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Posts posted by enphily

  1. 5 minutes ago, chyll2 said:

    No updated on NY and  I picked SAL. I will just assume and convince myself that it is shipped via Ferry :(

    and you lost your AE order because of me. I'm sorry, man:(

  2. 2 minutes ago, chyll2 said:

    I accidentally ordered one on AE but I wont push through with it since they have this weird Shipping option on they have the decision on what shipping option they want (plus they are not clear if they are willing to change the value of the item). Unfortunately, there is no way to change the email address so I really cannot share it here.

    Too bad:(

  3. They sent me this:

    Message: Dear Nikolay Ivanov
    Thank you for your patience
    Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, Bandai has not provided the enough quantity for this item.
    Bandai has reduced the quantity without any notice for all retailers.
    Please accept our sincere apologies for this inconvenience.
    We have refunded your payments.
    Thank you for your understanding
    Best regards

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