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Posts posted by Panzer

  1. That's really funny considering the only one whining like a 16 year old girl here is you. But then that would be a major insult to all whiney 16 year old girls to have you in their camp.

    BTW your "opinion" was a blatant attempt to start a flame war but only resulted in you looking like a major jackass. It seems you had gone to that class to stick both your penis and your foot into your idiotic mouth afterall.

    dang, you want a dictionary definition of a troll post? just look at hers.

    Everyone was just having a discussion about the movie untill #itchstone came along and threw a hissy fit and tried to pick a fight with me. claiming I"M the one "trying to start a flame war". :D

    whatta dope..

  2. dude, they're not fast at all.

    I have one of the "bit racers" or whatever. they crawl at a snails pace at best.

    (if they are fast tell me which ones are. I wouldn't mind picking one up.)

    I know theres a whole website devoted to micro racers. guys get different bodies for them and paint them up and do all that crazy stuff.

  3. well he could have fooled me about the "missle design" job part. he blew his top like a 16 year old girl...  :rolleyes:

    That's really funny considering the only one whining like a 16 year old girl here is you. But then that would be a major insult to all whiney 16 year old girls to have you in their camp.

    BTW your "opinion" was a blatant attempt to start a flame war but only resulted in you looking like a major jackass. It seems you had gone to that class to stick both your penis and your foot into your idiotic mouth afterall.

    such a loser.. always trying to pick fights with me on here. this thread was civil until the girl had to post and get all pissed off and start calling people names. typical.

    get a life please :rolleyes:

  4. I could really care less. I don't expect much out of Hollywood these days. I think the Lord of the Rings was a fine trilogy, Saving Private Ryan and Gladiator was cool, but beyond those films I can't think of anything that I've liked much in the last 5 years or so of going to the movies...

  5. well he could have fooled me about the "missle design" job part. he blew his top like a 16 year old girl... :rolleyes:

    and I don't know, I think you're taking this film too seriously. its already been made. none of you are the technical or creative directors for the film. and I'm sure worse airplane movies have been made. so if it doesn't look cool, don't see it.

    as far as all the "rear visibility" stuff is concerned, if this was the air force's new plane and you seriously thought this was an issue send them a letter or something.

    but in the meantime its just a damn movie guys ;)

  6. When you work in an office doing graphic design with many an artist sitting side by side with many a computer and sci-fi dork you get these weird topics of conversation in the lunch room. I like to keep my shop fun... has not failed me yet.  ;)

    thats exactly the environment I work in: two graphic designers and myself, a product developer.

    I hate listening to them and the endless coversations they have about stuff like that. I guess that stuff is fun to talk about but it all just seems so meaningless... like a bad scene from the movie "Clerks".

    I prefer to just keep my nose to the grindstone and just work. I like to talk about that stuff OUTSIDE the office. Guess I don't come off as being the most social guy in the eyes of the nerds but oh frickin' well. atleast I'll have a job at the end of the day because I actually get my stuff done. B))

  7. You are a complete idiot, reverse both your statements and it might make sense, the plane is garbage, poorly designed, and FYI women actually make better combat pilots then men, better able to pull G's, better multi-taskers, can track more targets visually, and tend to keep their head better, need I go on?

    hahaha damn Turbo cool your jets.

    its my OPINION that the plane looks cool. your is different. get over it.

    and for a MOVIE I don't think its cool to have a female in an action role. gone are the days of movies like Predator and Top Gun.

    in 2005 you gotta have men and women doing everything the same.. and I think it just turns the movie into a 2 hour joke after that point.

    and as far as your OPINION on the other stuff you said at the end of your post?

    none I've ever known pal. :rolleyes:

  8. damn, I just got done watching the trailer. looks pretty cool. such a yukikaze/macross+ rip off though.. jeezus christ. the plane design looks pretty cool though. looks realistic.

    and they totally blew it by making one of the pilots a female.. I hate that part about hollywood these days, everythings gotta be so PC. sucks all the "true action flick" potential or credibility out of it by having a female in a leading role. so gay..

  9. A few co-workers and I discussed the whole topic of "hentai" a while back and while we were all rather put off by cartoon porn we did agree that the sick "allure" of hentai was that it was make-believe and required no actual participants or exploitation of people to make it. It was the base form of porn, the implied kind. In the end we all sort of chalked them up to be like the old Penthouse forum letters, no "real" sex or nudity per se but all the force and impact as if it was there.

    you must have a lot of time on your hands at work if you're discussing such retarded #hit.

    my whole department is these emo-music-movie nerds who have the most serious conversations about the stupidiest things such as what you said. I don't mean to go off on you but I really hate my fellow co-workers for what they do. they waste so much time conversing about that crap... <_<

  10. I wouldn't say it's an attractive smell exactly, but, much like the smell of racing gas, it's the kinda thing that really hits home in a racer's heart, or however you want to put it. When you drift, the small of good tires starts to become an integral part of the experience. What I mean, though, is that you can tell a good tire by its smell.

    I want what he's smokin'... :blink:

  11. I hadn't seen a Star Wars film in years and years and I wasn't a fanboy at all when I saw Episode I in the theater. I just thought it sucked bawlz. Episode II was a LITTLE better because of more action but..

    Compare a 5 minute clip of ESB and five minutes of Episode II. ESB has sooo much more atmosphere and depth. I like the special effects more because they're REAL. you may be looking at a miniature rubber monster but atleast its REAL. its movie making on a grander scale. they will never make another movie like Blade Runner, Total Recall, or the first SW trilogy because movies have gone the cheap route with CGI.

    the new trilogy just doesn't do anything for me. none of the scenes have any presence or "feel" to them. the #hit just doesn't look real. It doesn't help either that you know its not real either, just CG.

    I just look at the new trilogy as a cash cow for Lucas, thats it.

    And can you buy a DVD set of the first three movies WITHOUT the new added scenes? that might be cool..

  12. Man, its not funny. My bottle of Astroglide leaked onto my first edition copy of The Old man and The Sea. That's a $300 book, man. I was NOT happy, those snap tops suck. I find Astroglide is good for general play, but you have to take out the KY jelly when you are going to put it where she really needs it.

    ofcourse no part of this observation was based on an actual experience.

    just speculation and a wild imagination... ;)

  13. The toys haven't been made yet, ya morons.

    They've just been announced.

    Personally, I think this stuff is cool, but I grant you it's very different than Macross.  Kawamori has moved on.  Something to think about, eh?  *cough*  :p

    wrong website to bring up #hit like that buddy... :rolleyes:

    I think they're cool. I'll buy a diecast transformable toy made by Bandai. 'specially if its by Kawamori.

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