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s.t.r. sho

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Posts posted by s.t.r. sho

  1. After long research and experiment term, I made the suburb in SDF-1.

    Thanks to the advices from all of you, I tried a papermodel with photo textures.

    I used open licensed suburb photo data and edited as textures.

    IMG 20161002 191554

    Seems to be Nyan Nyan Chinese restaurant.

    IMG 20161002 200046

    In the park there are two, one is going to be a singer and the other is going to be a soldier.

    IMG 20161002 191113

  2. Thank you spanner 76!

    Today I sanded a building and thought I may buy etched parts for battleship's exterior. I tried another things, destroids.

    Monster might be large enough to 3D print, but I went on a traditional way, it's fun to use japanese tooth cleaners for the cannons.

    They might hit their heads on the ceiling because it's 3cm high, that is 21m.



  3. I visited a fab lab to use 3D printer again and printed some buildings.

    These are a half size of the previous shot. They suit for the city layout, but rather small comparing with valks.

    Considering how to make surface details. Sanding, painting... and some printed photos would help to make some textures and advertising displays.

    buildings in SDF-1

    The whole city is below.

    city in SDF-1

    Going to use 1/700 etched figures, they might hit their heads at the building's entrance though.

    1/700 etching figures

  4. I printed out some battroids and a building by a 3D printer (I visited an facility and was allowed to use the machine there),

    and the result was a fail !

    I failed to print the details on 1.5 cm battroids. I have to improve my technique to adjust the settings of the printer, or use another machine

    like an optical projection type or a laser cutter.

    But my next plan is to scratch them with putty as a common way.

    2015 01 18 16.37.41

    And the building is too large to put it in the leg of SDF-1. Buildings might be able to be printed though. I'l design the 3D model of the town.

    2015 01 18 16.35.25

  5. Hello, thank you for your views and comments.

    I attended to FabLab last year, planning to build 1/700 mechs by 3D printer, not achieved though.

    2013-8-24 FabLab Kannai Night Party


    Today I published a movie on YouTube.

    Tried a projection of landscape by a projector.

    I should make a projection mapping on SDF-1, like barrier system, pin-point barrier, Macross cannon launch and...

    Many dreams but I'll do step by step.

    SDF-1 Macross 1/700 Scale


    Sdf 1 projector

    prometeus projector

    Sdf 1 projector space

  6. Now move on back to SDF-1 body.
    I mentioned that the body has wooden frames inside. I put cardboard parts on each frame. These cardboards are from cardboard boxes for vegetables or so, you can get them at supermarkets or you may get too much boxes including presents sent from your family. :D Just use them. You should not trash them and should not buy them. You have to use huge amount of glue though. :o

    wooden frames


    3 mm etched Mimmay is in the bridge. I can't see her face. In near future we should construct such figures with digital micro-printing technology.


    The metal materials on the bridge is not etched parts, they might be laser cut parts from metal construction kits of the empire state building or so.


    On the breast there are egg packages as rocket boosters.


  7. looks like "No love for Misa... T-T"

    lol full of lol

    i'm glad macross story is loved over the world.

    congratulations from japan.

    oh back to the model these paintings and markings make me happy, that makes reality to macross mechanics.

  8. Love it its just awesome! And how long did it take you to make Ichijyo's Valk?

    Thank you for your comment.

    I don't know exact length for making, about 8 days in 6 months of Prometheus project.

    day 1: cut a plastic plate in a VF-1 shape

    day 2: put putty on the plastic plate for a body.

    put a etched human figure in the cockpit.

    day 1

    day 1

    day 3 to 5: sand the putty and make the surface.
    cut a paper into four bits for tail stabilizers.

    day 4

    day 8

    day 6 to 8: cut a plastic rod into bits for missiles.
    put clear glue on the cockpit for a canopy.
    paint the base color and markings.
    (It would be better to digitally print the markings on a plain decal sheet, but I didn't. When I make squadrons, I want to try it and... use a 3D printer if I can get or use one available for enough resolution...)

    VF-1 J taking off

  9. Here is my current Prometheus.


    1/700 VF-1 J Ichijo type is my image for Japanese TV program opening.



    It can be connected to SDF-1.



    In fact I have current finish for SDF-1 and Daedalus, and I'm going to post step-by-step descriptions in several timespans. But more details and inside structures are in my further construction plan.

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