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Seto Kaiba

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Posts posted by Seto Kaiba

  1. 10 minutes ago, Chronocidal said:

    Oh, I'm not going to hesitate to grab a bunch of these.

    I do have to question where the color for those effects came from though.. I haven't watched that in a while.  Are the engine plumes actually greenish?  Because that looks positively disgusting.

    I don't think I've ever seen that shade of green used for it... the exhaust is usually drawn white with a tinge of either pink, blue, or yellow.  

    Guld's YF-21 usually had a pink tinge, while Max and Milia's VF-22S's had blue.

  2. 6 minutes ago, JB0 said:

    It is EXPLICITLY called out in Macross 7 that Basara is an incredibly good pilot.

    He's not relying on the performance of his machine, he's just so good he can fly like a genius in spite of the fact that his machine has a guitar for a flight stick.

    Hell, it's a plot point for multiple characters that Basara is an incredibly good pilot.

    Gamlin has more than one miniature breakdown over how an unkempt and borderline unemployed rando like Basara is a better pilot than he is as a NUNS Special Forces ace.

  3. 23 minutes ago, SebastianP said:

    The RX-78, of which at least 5 examples were made according to the lore (though only one was in the anime); and the RX-178 of which at least three were made that *are* in the anime? *those* unique, OP machines, that could be bested by mass production units in one on one if the opponent was skilled enough?

    Nothing about the definition of a Super Prototype stipulates that it can't be defeated by a sufficiently experienced enemy (or because of its pilot's own inexperience).

    But yes, the RX-78 Gundam codified the Super Prototype trope in the mecha genre.  There was only one of them in the entire story, and its capabilities were far beyond any of the other mobile suits of its generation had.  Zeon didn't have a MS that could rival its performance until the Gelgoog was introduced right at the end of the war.  The Gundam had a special armor material that made it largely impervious to enemy fire, it had a special learning computer that made it get better at fighting the more it fought, it had the ability to swap out parts on the fly, it had a bunch of special weapons the other mobile suits didn't, etc. etc.  It was power overwhelming to the extent that Zeon intrinsically knew that the White Devil's presence meant sh*t had gone off and it was rightly feared by the Principality's forces clear through to the end of the war.

    It's the same principle as the YF-29.  You only see one in the story because one is game-breaking enough... even if there are potentially others doing the same elsewhere.


    WRT the RX-178, it was deliberately downplayed by Zeta Gundam's creative team because it wasn't even originally supposed to be in the series.  They struggled to finalize the design of the titular Zeta Gundam, so the RX-178 was created as a stopgap design to be used in the first two cours before the show's properly broken-AF Gundam showed up as a mid-season upgrade.  Zeta actually played with the trope much more heavily than the previous series too, with the Titans also having a series of super prototypes made by Scirocco.



    23 minutes ago, SebastianP said:

    If Basara had been loaded up with live ammo instead of speaker pods, [...]


    But he didn't, so it's not a valid point... and Basara's machine isn't a Super Prototype, it's a modified production machine.  An Ace Custom.  Per Macross Chronicle, it started its life as a trial production VF-19F.


    23 minutes ago, SebastianP said:

    It's a nerf in the sense that there are maneuvers that the VF-19 and VF-22 cannot do, that the YF-19 and YF-21 could, due to feature removal, or added safety restrictions.

    Here's the thing... the official writeups don't really support that assertion.

    Macross Chronicle, in fact, asserts the VF-22 was actually made faster and more maneuverable than the YF-21 thanks to the changes.

    Based on what's said, a sufficiently skilled pilot can still draw out that same level of performance or even better it... they've just abolished the risk of the kind of loss of control accidents from less elite pilots that scuttled adoption of the VF-19 and YF-21 in the first place.


    23 minutes ago, SebastianP said:

    Isamu in a stock VF-19A vs Isamu in the Alpha One would be in the Alpha One's favor, because production plane wouldn't let Isamu pull some of the stuff he did with the prototype.

    That's not quite accurate either... the refinements to the flight control software and engines that improved the VF-19's handling came in with the second production type, the space optimized one in Macross 7 (VF-19F/S type).

    The first production type exemplified by the VF-19A and VF-19C was a faithful reproduction of the YF-19 right down to the excessively finicky handling.  Indeed, that was one of the factors that put the brakes on its adoption as Next Main Fighter.  The start of model conversion training among the Earth NUNS was marked by a number of accidents caused by pilots losing control of the aircraft under high g-loads due to its excessively finicky handling.

    (The reason Isamu had to roll back the flight control software on his "Isamu Special" is because that started its life as a second production type VF-19EF.  He wanted the handling of the original unstable software in all of its personnel-maiming glory.)


