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RT junkie

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Posts posted by RT junkie

  1. Man, I'm in the middle of this right now. Unboxing everything and organizing it. Then taking pictures of them, and composing a spreadsheet with all of them on it, including estimated value as of today..... tedious work <_< , but in a way it makes you respect just how much these collections can grow and be worth over years of accumulating these "treasures".

  2. I'll post after this weekend. I finally was able to unpack all my stuff now that we've moved into a house, and 1/3 of the basement is full of my toys and kits. My in-laws are showing up Friday to spend the weekend, and they'll want a tour of the whole house......... I can hear her father snickering already. <_<

    Maybe I'll put my gun collection right next to it, and pull down the AR-15 when we first walk down there...... It might either distract him, or make him think twice about voicing any negative comments :lol: .

  3. A crap shoot really.... I'd think here you might be able to get $50-$60 if it's MIB (we are a bunch of cheap bastids around here :lol: ). Maybe $40 if it's been opened and decaled. On Ebay, maybe closer to $100 MIB if the right buyercomes along?? Although the 1/60 seem to be getting a bit scarce on Ebay compared to a year ago, aside from the 1A Hiki and to a lesser extent Roy, CF, and 1A max. Maybe they'll start going the way of the MPCs in value. Demand starting to outstrip supply...........

    Good luck :) .

  4. I used to have a girlfriend with a bod like that, god that was fun...then I got married

    Grayson, If you dropped something like that to get married, I think you may have some serious mental problems! :lol:


    The ol' bait and switch. You marry a hottie with a nice firm body, who knows how to use it. Ten years and a couple kids later, you wake up one day and see your hottie's body is looking more and more like a destroid Spartan <_< .

    Then again, between the beer and working, I guess we don't all hold up that well either. Luckily for us, it doesn't matter :lol::lol: ...... unless the Destroid abandons ship, and we have to try to land a new hottie. Hello BowFlex!

  5. Well, not much on display at the moment, but we finally moved into our first home - no more apartment living. I brought all my toys / model kits from my childhood to present day out, and will hopefully get to unpack them and set up some cool displays soon. Guess I'm gonna need a few shelves... Not including the stuff in boxes (mostly my 1/48 yammies), and loose stuff, I've got 41 totes packed full of model kits and toys. After seeing what happenned to Gobotfool, I'm going to have to catalog everything and get it on my insurance.....

    The Macross section:



    Some finished kits:



    Some GI Joe stuff in desperate need of cleaning and TLC after spending more than a decade above my parent's garage:


    Some Star Wars stuff, and a tote choc full of old school transformers and gobots:


    My other fleet:


  6. Finally picked up a mint set of these bookends to round out my collection. Although the MPCs are inferior, I gotta have 'em all.... the 1/60s, 1/55s and the 1/48s. I picked up a set a few months ago, without the box, only to have them show up with the Regult's legs both busted :o .

    He also had all 6 volumes, and the 3 appendixes for $220. I e-mailed him to find out the condition, and someone swooped in and picked them up. Of course then I get the reply that they were never removed from the boxes. With the rediculous prices the Max/Millia armors alone are fetching I could have made a few $$ off flipping that lot on Ebay....... <_< .

  7. Dude the comment was not even funny... Leave the dude alone if ya dont believe him then dont. Iv seen some nice cars around F&S and I bet that one of the dudes in them was Kung Fu.

    Off Topic:If ya guys really do Real Estate you can make big bucks!

    Why do ya think my parents dont allow me to spend so much money, because they are busy spending the money on themselves and my gradesĀ  <_< .

    I do believe ya are rich man. Or if I misread this previous part of the thread earlier I could be wrong and if this post was worthless someone correct me. If not...err whatever :p just leave your bad comments to yourselves.



    Whatever Dean :rolleyes: .

    Here's a thought. Why don't you do some homework (prove your parents aren't wasting their money), and follow this guys posts across the boards, not just the one in this thread before you ride to the rescue.

    Perhaps then you can paint a little clearer picture of the disruptions for yourself, and see how it derails threads (much like these posts are doing right now) with a big steaming load of BS. The first couple of times you dismiss it as childish, but it gets really annoying after awhile. If there was ........ aaaahhhh I'm not going to waste any more time on this crap.... Back to F&S.

  8. Dammit, thought this was a thread for it's announcement.......<_<...I knew it was too soon.


    So did I. Got all excited for nothing. Probably for the better though..... need some time to build up the toy fund again....

  9. At the top right corner of my forums pages, it has said "-1 New Messages" for a few days now, and it's pretty annoying, especially when there's nothing new in my inbox.

    Also, I don't recall it ever having a "-" before the number of new meeages I have before. Maybe it has, and I just never noticed.

    Anyone else run across this, or know how to make it disappear?

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