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Posts posted by slideshot

  1. Working on the armor color now.....I'm starting to have second thoughts on the color choice but I think I'll be fine.  Wanted to use a light blue instead and a regular blue for the darker areas...but I don't have enough light blue to finish the job I think. 

    The darker colored armor is about finished...I'm spraying an undercoating to the areas not so exposed so I can get the areas that are hard to cover in the space I'm working at.

    Also, anyone know what batteries these take? Is it the exact same on all of the PG kits?  If so....than what was that again? lol I can't find my PG Strike manual...


    The type of battery it takes is actually written on the inside of the battery housing, which is the neck. Different PGs actually take different batteries. THe zaku i belive takes 2 LR 43 - go to radio shack, they know what the american lettering/numbering system translates too.

    While we're talking about the zaku - does anyone know where to get some waterslides for them. Stickers suck. How bandai can make a $100 + model and not include $%@ing waterslides is beyond me.

  2. The one thing I'm curious about is exactly how much money Bandai makes off of Gundam lines.  I am assuming GSD happens on Satruday night there, or is it morning.  But whatever the case, I wonder how their ratings are like, and in turn, how much cash they get out of selling off their various models are figurines.

    Like the idea of using the shield like a battering ram.  Heh heh.


    If I remember correctly, Gundam Seed, when it aired, was the first really big AU Gundam hit in a long while (since wing, I think, but I don't remember how well wing did). It did exceptionally well, only losing in ratings to Full Metal Alchemist, which, by the way, was a great show. Since Seed did so well (Now that I think about it, I think it did better than Wing, but not sure), Bandai, of course, marketed the hell out of it.

    Hence why we now have 90 different figures of the characters in addition to all the models they make. And from what I've read, GSD is doing as well as Seed was. It doesn't really have any competition like Seed did with Full Metal Alchemist, either.

    BTW - those statutes up there - is that athrun in the middle? If so, why is he wearing eyeliner?

  3. The 1/60 kits are usually around the level of a MG kit with a few more parts but with the details of a HG kit.


    I remember messing with a 1/60 Freedom a bit and it seemed more like a bigger version of an HG. The shoulders didn't swing forward like they do on the 1/100 Strike. It didn't have an internal frame either.


    Yeh, now that I think about it, it is more HG than MG (this is what happens when I don't look at them for years). But there were some things that were on the 1/60s that were not on the 1/100s yet found on the MGs. I'll say this, it's a HG kit with more detail.


    Yeah - it's the blown up HG kit, though the lighting apparently makes it cost as much as a PG kit (around 90 bucks, probably more with importing). I guess it falls in line wiht the HY2M kits the used to make with all the lights and stuff.

  4. My PG Zaku shipped today too!

    Question now is:  Do I paint this one too?  Not sure if I want to spend all the $$$ on the paint.  Guess that will have to depend on if I like the colors the parts runners are molded in.


    THe plastic is this somewhat odd pinkish stuff which has a good number of knit lines. You'll definately want to paint it - even adding simply red spray paint significantly helps the look of it (you don't really even need to paint the skeleton, although you should, since you can see parts of them at the joints.

    You really only need 2-4 spray colors, a red, burganday, black, and maybe a grey. It's worth the extra couple of buxks, trust me.

  5. Are you doing another Titan theme? Personally, I always thought the GP01 in its self was a great design, but the Fb lagged alot...poor balance but it was just space use only.


    Looks a little too light blue to be a Titans theme. I'm looking forward to seeing it though.

    Funny thing I just finished watching 0083 and was debating getting the MG GP01 ir GP01Fb and GP03 myself. They are some nice looking suits.

    Wish they made a MG Gerbera Tetra though. That was a seriously sweet suit.

  6. A clip show this late in the show, that just goes to show that not even the people behind this show still care.


    Is it just me or has this series had a lot of clip shows. I mean, isn;t this the third one? That's a lot for a 50 episode show.

    Anyhow, if you do watch it, a good portion of the clip show show is stuff that happened, oh 3-4 episodes ago.

    THey really are just not trying anymore.

  7. So what's the allure of these guys?  What do they have that a model or an MSIA don't?


    They're a middle ground of detail and convenience.