    23 minutes ago, SebastianP said:

    Guld could not have defeated the X-9 Ghost in a VF-22. He could defeat the X-9 in the YF-21 because it allowed him to control his VF past the point where his body was turning into mush.

    Guld couldn't... but that has at least as much, and likely quite a lot more, to do with the fact that Guld Goa Bowman was a civilian scientist with a Valkyrie pilot's license and not an experienced combat pilot.

    Guld Goa Bowman was a civilian neuroscientist and engineer who was made test pilot on the YF-21 because he was the lead developer on the brainwave control system and the only one who could effectively troubleshoot it on the fly.  The BCS was doing most of the heavy lifting for him, otherwise he would have been hopelessly outclassed by Isamu and likely many other pilots.

    And it's worth noting that there are several other pilots like Aegis Focker and Isamu Dyson who fought comparably powerful unmanned fighters using the VF-19 and won without incurring significant damage, never mind dying.  Isamu defeated the Neo Glaug prototype in Macross Plus: Game Edition, and Aegis Focker defeated multiple AIF-9 Ghosts in the course of Macross VF-X2.


    23 minutes ago, SebastianP said:

    The YF-19 and YF-21 were super prototypes that could do things the production ones could not. 

    The evidence doesn't bear your conclusion out, I'm afraid... esp. with Macross Chronicle itself contradicting key points of your argument.

  4. 8 hours ago, SebastianP said:

    Depends on what level of super prototype shenanigans you're ascribing to Gundam... i.e. which part of the series you're looking at. 

    If we're looking at the early Gundams (MSG and MSG-Z) they weren't hugely faster or more powerful than the grunt suits, and being in a Gundam was definitely not an "I Win" button for any of the early pilots.

    Not really, no.  

    What's being referred to here is the Gundam franchise's commonplace habit of giving its protagonist a one-of-a-kind mecha that is significantly more advanced and powerful than contemporary mass production versions and either flat-out cannot be mass produced or the mass production version is significantly stripped down and a lot less powerful.

    It was those early UC-era Gundams that more or less created the trope in the first place... which is part of why the trope is so commonly associated with the franchise.


    8 hours ago, SebastianP said:

    Not like, say, the Fire Valkyrie. 

    Given that the Fire Valkyrie spent the first half of Macross 7 accomplishing basically nothing on the battlefield, I'd question that assertion.


    8 hours ago, SebastianP said:

    Also, the VF-19 was nerfed by having the flight controls tuned down so normal pilots could fly - this doesn't translate to reduced engine power or anything that would show up in the usual stat block we get for model kits and the like, but it's still a performance hit.

    That's not a nerf... by definition, a "nerf" is a change that weakens something to make it less effective.

    The refinements Shinsei Industry made to the VF-19 in the second production type didn't reduce its performance.  It actually has higher performance than the prototype and first production type, but with improved handling that means that pilots can draw out that performance more readily without the risk of losing control of the aircraft.  The instability of the prototype made it highly effective in the hands of the tiny handful of people who could actually handle it but was nevertheless a design flaw rather than a feature because the VF-19 not developed to be an elite special forces VF... it was intended as a main VF.  In practice, it's more of a buff since it made the even-more-powerful second production type something that could be deployed in larger numbers.  It went from "awesome but hilariously impractical" to "awesome but expensive".


    8 hours ago, SebastianP said:

    And the VF-22 had a bunch of stuff removed compared to the YF-21; that's technically another nerf, as no one could fly the VF-22 like Guld flew the YF-21.

    Just one or two things... and one is in "certain point of view" territory, TBH.

    Ironically, Macross Chronicle actually presents those removals as improvements too... crediting them with a significant cost reduction and reduced weight that improved the final aircraft's performance and operation rate.  Despite the removals, it's also explicitly indicated to have performance comparable to, or superior to, the prototype... so I'm not sure it can be said the removals are a nerf with a straight face.

    Cutting out the free-deformation wing material doesn't seem to have adversely impacted maneuverability based on the descriptions in Chronicle, and scaling back the brain direct interface to a support system is noted to have reduced cost and weight and made the system itself stable enough to actually use, resulting in a net gain in performance not a loss according to Chronicle.  It's not a nerf, it's explicitly a buff.

  5. 4 hours ago, SebastianP said:

    I forgot to mention the actual ending for the non-original characters, plus a few more things. Blame it being like 4 in the morning when I hit post last time.

    To be frank, you're massively overthinking it.

