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Posts posted by Goshawk

  1. From what I have heard from the one of the Dev interveiws today for GW the next one they are working on is gonna be bid and may be cheaper than the intial purchase of the game. But I will keep my ears open and pass along info as i get it B)) But since the game just came out they are also still on the drawing boards.

  2. Yea, I was looking at some on the net last nite and all of a sudden I got wacked in the back of the head by a pillow and my wife standing there telling I agreeed to wait a couple weeks to a month before I got a new one, but my excuse was I was just looking, I swear. all I got was a yea riggghhtt.

  3. Hey guys and gals, Good news, there are some PRE E3 pics up on the MMORadio forums. :D:D stop in and take a look, dont forget we will be airing interveiws of the companys there, so tune and have fun :D:D

    Doh, helped if I put the wedsite addy in,


    on the site theres a link to our IRC and a link "listen now" button should take straight to the music.


  4. ok I taking a wild guess here and placing this here, but I totally blame all of you for this, As someone said before they got bitten by the bug, well the Yammie bug got me and I got me 2 Yammies, the ELINTSEEKER and SUPER OSTRICH. They came in today and talk about bouncing off the walls. :lol: Im scared to even display them. :lol: I just want to thank you for the bug bite, now i want more Yammies. God my wife is going to go nuts. ROFL

  5. I have to say that my wife is real supportive when I started back into my collection, the good thing is we share the collection of Macross stuff, she loves it as much as I do, well to come to find out, my dearest loves Harlock, so when this came up on ebay I had to get it for her


    and in which she found out I got it, she decided that I need a good pillow pounding which started a hour long pillow fight. and our kidswalking in the room and saying, "Our parents are weird!" in sterio. :lol::lol:

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