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Posts posted by UN_MARINE

  1. :lol:

    spammer guns ! :lol: true, but mostly in VS mode. yeah... had me a lot of kills with 'em :lol:

    it's actually the comfort of having the ammo & firepower when you need it. especially on those extended missions & firefights. i used to be able to carry up to 900 rounds of solids in a mission & they were dependable.

    now, you'd still be able to carry 900, but they go "click" after every 20, which meant bye bye dependable.... it's like they're prone to jamming now :lol:

    nothing worse than losing the ability to shoot at the most inconvenient time :o

    not to mention they're totally useless in "chase" missions now, most of the big targets need more than 20 rounds to go boom. "1,2,3,4... 20-click!" wastes a lot of time & gets your ass kicked by another AC :lol:

  2. actually, the 1 thing that put me off the rest of AC was the reload thing.

    having finished every game up to SL with my "staple" setup, & it fails me in NEXUS :angry:

    exactly why does a chaingun need to reload every 20 rounds ???? or every other gun that's got a solid ammo magazine capacity higher than 20 !

    maybe they were playing too many gundam games <_<

    and up to the point i stopped playing nexus, i still couldn't find anything that could even compensate for it.

    never woulda minded the higher heat, slower movement, & heavier parts, but when they took the chaingun's firepower, i was done with the game <_<

  3. well, you have to consider that these are super hero movies too

    and these are "super villains"

    it's the outrageous or non-sensical act of villainy which defines the super villain :lol:

    i mean, a guy wouldn't be much of a super villain if he just bombed a city in the usual way, it'd just make him your average criminal. and it wouldn't be much fun if, say, magneto just did a regular drive-by shooting wouldn't it ? :lol:

    although... if he USED his powers...

  4. you gotta repair the machines each time you go out for a mission.

    it actually prompts you before you launch for a mission.

    sumthin like "are you sure you want to go out with XXXX armor left?"

    the repair option's the 3rd one at the bottom in the unit select menu :)

    most of the missions are straightforward "kill 'em all" sometimes, i think there's a kill quota on the priority targets, but they're pretty easy & i haven't had a game over from one of those yet :lol:

    the other ones are "protect the VIP" like ships & buildings. and a couple of annoying ones, like "protect the VIP, but the VIP doesn't have IFF" so you might actually kill the VIP yourself, & it's game over.



    here's a little more info on when you get the VF 1's....

    mission 32 or 33, you get a taste of flying the VF1, then they take 'em away 'til mission 48 or 49. and... there's 70 missions. :o

  5. Industrial design's pretty cool :D you get to design & build stuff. it's a lot of work, but it's worth it :lol:

    back to topic...

    yeah, what makes a good mech design is pretty subjective. depends on who's judging the design.

    but most of the time, people just base it on how it looks. which, i'm sorry to say, usually comes from western designers. ie: Mechwarrior :o

    take for example, the Madcat from Mechwarrior. looks imtimidating, but is it a good design ? no. but people love it. honorable mention to the "turkey" gundam, too

    then, we have the mech designed for how it works. not necessarilly pretty, but you can believe it can be built.

    but not because it's functional, doesn't mean it's "all that". ie: Transformers. :ph34r:

    ...and that's our "crayon factory vs folding plane"


  6. maybe not 50...

    i may have confused the numbers betwen "missions completed" & "unit count" :o

    but still, more than half way through the game :(

    i suppose that changes depending on what storyline you'll follow, but i don't plan on figuring THAT out :lol:

    on the bright side, once you finish it, you get to use anything you picked up on the 1st run. well, after the mandatory training mission :p

    i just finished it, and it's pretty much a macross game now. from here to 2nd finish :lol:

  7. I'm going through the game right now :lol:

    the VF1's become available around mission 50 or so...

    so far, i got 4 of 'em. i'm still waiting on the FAST packs...

    this is probably the 1 version of the VF1 where gerwalk's been VERY useful, more useful than fighter mode.

    it's a big improvement over the 1st one, although the target lock-on is kinda stupid, it'll just lock on to anything close by. kinda annoying when you're after mission-specific targets :(


    my copy's got some kind of bug where depending on a mission, & what machine you're flying, you stay invincible until you use a "super weapon".

    for example: at a certain mission, the Nu gundam will stay 9999 armor for the entire mission unless i use the funnels :lol: wierd...

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