    As noted a few posts ago, Macross runs on Broad Strokes continuity.  The answer to "which version of <previous story> the new story considers canon" is always "none of them".  The creators pick and choose which aspects of design and stort they like best when referencing past stories, and freely mix and match between versions.

    That's why, for instance, Macross 7 has a TV Quamzin and movie Vrlitwhai in its docu-drama of the First Space War and its in-universe version of DYRL? has scenes that aren't in ours.  Or why the Zentradi 33rd Marines in Frontier have a mixture of movie and TV equipment.  Or why the Berger Stone's historical summary in Delta shows a TV version of the SDF-1 Macross's launch with DYRL?-style Macross and the Frontier TV ending with movie costumes and a YF-29.  I could go on, but you get the idea... and Macross 30 is certainly no exception.

  6. 30 minutes ago, TG Remix said:

    And we thought the VF-19 lineage was too much of an ace pilot/main protagonist Valkyrie lmao. At least if a fleet is allowed they could make enough for a team or a squadron. The YF-29 is probably the closest we get to a Gundam-type mentality in Kawamori's Macross. 

    Pretty much, yeah.

    The VF-19 might've gotten the boot for looking too much like a "hero" mecha to be used as cannon fodder c. Macross Frontier's TV series, but the YF-29 Durandal was Macross's first real flirtation with the concept of a Gundam-style Super Prototype.

    Thankfully, there've only been two designs to fall into that lamentable category (the YF-29 and YF-30) and the only one to put in more than one appearance was the YF-29.  

    Master File's explanation of the state of 6th Gen VFs and its explanation of the three different YF-29s seems to be a bit of an effort to retroactively NERF the other YF-29s and make their proliferation in Macross 30 and Absolute Live!!!!!! a bit less broken.


    21 minutes ago, SebastianP said:

    The gundam-type things infiltrated the franchise all the way back in Macross Plus/Macross 7; with the YF-19 being so good that the production version had to be nerfed; and Fire Bomber flying around in custom suits that outperformed the line machines. 

    Ah, that's not correct I'm afraid.

    Granted, Macross 7 did indulge in Ace Custom versions of the VF-19, VF-17, and VF-11... but that's different from the Super Prototype shenanigans going on with the YF-29 (and to a lesser extent, YF-30).

    However, claiming that the YF-19 was "so good that the production version had to be nerfed" is not accurate.  The VF-19's first mass production type (variants A-D) was effectively identical to the final YF-19 spec, and the second mass production type (F, S, etc.) had significantly higher performance.  Even the "monkey model" version used by the Frontier fleet's special forces in Macross R had performance comparable or superior to the YF-19's.


    21 minutes ago, SebastianP said:

    Keep in mind that [...]

    Everyone knows.  Like I noted, the ONLY source that talks about the mecha of the Macross Delta: Absolute Live!!!!!! movie is Master File.

    That's it.  That's ALL we got.  There is no other source... and the part being referenced is very much just a minor expansion on things which were already stated way back in the extra features from the Macross Delta TV series.  That's why I cited it.  


    21 minutes ago, SebastianP said:

    Macross 30, which was the original source for there even being an YF-29B, only has a single example - Rod Baltmer's YF-29B Perceval. The other *five* examples of the YF-29 in the game (Alto Saotome's, Ozma Lee's, Leon Sakaki's, Isamu Dyson's, and the 30th anniversary Itasha version) are all straight up labeled "YF-29 Durandal". 

    Bear in mind, that's all material from before Macross Delta and its materials started retroactively reclassifying the YF-29 and YF-30 as 6th Generation.

    It's also worth noting that this would hardly be the first time a generic label was assigned to a design in a movie and changed later.  Isamu's VF-19 from the second Frontier movie got its name changed multiple times before they settled on one.

    The YF-29B designation from Macross 30 may be an informal one similar to the VF-31C/E/F/J/S types from Macross Delta.


    21 minutes ago, SebastianP said:

    The implication is that while extremely expensive to produce and thus only made in extremely limited quantities, the colonies can reproduce the YF-29 to the same spec as the first unit; though only a handful of special ace custom units are around. Aisha on Ouroboros may be able to produce them locally due to the natural resources available, but that's basically artisanal crafting, not mass production.

    The YF-29B is obviously the NUNS attempt at replicating the YF-29; it has a different name because it's not built by the same people. It may or may not have been discontinued after that one prototype due to the expense; this is not mentioned anywhere in the bio for the unit AFAICT. 

    They've gone back and forth on it a few times.

