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Everything posted by ladyraven

  1. It is definately looking better but I think the nose could stay the same still if the "winspan" were extended. Just a suggestion from one aeroapace enginner to another. That way the "nose" doesn't stand out so badly.
  2. I personally liked the original but the model is coming along. Definately reminded me of a few planes in our arsenal. Istead of the nose coming to a blunt point, try rounding it out more so you get like a C shape if you look at it from the top. Also the "wings" need some work. I think that is what is throwing off the look. Symetrical is good cause it causes the eye to look over the ship and not get hung up on one detail. Instead you take in the whole picture not just a single part like a jutting antenna array. Also the wings look stumpy compared to the rest of the hull. Try making the "wingspan" longer and that should help. Otherwise....the project is coming along and is quite impressive. Keep up the good work!
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