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Die, Alien Scum!

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Posts posted by Die, Alien Scum!

  1. Ordinarily I do not lower myself to making blanket stupid statements, but this announcement just begs for one and I'm in a patricularly vindictive mood:

    People who play a RT CCG are gay fags.


    LOL! Thanks, Skull Leader, that made my day!

  2. Welcome to MW. Sorry, but your best bet is quite probably eBay. And you can always keep an eye on the For Sale section here. I can almost guarantee the prices will be better than eBay.

  3. ebay illiterate here. May I ask what is shill bidding?


    Using another ID to bid on your own auction to raise the price. And, unfortunately, it happens a lot more often than you'd think. EBay doesn't really police their site at all, so it goes on all the time.

    Back to that custom 1/60 VE; it looks pretty good. Does it looks $1000 good? Uh, no. I do like the Toynami Super-poseable hands, though. I tried that once, but the pegs are too small. I wonder if he just glued them on? No rear shot of fighter mode, so I guess we'll never know.

  4. The Christmas episode that was entitled something like "Woodland Critters Christmas". . .

    "Yeah!  Let's bathe in his blood!"



    Oh man, I almost forgot about that one! That episode ruled!

    "BLOOD ORGY!!!"

    Dammit, I searched all over and couldn't find a decent pic of the Blood Orgy! And I thought you could find anything on the internet!

  5. The 1/48s are quite durable, provided you don't get too rough with them during transformations. The main problem has been with the backpack hinges. Using too much force will break them pretty easily. Go ahead and get one (or many); you won't be disappointed.

  6. I see quite a few sellers on eBay who charge outrageous sums of money for shipping. Since eBay doesn't count shipping fees toward the final value of an item, that particular fee is less for the seller. It also serves to cover any and all other eBay and PayPal fees that are involved.

    Of course, for $100+ shipping, he should personally drive the damn thing to your house.

  7. Is there an online source for metric drill bits this size?

    I look up "metric drillbits" but get only full sets that are upwards of $20.


    Just use English drill bits. You can get these any decent hardware store, like Ace.

    2.7mm = 0.1063" = roughly #36 drill bit

    1.93mm = 0.076" = roughly #48 drill bit

    You can get these individually for $3 to $4 each.

  8. While there have been some real crappy episodes (the one where the kids had a school TV news show was just awful), there have been far more good ones. One of my favorites is where Cartman's hand becomes the new Jennifer Lopez and he wakes up to find Ben Asslick naked in his bed. That had classic lines like, "Oooh, Ben Affleck spooge!" and "Taco-flavored kisses for my Ben!" And I always seem to find myself watching "Bigger, Longer, and Uncut" when it comes on Comedy Central's Secret Stash.

    Terrance: Philip, you're a dirty pig-f**ker!

    Philip: Now Terrance, why would you say that?!

    Terrance: Well, because you f**k pigs!

    Philip: (after a short pause) Oh yeah!

    Both: Hahahahahahahaha!

    Ah... mindless toilet humor is great!

  9. This is utterly ridiculous. I guess the dipshits at Customs were dumbfounded by the complexities involved in opening the tabs and decided that your empty box was such a threat to national security that they had to annihilate it with extreme prejudice.

    I've had plenty of stuff sent from overseas, including a huge box containing a case of 1/48 CFs from Noel, and never, ever had any kind of problems with Customs, knock on wood. I'm sure you can file a complaint, but don't expect any sympathy or retribution. You'd probably just get the old "They were just doing their jobs" line.

  10. I really wasn't trying to start anything here; I just wanted to stick up for the 1/60 line since it almost never seems to get any love. As I stated earlier, I don't play with my 1/60s (for the most part), so I overlook their faults as playable toys. To me, they're display pieces and they look pretty darn good in battroid and fighter modes. Gerwalk isn't quite as good, but it's still not all that bad. It makes me wonder: if the 1/48s had never been created, would more people appreciate the 1/60s? I'm sure they would.

  11. Major thanks to captain america (that's a play on words, ha ha, get it?) for the VF-1D conversion kits! Excellent work, cap! I can't wait to see what some of our more-skilled guys can do with these puppies!

  12. I'm tired of the 1/60-bashing that goes on around here, so pardon me while I climb up onto my soapbox now...

    They may not be the nicest-looking, most accurate, and most poseable valks around, but dammit, I like each and every one of my 1/60s (32 valks, 3 Q-Raus).

    Their faults (mostly minor) are simply part of their own unique character. Of course, mine don't get played with and most of them are simply posed like in my previous picture, but they're still cool in their own right.

    We should all embrace the 1/60s and be thankful to Yamato for giving us something new and different (i.e. without swing bars) and expanding the line to include all three two-seaters and an enemy mecha.

    That is all.

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