    Initially, the Frontier fleet's YF-29 Durandal was treated as a one-of-a-kind aircraft because the exotic material requirements to build it were so impossible to meet that they had to leave the prototype incomplete for two entire years because the fold quartz needed to build a working fold wave system was effectively unobtainable by any normal means.

    Later, Macross 30 threw a few YF-29s in play with the excuse that Havamal was using fold quartz from the Protoculture ruins to provide its top aces with the YF-29B.  

    The Delta-era explanation seems to be trying to reconcile the two conflicting explanations into something that also aligns with what it's trying to establish about the 6th Generation of Variable Fighters.  The way they've done it allows for them to have exactly the same specs and still be different based on the different performance of their fold wave systems, esp. as it seems to be building up to the idea that fold wave systems are the wave of the future and power depends on their system efficiency.  IMO, what they've done is actually quite clever, esp. in how it builds on what they were also establishing about the disparity in performance enhancement between the Sv-262 variants and the VF-31 customs.


    21 minutes ago, SebastianP said:

    I don't remember what white text on Macross Mecha Manual indicates (green is for conjecture or calculated data, purple for Macross Chronicle info; and teal is for Master File stuff); so I don't know where exactly the "Philosopher's stone" stuff comes from given that the article isn't sourced. Is that novel info or from a toy manual?

    If memory serves, that was first mentioned in Great Mechanics DX16... but it's been repeated in official art books like the Official Complete Book for the second Frontier movie.

    Calling the unobtainably-pure fold quartz a "Philosopher's Stone" was a joke on how impossible the material was to obtain, and they gave each of the four pieces installed on Alto's YF-29 a name that referenced the various holy relics supposedly incorporated into the sword Durandal... possibly Luca's doing, he likes making references like that.

  7. Finished the Tales of titles... and I'm pretty underwhelmed by both.

    Tales of the Empire in particular didn't really have much of the Empire in it.  I guess "Tales of Generally Unpleasant People" or "Tales of Darth Vader Cosplayers" didn't have quite the same ring to it.  It's three episodes of that one-shot villain from The Mandalorian and three about more members of the glowstick enthusiast society.  There's maybe three minutes of actual Imperial characters in the whole six episode miniseries.

    The only one of the twelve episodes I think I really enjoyed was "Justice", the Count Dooku-as-a-Jedi story.  As Lawful Good characters go, he's one of the rare ones who seems to think it's better to be Good than strictly Lawful.

  8. 3 hours ago, Raikkonen said:

    Thanks. I looked into. But can only find the synopsis of the first chapter translated.

    Ah, yeah... I'm not surprised.  The few of us doing translations are doing it in our free time, and each of us has a rather specialized practice.

    It's on my to-do list, but I'm literal years behind on that list thanks to day job shenanigans that started back around the first COVID lockdowns.


    3 hours ago, Raikkonen said:

    Is there a synopsis of the full story?

    I'm not aware of one, but the gist of it is...


    2nd Lt. Reon Sakaki of SMS's branch on the planet Sephira is sent on a mission to deliver a YF-25 Prophecy to the somewhat secretive SMS branch on the planet Uroboros.  On arriving in orbit, he's attacked by a unit of Ghosts and then a NUNS YF-29B that shoots him down.  When he wakes up, he learns he's been rescued by the Uroboros branch's CO, Maj. Aisha Blanchett, who tells him she wanted the YF-25 for its control AI and that he's now stuck on Uroboros thanks to a flare-up in the Uroboros Aurora... a powerful fold fault that periodically cuts the planet off from the rest of the galaxy.

    So Reon finds himself effectively dragooned into detached duty with the SMS Uroboros branch, having to get licensed as a mercenary in Uroboros's territory, and doing various odd jobs for clients "adventurer" style between expeditions into the planet's many Protoculture ruins.  He learns about the planet's problem with space piracy ("bandits") and encounters the self-enforcing Keep Out sign the Protoculture left in the form of the self-replicating bio-tech insectoids called Dyaus AKA "Guardians" for their tendency to live in and around ruins.  On one such outing into the ruins, Reon discovers a girl held in some kind of stasis capsule and accidentally frees her.  He discovers she's an amnesiac and that her name is Mina Forte.  So the three of them set out together to figure out the secret of the ruins, and along the way weird sh*t starts happening.  While dealing with an unexpected swarm of Vajra, they bump into Alto Saotome and Sheryl Nome of all people... who insist the year is 2059 (not 2060) and are surprised to be quite a ways from where they thought they were.  While fighting the planet's escalating bandit problem and investigating the ruins and their connection to the strange goings-on and Uroboros Aurora they bump into other temporally displaced people including Mylene Jenius and Isamu Dyson.  

