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Posts posted by Mintox

  1. the sheer level of awesomeness with this is just incomprehensible! :o This looks utterly amazing! B)) We salute you good sir for you super fine efforts! Well done mate! ^_^

    Cheers mate for the kind words. I've started on my next strike pack in 1/48 so I hope to have that finished in a month and post some picts of it.

  2. This is a great build! The colors and paint job are amazing (even the girlfriend thought so as she passed by).

    How many coats of orange did you have to do? I find painting orange to be very taxing.

    Thankyou for your comments. And say thanks to your girlfriend too! Actually its the opposite of what you should be achieving i.e. not even an distribution of colour or coverage if you think of it in those terms (I will assume you want a worn look).

    I started off with a coating of Tamiya Fine White surface primer, then went over all the edges and panel lines with black. A very dark grey will also suffice (not recommended if your final coat is a very light colour like white) although I am learning towards Mr Hobby colour Flat Black Tire #H77 for intermediate colours like orange or yellow. This highlights the panel lines so they dont get visually "lost". Then start with your primary colour and because you have two areas of colour underneath now, one dark (the panel lines and edges) and the centre of these panels (the white undercoat) you can vary the depth of colour by spraying more or less over these areas to give variation in tone.

    I use acrylics exclusively now and yes they are an art to mix thin correctly but my rule of thumb is the consistency of low fat milk. And dont spray in really cold or really hot temperatures. I know that may not be possible but it will affect acrylics, especially gloss acrylics which are a bitch to paint with which is why I prefer matt finishes where possible and then gloss them.

  3. This is awesome!! I love dirty valkyries way more than the clean ones.

    What is your photo studio setup? Or is it a light box?

    I hope to see moore macross from you.

    I light box I think you call it. Commercially made with two lights and diffusers to spread and soften the light sources. Problem with it is it is not very big and the 1/48 Valkyrie is about as big an object as you would want to put in it. It worked to a point for this shoot but one thing I couldn't do was photograph the underneath for everyone as the detail in the landing gear bays is really nice and detailed. Maybe I'll try and turn it over somehow or take the strike pack off and flip it over. I'll make sure I take underneath picts of my next strike pack to show the bottom and the missile pods under the wings on this next build.

  4. Fantastic paint & weathering work! Maybe the gun sensor should get a frame in the hull color to tie it in a bit more, but overall this looks like a studio model.

    Got any more work to share?

    I did do a 1/48 VF-1S Yellow Skull. I could take picts but it is not "dirtied" like this build. I built that one as a homage to the way the Valkyries look in the movie and Robotech series.

  5. Who are you and why have you stayed away from this site for so long? ;)

    That is incredibly good and well worth the wait to see the bigger, closer photos!

    Big thumbnails? Exactly how they should be.

    Very, very nice work!

    I've been making models for a good 45 years. I just don't get around to posting picts of my builds, mainly because I am lazy and cant be fagged taking picts. My son has been pestering me to post images of my builds for a while now so I decided to start with my favourite subject, Macross. I hope everyone enjoys them. I might try and take shots of me next build as I go along but I havent been able to figure out how to add images once a post has been made and I dont have a hosting site for my images except Google photos, which I suppose would do.

  6. Alaska Base your Daedalus build is insane. I love that ship. Anyway I have fixed my small mistake up on the missile launcher nose and am taking photos tonight of it. I've started my third build of my 1/48 Valkyries, the Red Skull squadron VF-1A with twin missile launcher booster packs and missiles under the wings.

  7. Arrrgh Nooooo! I just noticed I have the sensor on the missile pod around the wrong way. There should be a depression not a bulge and it should sit to the right of the missile pack when looking front on. I'll need to replace that now so no more picts until I fix that. it'll bug me forever knowing I stuffed it up.

  8. Hi all

    Just joined and not wanting to lurk I thought I would post my newly finished model of the VF-1S Strike pack but in VT colours. Probably been done before but here is my take on it. Apologies for the one photo, but I intend to set up the photobooth and take better picts on my DLSR camera sometime this week and post those but for now here is a teaser of it.


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