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Posts posted by TangledThorns

  1. I bought Isolation and so far it's a great game though it has some flaws. My main issue is with the AI. How come the Alien only hunts me when there other humans walking around?

    The game reminds me of Riddick and it would of been cool if they added a RPG-lite component to it. For example, interacting with the other humans for side quests and/or working together to defend against the Alien, androids or other humans.

  2. I thought their ordering system was down and it was only supposed to be temporary. Where else can you get the blu rays? I didn't get more than number one....

    Yeah, that was back at the end of August and they stopped pushing new episode releases too. I wonder if there was any drama... It'd be nice if Netflix got the rights to the series just like they did with Attack on Titan, ugh!

  3. Woohoo! Just got my weekly ad from GOG, Xwing and Tie Fighter (and a bunch of other Lucas Arts game classics) are now available there.

    Great game but I think the decades old graphics will be a turn-off for me. Would it kill them to update the game with HD graphics?!

  4. Gotta say, I do seem to be enjoying this show and to the point I'm not even watching Shield anymore. Maybe because Gotham is less hockey super tech.

    I stopped watching SHIELD after the first several episodes. None of the stories and characters could keep my interest.

  5. After watching all of these recent episodes, I have two observations/suggestions for the producers of this show:

    1) Drop the whole Bruce Wayne/Alfred story arcs NOW.

    I partially agree but the series pretty much revolves around the Wayne's murder.

    Moving forward I do have to say that Gotham is a new favorite of mine. The Penguin followed by Fish Mooney are my favorite villains on television right now.

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