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Posts posted by whytwolf

  1. Does anyone have pics of a VF-9 or can direct me to some?

    They have pics of the VF-9 on MAHQ.

    Personally, I've never liked the design. Whle the Fighter mode is ok looking, I've always thought the Battroid and Gerwalk look hideous.


    Kinda remods me of the Legios from Genesis Climber Mospedea. Was this design from M7? From an earlier Macross series? Is it even an 'official' Kawamori design?


  2. You said you ordered the DYRL disc, so I assume you also have the means to shop around & price the animeigo box set for soemthing that suits your budget (different shops have different discounts).

    Yeah, well, I'm Canadian--no matter where I get it (local brick-n-mortar or online) I'm paying a premium because of the exchange rate :p

    That said, I'm sure its only a matter of timebefore I commit the funds--after all how long can a divorce REALLY take ? :angry: (What a waste of my hard earned money :p)


    ps - am I correct in guessing that with M7 you either love it or hate it? Is there any way I can try it out before I spend money on a HK bootleg DVD that I may hate?

  3. Now as some who may know me, I have admitted to being a RT (also known to some around here as that unmentionable series spawned from the loins of Carl Macek) fan, and truthfully that hasn't changed. Much of my interest in Macross was based on my continued love of RT (and my enjoyment of MacII), but before today I never really got into Macross for Macross--although I now blame that on 'Clash of the Biornoids'.

    But today--what an epiphiny! I picked up macross Plus the Movie, and my jaw is still on the floor. The art, the animation, the story, the acting and characters and mecha and...and....and...

    ::weeps with joy::

    Someone PLEASE suggest to me what I should watch next? The local HMV had (for an outrageous fortune) the first Animego SDF Macross DVD. Should I pay a month's salary for 3 episodes? I've ordered DYRL and am waiting for it (hoping against hope that is will wash away the foul taste of CotB)

    Help me Macross Otaku! Where to next!

    Thanks ::tears of joy dripping on keyboard::

    Sean :D

  4. Quick question to Rob and /or John and whoever else might be involved in this particular project...if you do the Regult or Glaug, does it have to be resin? Wouldn't it be cheaper/easier to do a vacformed kit?

    Just a thought.


  5. Christopher,

    What the heck is "Thunder Hammer/Hummer" Armor?


    check the magazine section. Model Graphix., October 2002

    and my vote will be for the GBP but the Hummer will be great.

    Thanks! Very cool set of armor.


  6. Christopher,

    What the heck is "Thunder Hammer/Hummer" Armor?


    Heh, noob :lol:

    LOL! Okay, I admit it, I AM a Macross noob--I came here from the unmentionable HG world :p


    ps - not that I've forsworn my RT alegiances...just don't publish them here for fear of getting run outta town on a rail.... :ph34r:

  7. When you say soak the cast, you mean the resin piece you just pulled?

    Are there any health hazards (other than lighting youself on fire, and I've done that before--I was in the army) to using naptha with your casting/molding materials?

    Right, you'll soak the silicon/resin piece in the naptha. That's the "cast." The "mold" is 'negative' of the original part, what you pour your resin into.

    No health hazards other than fumes, but you don't want to store your naptha-soaked piece for very long just because of the risk of fire. The naptha-impregnated parts will ooze kerosene long after they've dried.

    Right, but I guess my question was more along the lines of after soaking the resin piece, will that piece expand, or do you mean pour another mold based on that naptha impregnated resin piece and it's THAT mold that will expand? And if you are talking about having the resin expand, do you simply soak the cured resin piece, or mix the naptha with the resin A+B?

    Have heard of the Hydrospan and have always wanted to try it, but have no idea where to find it in Canada.


  8. It does work (i've used this technique myself), but the detail gets a little soft, and you must be very careful (seeing as it is LIGHTER fluid). The maximum expansion is about 2x or 200%. You'll need to make a permanent mold quickly as the cast tends to shrink. Also, if you use this method, you really need to soak the CAST and not the mold, as the mold will probably not expand proportionally, or you could lose detail. I do NOT recommend using this method for multiple expansions of the same object (say expanding a 1/144 to 1/48 or 1/32), as you'll wind wind up with very little detail on the finished piece.

    When you say soak the cast, you mean the resin piece you just pulled?

    Are there any health hazards (other than lighting youself on fire, and I've done that before--I was in the army) to using naptha with your casting/molding materials?



  9. I'm looking for one of the Club M resin 1/72 Queadluun Rau (Milla) kits. As I don't intend to collect or even really build it (I want to use it as the basis for a resin mod to make a SDF battlesuit) it can be in pretty crappy shape (infact, I don't even need the Milla figures). The key is cost. I'd prefer the lowest cost alternative. If anyone has one, I'll take a built, broken or recast version.

    PM me if you got one and we can haggle over price :D



  10. Well, the more I think about it, the more I figure I might as well do a conversion kit and sell that, as from a personal and business ethics standpoint I do agree that selling a recast with only minor mods is taking advantage of someone elses hard work. Maybe the solution is simply to recast the base Club M DYRL version and provide it to MW members for the price of the materials...and then sell the conversion kit for a small profit (or eBay it or whatever).

    First though, I need to find one of those kits :) Off to the Wanted section I mosey....

    Thanks for the input everyone!


  11. Yeah, I'm talking about the 1/72 one. Actually, I also want to re-sculpt the Milla figures too, in addition to the mods to the suit itself.

    Gundamhead does make a good point though, as I would never want to infringe upon an artist's work (like John's), so I guess it's a fine line. Maybe a mod kit would be in order...problem is, would there be enough people out there with the original kit who would be interested in purchasing it? The other option would be to sculpt the whole suit myself--and though I've never seen the kit IRL Grayson I can just imagine how big it is--but that's litterally a HUGE job...and I'm not necessarially THAT good that I'd be able to pull it off...not yet anyway :)

    Food for thought though.



  12. In terms of a recast, I know that obviously if you take a kit and just make new molds from the parts and cast it again then it's a recast, but this question is more along the lines of modifying an existing kit and then casting that modified version...does that count as a recast?

    I'm thinking in terms of copyright...the new kit would be a derivative work and thus would need to pay homage to the original, but wouldn't necessarially violate copyright, would it? (In the software world where most of my Copyrhight experience comes from it would be all right to make a derivative work and sell it)

    In terms of concrete examples, I would like to modify (once I can get my grimy hands on one) one of the Club-M Quaedlun Rau kits to represent a SDF rather than DYRL battle suit.




    ps - if anyone got one of those kits and would like to part with it for a reasonable price.... ;)

  13. Looking great man, can't wait to see if completed, are you planning to recast it when you are done?

    Yeah, I'm playing with some Smooth-On this weekend and experimenting with casting the head. The final piece will be a cold cast resin figure (I hope!) if I can swing the time and/or money to do so.

    Thanks for the input!


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