    Reon's group learns that the reason the bandits are so suspiciously well-armed and able to evade justice is that they're getting supplies and information under the table from the New UN Spacy VF-X Special Forces unit HAVAMAL, who've set up shop on Uroboros and more or less have free reign.  Havamal has also convinced or coerced a number of other temporally displaced people incl. Shin Kudo, Nora Polyansky, D.D. Ivanov, Guld Goa Bowman, and even Sharon Apple into working for them and used Sharon's mind control powers to compel others to assist them (incl. Max, Milia, Gamlin, the crew of the SMS Macross Quarter, etc.).  It eventually snowballs into the realization that HAVAMAL's own agenda on the planet is a bid to unseal ancient Evil-series weapon the Protoculture sealed on Uroboros in order to use it to literaly rewrite history.  HAVAMAL's leader, Col. Todo, wants to use the Fold Evil sealed in the ruins to go back in time and prevent first contact so that none of the events of Macross will occur and Earth won't be destroyed.  SMS's Uroboros branch marshals their forces and launches an attack to prevent the activation of the Fold Evil, with its destruction at the hands of the newly completed YF-30 fixing the space-time shenanigans that'd brought so many people to the planet from other places and times.

    I'm sure the novelization is a more streamlined version of the story, since the game's version has a lot of side quests.

    It never really addresses the question of where various missing characters are in the present day of 2060... since the versions of them in the story are from the middle of the events of their respective stories instead.


    3 hours ago, Raikkonen said:

    Looks interesting, pity the game never reached European shores... but perhaps will eventually become a Anime. 

    Probably won't get the anime treatment... if that was on the table, they'd probably have given us an OVA for Macross VF-X2 by now, given how important THAT story is to both the Macross Frontier and Macross Delta series.

  9. @kajnrig, moving my response to your question here to avoid veering too far off topic in the Macross Zero topic.


    1 hour ago, kajnrig said:

    Is that confirmed? At least 3D model-wise, I thought it just reused the Alto -29 model. The -29B has a different... head...?

    This is the first I've seen it referred to as the B variant. I've only ever seen it referred to as a plain ol' YF-29.

    Thus far, we only have one book that talks about the mecha from Macross Delta: Absolute Live!!!!!! in more than the most basic detail: Variable Fighter Master File: VF-31AX Kairos Plus.

    Max's YF-29 is referenced as part of the book's explanation of the challenges and roadblocks defense companies are facing in developing 6th Generation VF concepts.  It defines three types of YF-29 as part of its explanation of the YF-29 in general and the difference fold quartz purity makes in performance in particular: the A-type, B-type, and C-type:

    Alto's YF-29 is treated as YF-29A, a one-of-a-kind aircraft that cannot be reproduced because the ultra-high purity fold quartz from Vajra queens used in its fold wave system is effectively impossible to obtain.

    All of the other YF-29s in the official setting are collectively designated YF-29B.  Various customizations aside, they're all considered the same variant due to being one-offs with similar performance well below the original YF-29's as a result of having to use lower-purity fold quartz than the unobtainably rare stuff the original YF-29 had.

    The third one, YF-29C, is a Master File original variant that's presented as an attempt to make the YF-29 economical for mass production by substituting the purest possible synthetic fold carbon for fold quartz.  It's said that its fold wave system only achieves 1% of the power of the original YF-29's at best.

  10. 2 hours ago, Raikkonen said:

    Cheers for this.

    So technically, while this is all licensed, it's still not part of the canon storyline? Alternative universe then?

    Hm?  No, Macross 30: Voices Across the Galaxy is a part of the official setting.

    That's the franchise's equivalent of being "canon", meaning it's considered a part of Macross's overarching narrative and is in continuity with other official works.


    Macross eschews the concept of a strict canon in favor of broad strokes continuity instead.  Essentially, stories that are a part of the official setting happened but for continuity purposes they only worry about the big important details and the generalities.  They don't get as granular as which version of which story is true.  They like to take the view that no one version of the story captured the whole truth and then mix and match the details they like best when the details become relevant to whatever new story they're telling.

    For example, Macross Delta at one point gives a summary of the events of past titles and what it shows for Frontier is the ending from the TV version... but with a YF-29 and Sheryl and Ranka in their movie version costumes.  Or how Macross 7 shows a TV Quamzin and movie Vrlitwhai side by side in the docu-drama they're filming about Minmay during the series.

    Macross 30 is at least indirectly referenced in subsequent works, as the YF-30 that developed on Uroboros and successfully tested during the game's story was later developed into the VF-31 that is the main fighter in Macross Delta.  Another Macross 30-introduced VF (the YF-29B) shows up in Macross Delta's second movie.