    I absolutely hate putting together models, but MSIAs tend to be a bit too toy like - GFF gives you a model like quality display figure, except it's all ready made and finished the way an MSIA is.

    The Fix Figuration quality varies with each release much like anything. Ones like GFF Crossbones, GFF F-91 are good. Ones like the GFF Zeta are complete disasters.


    I was kind of curious about this too. I got a Zeta plus FIx, mainly cause I liked the paint scheme, and when i tried to turn it into a wave rider, the darn thing basically explided in my hand (this was out of the box, no playing with it AT ALL). Legs and arms flew off, Paint was chipped on a lot of places. I wasn't too impressed. Are all of the fix like this? I was seriously considering getting a deep striker, mainly cause I know they won't have a model of it out, bit if its going to fall apart like this. I might avoid the line. Did I just get a bum figure?

  8. More than likely they'll made another SEED sooner or later, becuase, as someone on the Gundam board put it "you could label dog crap with SEED, and it would be a best seller."

    The next Gundam installment will be a "hillarious" romp through the SEED universe, called Gundam SEED: Double Destiny. aka, Gundam SEED DD (Double D). Some fans will shorten this to Gundam SEEDDD, while others will truncate it to a mere "DDD." THe show itself will feature an unprecedented 85 different Gundams, al of which will combine the names of the previous  Gundams, such as "Strike Astray Freedom Rouge Gundam."


    Of course Strike Astray Freedom Rouge Gundam, piloted by KIra, would now have the power to destroy entire solar systems. And Kira would still be doing non lethal shots. Infinite Strike Savior Aegis Justice would be piloted by Arthrun, and would, again, be destroyed.

    Guess I should have put a spoiler warning there. Oh well.

  9. Hey in the hanger with the Strike, what kind of MS were those next to it? Anyone know? I couldent tell.

    What MS? Time please?

    If anything....Kira should have brought the IWSP with him. Rouge was designed to use that thing. :(


    Doesn't the IWSP only work in atmospheric flight? I though it was like a aile pack with better weapons designed for atmospheric fighting.

  10. I recently got an old 20th Anniversary Edition MG Zeta off a friend of mine, it's complete, except for a missing left foot. If anybody has an old MG Zeta they don't want, can I have the left foot? I don't mind if it's not the plated version, I just need a foot!



    Drop a letter to

    Bandai America Incorporated

    Attn: Repair Department

    5551 Katella Avenue

    Cypress, CA 90630

    Phone: (714) 816-9560

    with what parts you need.

    If you don't needd the crome parts, they can probably help you get replacement parts. From what I've heard, they're pretty fast about getting them.

  11. Anybody got any other ideas? ;)


    They wanted to make it sound cool...?


    I have a better question, what the hell is the light radiating out of Destiny's wings? do they serve any purpose other than to paint a big shot me sign?

    Kind of like saying, we need extra energy, but let's waste the power out the wings for no reason.


    Well, I though they could be a weapon, but if it's just an effect of a mirage colloid system and not actual "beams," then it can really be used as a weapon.

    Guess it's to make him look purty, like the butterfly

  12. well here it is! :) i shrunk the head, made the mouth a bit smaller, and made her hands a bit longer.

    so tell me, what do you guys think?

    do i need to make more moddifications?


    I'm just making a suggestion here, but for some reason that little crook where her lips come together just doesn't seem to look right to me. I dont know why, but it might look better if it wasnt there.

    Just a though.

  13. @ Valkyrie: Congrats on the auction win!! and thanks for sharing your pics. I would love it if you could make me some good scans of the parts layout sheet & instructions for those 2 kits, if you ever find the time to do me that favor.

    @ Slideshot: I really appreciate you sharing that link and that article, thanks!! It would be even cooler if you could find one for me :D;) , do you think it'll ever get re-released?

    - Viceland

    This is what I have found out so far from googling various terms connected to the female/plane so far. This figure is outside the "action figure" area and more in the "sculpture/fine arts area." It is called Second Mission Project Ko2, because it is a variation on a prior Ko2 figure she made that resembled a anime waitress. Three variations were produced, i think. The first was the original, and was life sized, and on display at various art galleries. The artist who made it, Takashi MURAKAMI, also designed something for louis vuitton (search for her name on ebay , and a ton of vuitton purses come up). Two other scales were offered, a 1:3.5 and a 1:6:5, each containing three statutes, one in "human mode," one in mid transform, and one in plane mode. They were constructed at her facility called hiropon factory (whose web page has since dissappeared). Each was also limited to 200 made, back in 1999-2000, which means that the prices on these things are somewhat insane.

