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Posts posted by Arkham

  1. Speaking of Arcadia Stickers.... last time I applied a sticker to something was before the Internet.....

    Is there a video, tutorial, recommendation of any kind on how to apply those? I'm like very very hesitant to do it in terror of screwing it, but on the other hand, I really miss the kite on the Super Packs and some other details.

  2. 46 minutes ago, Lolicon said:

    If Bandai were to revisit Frontier, I'd want all new, completely retooled VF-25s incorporating all the improvements we've seen over the years, including working hardpoints.

    All I want for a new Frontier batch is lockable mechanism for the chest-shoulders-and-back accordion, with the cockpit. Right now feels like a sausage with a poncho

  3. 7 minutes ago, jenius said:

    Here's my list of what I think is most likely PF announcement from most to least:

    1) Hikaru 1J (GBP or super)

    2) Shin 0A

    3) Shin 0D

    4) VT-1

    As someone who joined late the Valk party, I'm quite happy with any (all?) of them :-)

  4. 45 minutes ago, Shizuka the Cat said:

    Is it bad that the first thing I thought of when I saw these pictures were:

    Look at those pretty valkyries by the window. Oh no... how long before the exposure to sunlight causes them to yellow?

    Maybe the window faces south? :-)

    *Faces north?

  5. Hello Folks,


    Was wondering if you can provide some inputs on a related matter. I'm trying to find some PF M&M. I was checking mandarake and 1 of them is available at something like 32k (opened, not used, package damaged).

    Then I found both of them in Nippon Yasan for around 28k (brand new). Now I've heard about some issues with NY with preorders, but this is rising some redish flags.

    Am I missing something here, or it "should be fine" ?

    Any info or comments will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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