  11. 28 minutes ago, Raikkonen said:

    Totally missed this. Anyone have the timestamp or screenshot of this? 

    That's from the PlayStation 3 game (and light novel) Macross 30: Voices Across the Galaxy... one of the few non-animated Macross works to be explicitly part of the official setting.

    That different characters from past Macross titles keep popping up is a major part of the story, and there's representation from pretty much every animated title that existed at the time the game was made except for Macross II. Because the timey wimey ball is very much in play thanks to a temporal weapon, you get to see weird stuff like Sheryl meeting her grandmother (Mao) and her great aunt (Sara) when both of them are technically younger than she is, Mylene bickering with Quamzin despite him having died decades before she was born, or an SMS crew from 2060 sh*tting a brick when the SDF-1 Macross from 2009 suddenly appears in their vicinity carrying a crew of legends.

    For instance, that crowd of all the idols from past titles standing together at the end of the trailer is not something figurative... That is an event that literally happens in the story.

  12. 15 minutes ago, Knight26 said:

    Wasn't the VF-5 supposed to be single seat?  I know it was never officially seen, but I swear that it was written up as being a single seat VF based losely on the sea-dart.  Or was that strictly fan conjecture?

    Most VFs are single seat, you're thinking of single engine. 

    There is presently no art for, and no physical description of, the VF-5. What little we know about it is known to be loosely inspired by the F-5E Tiger II and F2Y Sea Dart. Specifically, the VF-5 draws inspiration from the F-5E in the sense that it was developed as a low cost fighter intended for export sale and from the F2Y in the sense that it was developed with water landing capability. Nothing is said about its physical configuration relative to either of those designs that inspired its description.


    IMO It's very unlikely that there has ever been a single engine VF. The defensive and stealth capabilities of a VF are heavily dependent on the amount of electrical power that its engines can produce. Energy conversion armor and active stealth are two of the most energy intensive systems aboard a VF and with just one engine they would have a lot less surplus output to work with.

    Even if the VF were made smaller and lighter as a result of having only one engine, it would almost certainly still have inferior performance to a twin-engine VF due to the difference in the amount of available generator output making its armor weaker and its active stealth system less capable.


  13. 43 minutes ago, Uxi said:

    I thought about this awhile back and seems like the idea would seem most applicable to a smaller single engine valkyrie somewhere between an F-16 and F-35 style design. 

    As far as we know, there are no single-engine Valkyries.  The closest we have is the Sv-262, which mimics the appearance of a single-engine design by having one main nozzle in Fighter mode.


    43 minutes ago, Uxi said:

    Economics never seems to be really be a large factor in valkyrie evolution or procurements , except perhaps with reference to YF-21/VF-22. 

    Economic factors and cost-performance actually come up surprisingly often in the development histories of many models of VF.

    The only models that I know of where it wasn't a consideration were the YF-29 and YF-30, both of which were technology demonstrators and both were ultimately impractical due to their bank-breakingly huge price tags and never saw any kind of widespread use despite their incredible potential.

    The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Generations all feature cost performance as a prominent concern in development and/or operation, and the entire 5th Generation could be said to owe its existence to economic factors.  The 6th, as least as Master File describes it, is a pipe dream for cost reasons.  Adoption of the YF-21/VF-22 was sunk in part because it was both more expensive than the YF/VF-19 and too expensive for widespread deployment.


    43 minutes ago, Uxi said:

    Perhaps a smaller or less aggressive power output for improved active stealth.

    That's a bit of a catch-22, since active stealth is one of the most energy-intensive systems running in Fighter mode.

    Having only one engine would reduce the available generator surplus for the active stealth system and make it less effective, not more.

  14. At about the halfway point of the Spring '24 season, I'm feeling pretty disappointed in most of the 25 titles I've picked up.

    The ones I'm following are:

    • Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included
    • The Irregular at Magic High School season three
    • HIGHSPEED Etoile
    • A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics
    • The Misfit of Demon King Academy season two cour two
    • Astro Note
    • A Condition Called Love
    • An Archdemon's Dilemma: How To Love Your Elf Bride
    • Mysterious Disappearances
    • BARTENDER: Glass of God
    • The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio
    • Unnamed Memory
    • Tadaima, Okaeri
    • Vampire Dormitory
    • Re:Monster
    • Chillin' in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers
    • As a Reincarnated Aristocrat, I'll Use My Appraisal Skill to Rise in the World
    • I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince So I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability
    • The Banished Former Hero Lives as He Pleases
    • Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation
    • My Hero Academia season seven
    • Konosuba: God's Blessing on this wonderful world season three
    • Viral Hit
    • Wind Breaker
    • God's Games We Play

    Compared to previous seasons, Spring '24 has a lot more variety in terms of genres and approaches to them.  There are only a few genuinely bad titles in this season, but there are quite a few that definitely feel like they're a bit half-baked or needed more development before production.  

