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Posts posted by whytwolf

  1. I keep wondering if the VF-0B was designed to be the VF-series lead-in trainer, before the VF-1D and VT-1 rolled off the lines--the 0B would have been closer in spec to a 'standard' fighter for most pilots, and thus would provide a good transitional traning a/c before moving into flying the VF-1.

    *cries out in agony* GAHHH! The VF-1D is *NOT* a dedicated trainer! We've been over this a million and one times! We've had multiple threads (see THIS thread, we went on forever about it) before and I thought we had come to the conclusion that the VF-1D is NOT just a trainer! The VF-1D is no more a trainer for pilots than any other 2 seater aircraft is. It is capable of being fully armed (unlike the VT-1, which WAS a trainer), and CF VF-1Ds were seen in the series (more specifically, during Max and Milia's wedding.. when they themselves flew in a VF-1D painted in Max colors.. and later fought in it), sure.. some may have been assigned to training wings and RAGs, but that doesn't mean it's a "trainer".

    Sorry, that thread was a bit before my time and thus I ended up missing out on all the dead-horse-beating fun :D

    Didn't mean to re-open old wounds. In the end, all I was asking was, with all the advanced OT instrumentality that could be put into the valks, is there really a reason for a two-seater for purposes other than training?

    Guess, i got my answer :)

  2. This is even more important when flying in adverse weather and at night. The French AF ordering more 2 seater Rafale is an indication of this trend.

    I would expect the VF series of fighters to have advanced cmputer systems, thust making a second crew member redundant. However, if they did provide a back-seater for bad weather/night operations or other reasons, why didn't those design considerations carry through to the VF-1 series? Only the trainers have a tandem cockpit--not even the ELINT Valks have a second crew member (although the Cat's Eye does)

    Just doesn't make much sense to me unless they're meant to be trainers.


  3. I actually like the mystical, 'magical' (in the Clarke's Law sense) overtones of the Macross series. While I've not seen M7 (And I suspect AgentONE will consider that a blessing--if he would deign to consider my meek humbleness before his great mightiness at all) the rest of the Macross franchise (save M+, which from my understanding was not intended to be part of the Macross universe originally) really does have a very deep mysitical subtext--especially in the revenance shown for the lost Protoculture.

    I see it sort of like a grand Greek epic, with the Protoculture cast as Olympian Gods--great and powerful, but flawed nonetheless, and in time, crippled and crushed by the weight of their follies.

    But that's just me :D


  4. Hmm, interesting. I can understand why Hasegawa would give a different Alpha designator to the two-seater--most military a/c are designated in such a manner (The F-18D is the two-seat trainer version of the F-18C), but that still doesn't answer the question of why a back seat was added?

    I keep wondering if the VF-0B was designed to be the VF-series lead-in trainer, before the VF-1D and VT-1 rolled off the lines--the 0B would have been closer in spec to a 'standard' fighter for most pilots, and thus would provide a good transitional traning a/c before moving into flying the VF-1.

    Just a thought.


    on edit: Thanks for the pic AlphaHX!

  5. Grayson, that's a great 0B! I've got mine waiting in its box for its shot at the construction table, and I hope that I can do it the kind of justice that you have :)

    On a side note, we didn't actually see the 0B in Macross Zero did we? The only two-seater I recall was the 0D. Where did the B come from? Hasegawa's imagination? Is it supposed to be a trainer? I assume that the tandem cockpit of the D was to mimic the Tomcat, but the F-14 needs a back-seater for interception and weapons operations duties. The replacement in the fleet, the F-18E uses advanced computer guided weapons in place of a back-seater. Why would the 0D or 0B need a tandem crew?

    Inquiring minds want to know :D


  6. Count me as another MWer from 'Cowboy Hell' Calgary, Alberta. That said, I'm not a native of the place, but a transplant from Prince Edward Island...or God's Country as we Islanders like to call it. :D

    Truth be told, if it wern't for the nasty custody battle I happen to be in for my daughter, I'd up and move almost anywhere else...New Zealand...Japan...

    ::sigh:: for now my travel bug must wait :)


  7. Block 5= Tv series cockpit, Block 5= movie cockpit, right?

    This will be interessing for who is going to built tv series VF-1 like the hikaru vf-1J.

