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Posts posted by TangledThorns

  1. I went sorta retro by reloading Crysis 1 on my new PC rig that I built last month. Hard to believe the game was released in 2007 as it still looks great at max settings! I wanted to play it again to test out my new GPU, AMD 280X. My old rig using a AMD 4850 and then a 6870 could barely do medium to medium high settings.

  2. I read the film's directors had Chris Evans learn Krav Maga for the role's fighting scenes. It's a good self-defense art to learn, the elevator scene reminded me of when I earned my Practitioner 2 patch. That kicked my butt!!


  3. Syfy had a blurb about the movie and it sounds interesting. Part of it takes place in 84, another part in the early nineties, and a third part in 2003 or so. From the description the film ties together the first three movies. The one quote I remember from the article was "who is going to play 'Bill Paxton'"?

    I read this on AICN and its sounds too ambitious. Hollywood needs to sit down, watch the original 1984 film and learn why it was so cool.

  4. The 1/60 11B? You practically destroyed it? I don't know what to say, work on being more gentle? The 11B wasn't exactly difficult or hard to transform and the 19 is going to be far more delicate/hard.

    More or less an exaggeration on my part :wacko: However some parts were tweaked more than I liked. I'd like see to a Macross toy made using Magpul polymer B))

  5. I'm reading through this long thread and was wondering if this YF-19 will be worth the $$$. Any idea on how it'll be compared to Yamato's toys? I had the Yamato VF-11B and practically destroyed it trying to transform it, ugh.

    I hadn't bought a Macross toy in over ten years but this new YF-19 has my interest peaked!!

  6. Saw it this afternoon. I don't think it's on the level that the first one is. It's not as subtle. The original is, on the surface, about a guy who becomes a cyborg who struggles to find his humanity, and the social commentary is an undercurrent of satire. The remake's social commentary is much more overt. However, the remake was actually quite good. Although I feel that the original's themes are as true today as they were in the '80s, I feel like they took the opportunity to examine other, new issues that maybe people hadn't thought of in 1987, but are or could be issues in the very near future. By doing so, I think they were able to present a movie that's fresh on its own without being slavish to nor a total departure from the original.

    The original Robocop's theme was 'the future of law enforcement.' Interestingly the new Robocop has a better grasp on that theme when it comes to drones and surveillance. Pretty scary stuff if you value civil liberties. I doubt we'll see anything like a Robocop in our lifetime but what we saw in the Tehran scene may not be far that off.

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