    The best of this season, IMO, are Viral HitAstro NoteAn Archdemon's DilemmaThe Many Sides of Voice Actor RadioVampire Dormitory, and As a Reincarnated Aristocrat, I'll Use My Appraisal Skill to Rise in the World.

    Viral Note in particular is a very unconventional title that's kind of hard to watch not because there's anything wrong with it, but because it's both a lovingly rendered martial arts story with a fairly dark plot and a scathing critique of influencer culture at the same time.  Its story of a young student who's bullied by his influencer classmates repeatedly and works part-time jobs to pay for his mother's cancer treatment learning to fight after discovering he can make a fortune livestreaming fights against his bullies is an underdog story that's easy to get into and more than a little depressing to follow.

    Astro Note, An Archdemon's Dilemma, and Vampire Dormitory are all light fluffy romance comedy fare with sci-fi, fantasy, and modern light fantasy spins.  If you liked Ouran High School Host Club you'll probably like Vampire Dormitory.

    The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio is both a slice of life comedy and a fairly honest portrayal of the toxic working conditions of Japanese celebrities at the same time, and it does a fantastic job of getting its audience invested in the characters.  

    As a Reincarnated Aristocrat stands out especially prominently in its genre (isekai) with a particularly unusual take.  It's not an accident that the really successful isekai titles are all ones that subvert the genre's core power fantasy themes in significant ways, and As a Reincarnated Aristocrat's subversion is especally odd and handled in an intriguing way.  Ars's reincarnation superpower is authentically useless in almost any context.  His ability to see the potential of other people expressed numerically means that the challenges he faces are resolved indirectly.  Instead of solving problems himself through force or trickery, the driving force of the story is Ars needing to understand the situations of the people that he confronts and find the right way to persuade them to join his cause becuase they hold the key to solving some greater context problem his family faces.




  15. So... I went and saw Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom when it hit theaters here in the US.

    Not gonna lie, if I were a Cosmic Era fan I might be feeling a bit cheated by the movie.

    It's beautifully animated, but it doesn't really do anything to take any of the characters in a new direction or develop them further in any significant way... and the antagonists are, well, ...


    Just the "Mk.II" version of Destiny-era ZAFT.  So much so that the main antagonist might fairly be renamed "Girlbert Durandal".  

    Apart from the first bit that establishes the new antagonist with a false flag attack on Earth, the movie's basically just a repeat of the end of Gundam SEED Destiny with Durandal's previously unmentioned research partner from the Mendel Institute standing in for him and using a repaired Requiem instead of Messiah base's Neo Genesis to force the world to adopt the Destiny Plan at gunpoint.

    Her new breed of super-Coordinators, of which Lacus is retroactively established to belong to, are basically just the Innovades from Gundam 00 but with mild to moderate levels of incel behavior and an even more pronounced superiority complex.

    As conclusions go, it felt pretty halfhearted to me.

  16. 15 minutes ago, azrael said:

    If they can't come to a consensus, then they don't know what they want.

    Anyone holding out for universal agreement in a fanbase as large and diverse as Star Wars's will be waiting a VERY long time...

    I'd argue the more relevant point is the second one, that when the vocal Star Wars fans DO speak up about what they want what they're asking for usually lacks that all-important "general audiences" appeal... when it's not simply impractical or impossible.  (For instance, doing away with the sequel trilogy.)


    15 minutes ago, azrael said:

    Continuity is both a blessing and curse. It's a nice way to fill in the gaps, but I didn't need it documented what a character had for brunch on a Sunday afternoon. If you dig too deep into continuity porn, you enter the mundane. Then it becomes lousy storytelling.

    I agree completely... but enough fans are into that kind of thing that it does demonstrably sell, though better practice would be to keep it to secondary media like novels and comics. 🤔

  17. 7 hours ago, azrael said:

    The problem is, fans, like this one, keep saying "I want more. I want to see how <X character> got there." As the saying goes: fans don't know what they want. They have no clue what is good or bad; important or fat. We don't need to see everything because, sometimes, it's just not THAT important. It's why we get lots of crap.

    To be frank, I'm not sure that's necessarily true. 

