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Doktor Gonzo

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Posts posted by Doktor Gonzo

  1. There are compromises to the anime magic gods present on the figure that I can't imagine we'd be seeing if this were a battroid-only figure, like a longer-than-the-lineart nosecone, narrower forearms/shins, and a suspiciously complicated looking thigh joint.

  2. Hi MWers,

    Not sure how many of you remember me... I used to haunt the Fan Works sub board pretty regularly, where I got a ton of great feedback on the cg vf-1s I was working on at time (I'm currently working on a 3D print of that, btw - I really need to start up a thread there to show off my results!)

    Anyway, a primary reason for my absence is... I've been working on a book! It's a fantasy novel. I’m crowdfunding its publication through the Nerdist contest on Inkshares.com and am campaigning for social shares and especially for pre-orders to make my dream of becoming a published author come true! (Well, one of my two dreams -- valkyrie pilot is one that I'm a little less close to immediately achieving.)

    I'd be honored and forever appreciative if you'd check it out at https://www.inkshares.com/projects/feyside

  3. Exactly correct, thanks! This thing is really well designed! And heavy! Surprisingly heavy, it just feels solid and looks amazing! Thanks again for the tip there!

    That was my first impression as well. This thing wound up arriving at the same time as a used SV-51 I'd ordered (missed it when it was released, finally found one for cheap). Despite being the considerably smaller VF, the Lightning III is MUCH heavier.

  4. My EMS-delivered VF-4 finally arrived at my door in NYC just before I had to leave for work this morning -- counting the hours until I get to go home and unbox it!

    I'd had the same LA Customs delay as everybody else...

  5. But you'll have bitchin' toys!!!

    Maybe. The wife recently made me pick my top 20 or so toys for a single modest display cabinet. The rest went into storage, and the other display cabs were repurposed for "adult stuff". The future is grim, my friends.

  6. Drat. On mine, every single part of the thing is heavily glued together. I've already cracked the cylindrical "upper arm guard" trying to pry it off the upper arm with an x-acto blade.

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