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Roy Focker

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Posts posted by Roy Focker

  1. What did I just watch?

    Kid friendly designs bouncing around doing physical comedy. I understand that's for the really young kids but who is the humor for? Adult fans? Nope to them Transformers is serious business. For the little kids parents how have to take them to see this? Cringe dialog like that is going to make their experience better. Doesn't matter what the Transformers say kids will enjoy the bouncing robots.

    Car Keys the Movie.

  2. Pretty sure there's review-bombing going on. Actual opinion among fans and casual public is likely an even split down the middle. If you seek opinion videos and articles about this show post trailer, you'll see many are focusing on a certain narrative. One that if I mentioned here would be political sounding. Which is something we try to avoid bringing to our forums. There's a large chunk of the population who doesn't care about Star Wars but if you inform them about it and frame your complaint around this touchy topic all these people will mobilize.

  3. In general, I'm not the keen on Jedi stories. I thought one of the lessons from the original trilogy and the prequels was that the way of the Jedi was wrong. Kenobi and Yoda didn't look back at the past with fondness but with regret. If only we weren't so set in our ways... that sort of thing. I think the cartoon and the fans themselves made the Jedi way as something to be idolized.

    When I see this trailer, I just see more boring Jedi and their misguided ways. I might have thought Ashoka and Kenobi were pretty lack luster, but I know fans of the cartoon Jedi went going crazy for it. I don't expect greatness for this show. I'm not the intended audience. Many of these Disney shows aren't spinoffs of the movies. They're spinoffs of Filoni's cartoons. If it this show is mediocre that's fine. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised by a thing or two.

  4. Disney certainly has the money to buy all of Macross but it really isn't worth it. As a streaming service, they need fresh content that doesn't cost much to acquire. Delta the last series came out what 8 years ago? The rights to stream Macross can't be that much. Bet they got it at a discount bundled together with other series. Outside of Japan only the most informed anime fan knows about Macross. I doubt that the streaming numbers Disney get from it is going make them buy all rights and make that live action Robotech movie we've all been waiting for.

  5. 9 hours ago, jenius said:

    Yeah, we have force users that don't get trained by the Jedi, Black Jedi, Gray Jedi, and maybe some Sith fan-boys/girls. Or, maybe at the end they'll say "Well, there was only one of 'em, so it couldn't have been a Sith" and just leave it open-ended to lots of groans. 

    This gets big groans from me all the time. They got force users dressing up like either the Jedi or the Sith with lightsabers and they live by the code of these orders. Everything about them screams another Jedi or Sith who shouldn't be around during this part of the timeline. But it's okay because they haven't fully paid back their Jedi student loans. Meaning technically, they aren't a Jedi.

  6. 42 minutes ago, jvmacross said:

    And don't forget that Andor almost bored everyone into skipping the entire show completely before it started getting interesting after the 3rd episode or so...so the same may be in the cards for The Acolyte, which sounds to be setup like some space crime drama...

    That would be nice, wouldn't it? First episode we get all the Jedi fight scenes out of the way with them getting killed off and the rest of the series is a gritty detective story.

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