    On an individual level, many fans do seem to have a pretty clear idea of what they want from Star Wars. All you have to do is ask and many of them will tell you quite a lot about what precisely they want from it. They just can't manufacture a consensus because the fanbase is so bloody big and so heavily divided against itself.

    It surely doesn't help that what the die-hard fans want and what is actually marketable are often two very different things. Tales of the Empire is exactly the kind of writing which the franchise has historically used to pander to that die-hard crowd. Their whole "every single background character is the hero or villain of another story" schick is standard expanded universe writing and something that Star Wars frequently indulged in before Disney. So much so that even a filthy casual like me had one or two of the "Tales of ______" books. It might be weak writing to general audiences, but to the die-hard fans it's continuity porn.

  18. 13 hours ago, Mog said:

    All these franchises need a “Remover of Stupid” to go over these scripts and plots.

    9 hours ago, Big s said:

    I get the feeling that they have one of those, but that person gets overruled by the “add stupid” person 

    The obvious problem with that idea being that "stupid" is a highly subjective value judgement.

    A sufficiently skilled spin doctor can make even objectively unsound ideas sound brilliant... and with enough polish, ideas that started out sounding completely imbecilic when they were first proposed can be refined into something genius.  Star Wars itself started out as the latter case.  George Lucas's original concept for it was a complete trashfire, and with a truly gargantuan amount of patient refinement it was turned into one of the most iconic films ever made.


    11 hours ago, Bolt said:

    Well choreographed fight scenes will be fun to watch. We'll see about the plot. "Keep it simple , stupid" might be a helpful mantra for some of the writers.

    Considering that the usual Star Wars story format is either a simplistic "Good vs. Evil" narrative about the eternal conflict between incorruptible pure pureness and baby-eating complete monster villainy or a side story that takes the form of a string of interstellar fetch quests, I'd reckon Star Wars could do with a bit of complexity in its life like what we got in Andor.

    Not that I think we'll get that from The Acolyte, since the Jedi and Sith live in a world of moral absolutes and the Dark Side seems to run on motive decay and encourages jumping off the slippery slope.

    FWIW, it'll be damn pretty to look at and the fight choreography is going to be very solid.

  19. So... I just got back from the 25th Anniversary re-release of The Phantom Menace and got to see the promo reel they had for The Acolyte after the film.

    The promo reel was...


    ... a single fight scene between Amandla Stenberg's character Mae and Carrie Ann Moss's Jedi Master Indara set in one of the setting's ubiquitous seedy bars.

    The action itself is very well choreographed and flows a lot like something from a wuxia or ninja movie, with lots of close quarters combat that's very heavy on minimalistic dodging and deflection and several moments of wire-fu like physics as characters use the Force to jump and push and freeze things in place.

    Mae walks right up to the table, asks for Master Indara, then starts brutally beating the stupid out of everyone else at the table until she gets to the Jedi.  She makes several futile grabs for Indara's lightsaber, Indara calmly brushes off every single attack, and the two wire-fu their way to the building's second floor before Mae pulls a "ninja vanish".

    All in all, pretty to look at but not very substantial.

    It's not enough to give a real impression of the series proper but it doesn't give me much hope for the show's writing.


    I've always found the Jedi and Sith to be the most boring part of Star Wars, as their laser swords and space magic come at the cost of making them unrelatable and/or their loss of agency as characters by dint of being puppets of Fate.  

    The fight scene in the teaser definitely has the distinct flavor of two smug supers squaring up... each clearly considering their opponent and all bystanders beneath them.


    Indara is perhaps the worse offender there... even when Mae finds her and then immediately starts assaulting everyone at the table with her, she seems almost bored with the whole affair.  She waits for Mae to finish brutalizing the other patrons before stepping in and effortlessly blocks, dodges, and redirects Mae's attacks with the same look of almost bored detachment she had before the fight finally reached her personally.  

    Mae, for her part, takes her dear sweet time beating the stupid out of the other patrons in the showiest manner possible to demonstrate how far beneath her they are, and only really seems to take Indara seriously after failing to steal her lightsaber.



  20. So... if there's a Most Improved award for an anime season, HIGHSPEED Etoile might be in the running.

    The director and animators seem to have finally figured out how to animate a race in an exciting and visually appealing manner.

    If everything else weren't still horrible, I'd almost believe it was a completely different show.

    It's not exactly a dignified plot twist that the protagonist Rin Rindo suddenly goes from propping up the bottom of the rankings to the middle of the pack as a result of...


    ... turning on the car's AI driving coach and having her blindly obey it.

    There are AI-driven cars in this.  Rin Rindo is so bad as a driver that right now she's basically just spam in a can while the car's AI does all the heavy lifting.


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