    Need tv series pilot too :D

    Yeah Block 5 is TV, Block 6 is DYRL, according to http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_...s/variable/vf1/ the differences are:

    ...central column controller, throttle, and two GERWALK arm controller sticks in Fighter/GERWALK mode cockpit of Block 5 or earlier machines. Each GERWALK and Battroid arm controller contains five tapets and one ball controller to control the fingers, palm and thumb. Side-stick controller and multi-position throttle lever/stick in Fighter/GERWALK mode cockpit of Block 6 or later machines. Both side-stick and throttle have six tapets to control the fingers and palm. Two rear (back) mirrors and vision plate in Fighter mode. Oxygen tank. Block 5 and earlier machines were upgraded to Block 6 specifications with improved cockpit and Mk-7 Custom ejection seat...

    ...HUD (displayed on transparent panels in block 5 or earlier machines, on canopy in Block 6 or later machines); hexagonal three-panel main screen in block 5 or earlier machines, octagonal one-panel main screen in Block 6 or later machines...

    As for images, these are thanks to AlphaHX in another thread. Block 5:


    And Block 6:


    (Disregarding the cockpit on the left which is a Legioss from Mospeada)

    Again i need high-res scans of these to make mods to the current Has parts. And as I've got the Valk Weapons set I can even do a SDF:M pilot too (which was a plan of mine anyway) and throw that into the mod set.

    Anyone interested?

    Anyone got hi-res images?

    Am I sounding like a broken record? :D


  8. Hey All,

    One of the things I've been wanting for my Valk collection was one of the SFD:M Block 5 cockpits--all the Hasegawa's are DYRL Block 6 cockpits. So, as I can't seem to find a conversion kit for my Hasegawa's, I was thinking of doing a little scratchbuilding, and was wondering if any of you good folk had some Hi-Res images of the Block 5 cockpit (AlphaHX has posted some line art of the Block 5 on another thread, but not hi-res enough to draw plans from)

    In addition, I was wondering if anyone else might be interested in this as a small resin mod kit. My casting skills arn't on par with the masters around here (Cap, Valk, Coby) but I'm passable. If there's enough interest, I'd be willing to make a limited run for MW folk for the price of shipping and materials.


  9. Hmm...just in looking at the various incarnations of Macross proper, it strikes me that you could break the franchise into several 'generations' as it were:

    First Gen Macross (Earth Wars):

    • SDF:Macross
    • Macross DYRL
    • FB:2012
    • Macross II

    Second Gen (Forward to the Galaxy: Global's Vision):

    • Macross Plus
    • Macross 7 (all incarnations)

    Third Gen (History Lesson):

    • Macross Zero



  10. Okay, seeing as I screwed up on not adding some incarnations to my first poll, here's a revised one...and for all your HG/RT haters, I pulled the RT option because there were too many options for the poll...same with splitting Mac+ into two different options....oh well :D


    ps - am trying to add EVERYTHING this time, so please, be kind :D

  11. hmm... i think its time to change the poll.

    u might want to take out robotech macross saga since its the same as sdf macross (tv) and you might want to add more of the macross 7 things in along with macross zero.

    just my 2 cents.

    good idea for a poll tho. ;)

    Sorry guys, totally forgot about Zero and MacII, I wonder if I can edit a poll...


    ps - Robotech is added as it is the same animation (well, with some editsw) but the story is somewhat different...

  12. With my growing awareness of Macross in all its incarnations, I'm now wondering what people's favorite incarnation actually is. I do ask thet this thread not devolve into bashing the incarnations that you DONT like--lets try to keep this positive and make everyone happy :D


    ps - sorry to the mods if this bas been done before--coultn't find it when I searched. If so, feel free to delete it :)

  13. Many sympathies. My idiot German Shepherd/Border Collie cross found the GU-11 gun pod from my VF-15 in my spray booth and decided it would make a great scooby snack.

    Some styrene tubing and LOTS of putty later it looks functional enough to mount underneath the fighter--but I'd not use it in combat :D

    FYI, I'm hoping to get my VF-0B in the post soon, if you want (and correct me if I'm wrong in thinking the parts are interchangeable) I can try to recast the head and airbrakes for you. I'm no expert in casting (just learning to make them somewhat bubble-free) so clean-up might be a bitch, but it could be a solution. Let me know.

    BOL with the Navy BTW. Best three years of my life were spent in the Canadian Forces as Armored Recce. A training accident, torn ACL, two blown disks and ten years later, all I can do is model this poo :D



  14. Just finished watching DYRL, and man, if you want to talk about pathetic deaths, Kakizaki died like a total bitch in the movie--his death in SDF Macross was less bitchish--mostly cause he was at least trying to get away....

    Poor Kakizaki.

    On a seperate note, man is Roy a pig! What a guy, wish he was my sempai :D


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