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Posts posted by slideshot

  1. Hey folks,

    I'm new here, but I recently had the joy of obtaining a 1/60 Yamato Max valk with the fast pack from a friend. Only thing is that it has the wrong gun on it. Apparently the slightly changed the Yam mold for max and miria, so that the hole on the gun to connect the gun to the plane in fighter mold is lower on max than it is on the other valks. So my gun keeps on falling out in fighter mode, which is really annoying the heck out of me.

    Could anyone help me out? Have an extra max/miria gun lying around, I will buy it off of you or swap if interested. I have the regular gun for other 1/60 valks, no stickers applied. I also have a bunch of TFs, if you are interested in any of them.

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