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Posts posted by godfather

  1. Anyone found English subbed AVI verisons yet?

    ...and don't go mentioning those *#&%#*&% MKV files... :p

    At the risk of getting attacked with an Xacto knife... ;)

    May I ask what problem(s) do you have using MKV files?

    So far, using VCL viewer (for Windoz XP) it works OK. The english subtitles need to be enabled manually everytime you open the file, but beyond that it works fine with MKV files.

  2. So an HGUC Nue Ziel packaged with the HGUC Dendrobium? That'll be one big ass box...

    Not to mention expen$$$ive. :o:lol:

    The text with the images says something about 1/400, which makes sense, as that was the best proportioned Dendrobium so far, and the only scale for the Nue Ziel, right?

    I would expect this to just be a repackaging of those kits.

    If it is 1/400 then the price should be more affordable, but not as affordable as these: BAN903908, BAN907719

    Why switch scale, I wonder... (beyond the obvious money reasons). <_<

  3. Thanks for the info. I was looking around for custom water slide decals but had no luck. It definitely looks 100 times better with those decals. Is there any good online store in US selling water slide decals?

    Although neither is Gundam Wing specific, you can try Peter Savin's gundam decals or the ones StarShipModeler.com is currently selling.

    Or you could wait until Bandai releases the set specific for this kit. Choice is yours. :)

  4. {snikt!}

    I guess it's just marketing. Bandai wants you to buy all the 1/144, 1/144 HG and 1/100 HG Destiny kits first. If they released the MG kits too soon, then many people would just skip buying the lower grade kits.


    Sneaky bastiches aren't they. <_<;)

    I find it frustrating having to wait for the 1/100 (HG or MG) kits sometimes. I want them NOW darn it! :lol:

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