    One of the 1:6 were going for around 1800 on ebay - this was more than 90 days ago, as I could only find it through google's cache feature

    One of the 1:3.5 were expected to fetch somewhere between 500,000 to 800,000 yen at an auction a few months ago, but didn't sell.

    Like I said, fine art. Here's a picture of what the 1:6's contained (came with the resin pieces for the 1:6 statues, and two t shirts)


  14. That transforming and somewhat needing clothing girl apparently isn't from an anime/magna, but is actually a sclupture poking fun at Japanese otaku (don't ask me how). She's called a SMP ko2. Anyhow, here's a Press release by some place that was displaying it in 2000. I think there are little versions a person can buy, but they were sold out at this place


    I'll search around for some more.

    Takashi Murakami. Second Mission Project ko2

    17.9. - 5.11.2000

    P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, 22-25 Jackson Ave. , 11101 Long Island USA

    Participating Artists:

    Takashi Murakami

    (Long Island City, NY, September 8, 2000) – P.S.1 is proud to unveil Second Mission Project ko2 (SMP ko2) in its newly completed entirety. The three-part sculptural installation by Takashi Murakami depicts a life-sized adolescent girl running at full speed, transforming, and taking off as an airplane. All three stages of the "transformation" process are being shown together for the first time as a long-term installation at P.S.1. Second Mission Project ko2 is curated by P.S.1 Senior Curator, Klaus Biesenbach.

    As a studio artist at P.S.1 in 1994-95, Murakami created and exhibited menacing inflatable giants. These creatures, were derived from Mr. DOB, a cartoon character patented by Murakami and developed into several bodies of work including a line of Mr. DOB products. Murakami’s manipulation and critique of mass-market appeal runs throughout his work including SMP ko2, which is also available as a small do-it-yourself model kit.

    In addition to being and artist and curator, Murakami is a scholar of contemporary Japanese culture. In 1986 Takashi Murakami became the first person to receive a Doctorate in Nihon-ga from The Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. Nihon-ga was a style of painting artificially created and sanctioned by the Japanese government in the Meiji Era (late 19th century). Nihon-ga fuses traditional Japanese styles of the Eudo Era with western painting styles.

    Nihon-ga continues to play a strong role in Murakami’s exacting compositions and the precision of his painting technique. There is a simulated freedom in the expressive gestures of Milk and Cream, (both 1998) which appear to be splash paintings, when on closer inspection they are meticulously rendered. These paintings depict an expulsion of body fluids and set a backdrop for two of his earlier life-sized otaku dolls: Lonesome Cowboy and Hiropon. Hiropon (Heroine) is also the name of Murakami’s studio/factory that created the figures in cooperation with master sculptor BOME.

    Over-ripe with sexual potency, Murakami’s figures morph licentious otaku anime (Japanimation) dolls into perverse reflections of themselves. In these recent works, Murakami subverts the seductive intent of otaku cartoon imagery to create aggressive super-human adolescents. Second Mission Project ko2 is a continuation of Murakami’s critical look at Japanese otaku culture. Although American audiences may not recognize his gesture as scandalous, to inflate and further exaggerate the sexuality of otaku dolls unmasks the perversity of this new Japanese otaku aesthetic. In this way, the triumphant super-girl of Second Mission Project ko2 becomes the conqueror and antithesis of the discomfort and humiliation experienced by some members of the otaku society as they react to the work.

    The newly completed phase of SMP ko2 shows a girl in the midst of becoming an airplane. The explosive take-off happens against a reflective backdrop: one of Murakami’s signature splash paintings depicting an ecstatic burst of body fluid. Speaking of PKO2, the prototype for SMPko2, Murakami states, "PKO2 originally started as a project, by expressing a girl valkyrically transforming into an airplane to somehow define a kind of current Japanese sexual complex, which equals a girl, which equals an airplane..."

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