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Die, Alien Scum!

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Posts posted by Die, Alien Scum!

  1. The first one was fair at best and this sequel appears to be no improvement. I don't like being forcefully pulled through the storyline by the balls, the multiplayer bunny-hopping is totally gay, and the skins and gun sounds both suck ass. The Thompson sounds like a old-school manual typewriter... clack, clack, clack, clack. I'm not wasting my money on this overpriced, overhyped p.o.s.

  2. Which bit did you use to cut off the extra flash?


    I would use an abrasive cut-off wheel to cut the pieces from their sprues (sp?) and remove most of the excess material with a grinding stone bit. I would recommend you finish the job by hand with a file or sandpaper, though. It's pretty easy to remove too much material with the grinding bits, especially with soft stuff like resin.

  3. I'd be careful with that philosophy.  You may buy too much of one thing that may not be so popular thus you get stuck with something that is worthless.


    But it depends on what you collect for. For the love of the anime/hobby or for monetary reasons.


    Your words are true, Godzilla, but the 1/48s are far too sweet to ever be considered "worthless".

  4. What do you expect, Dean? The show is older than you are. Most kids your age aren't going to get into a foreign cartoon series that's 20+ years old. Planes that turn into robots don't impress kids anymore. "Transformers" and their clones have pretty much desensitized your generation to how cool a concept that is.

  5. I was enjoying this thread until MGREXX showed up and spouted out more useless babble just so he could take a weak shot at >EXO<.

    Oh, and by the way, MGREXX, the way you quoted Graham's post in that other thread DID make it look like you were saying Jewel Staite is from Texas. I'm sure in your own mind you are cool and witty, but in reality... not so much. Enough said.


    Well, I finally picked up my jaw from the floor so now I can post. Anyway...


    Excellent work, Cap! And astoundingly fast! Hell, Yamato still hasn't figured out how to turn a VF-1 into a 1D, and you pull it off right before our eyes almost effortlessly! Keep up the good work!

  6. Interesting find last night, the little circles (divided in half) that cover up the screw on the leg on the insides of each knee are made of rubbery material, not plastic like the others. They're actually quite hard to push in and keep from fallling out.


    I didn't even notice this until you mentioned it. The one on the left leg of the CF I've got displayed wasn't seated into the hole properly. I just pushed it in with my fingernail and it's all good now.

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