monster when it comes out so I can have it in a flying through space pose because that sounds dumb in a good way.

    are you referring to this? https://www.amazon.ca/Bandai-Tamashii-Nations-Trident-Action/dp/B00B8IWJWU

    If so do they have pegs to connect them incl.?

  2. Here is a over/under setup requested by someone on r/lego. This would work for Valks, too. Just add a dual arm to a Beta stand.







    Can you use that with hi metal r valkyrie?

  3. Which SAL? Registered or Unregistered?

    Registered-SAL is usually always 2-3 weeks. It's got tracking, tho.

    Unregistered-SAL is usually 2 weeks, too, but sometimes 10 days and sometimes a month and/or a forever-wait. Depends on your country's local mail carrier, I reckon.

    thanks i went with registered SAL

    • *Important Notice: Starting time of "Bandai Collectors" pre-orders
    • Opening of pre-orders for 18 "Bandai Collectors" products are pushed back to 19:00 Japan time. Please note that it may be further delayed.

    Better hope the offer us a large discount for waiting 😂

  4. I know full well what Bandai "meant" it to be but it's still wrong because I don't give two sh**s what Bandai intended. Calling an arm a leg does not make it a leg.

    Even if I were to accept that this was the movie version, it's still not accurate to that version. It's wrong twice!

    If they're going to do that crap, why not just release Max and Miria in slightly different colors and call them the "DYRL" versions? :p

    M&M for the win

  5. Most likely after October. How about a special 2 pack Christmas release? :D

    I'm down for that! :D

  6. Flat Rate has gone up. I have tried a few things lately, and can ship a few stands for $20-$30 internationally through first class. I will be adjusting the webstore this week.

    I have regularly shipped as requested by buyers and refunded partial shipping fees. Just let me know with a note when you order and I can compare the cost of flat rate vs first class.

    We Canadians are so gouged most the time that we are okay with cattle class + taxes :D

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