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Posts posted by polidread

  1. wellll, id love to share more of my art with you guys, but you see, soon after my phone modem got fried, my PC monitor died out on me too, so i cant access the stuff ive got saved in my PC just yet.

    and i obviously cant make any personal art stuff in the office computers or else the boss will kill me XP

    so if i seem to have some promises pending here (like the Nightmare VF Girl), its going to take some time before they show up.

    @ e_jacob77 : i do have art of the Excalibur VFGirl in full length, but poo happened with my home PC, so a little bit of delay on her arrival, btw, any chance i get a Tshirt too when you make it? hehe

    @ bigkid24 : go ahead and help yourself to the aircraft girl of your choice.

    Thanks for understanding guys!

  2. hi! unfortunately, my home computer's modem is busted, the home pc has all of my fan art and so i cant upload new pix right now.....

  3. Hi Guys! sorry ive been so long in finishing this, even the girls are complaining already!!!! but its still unfinished and im still unsatisfied with some of the color details ive been making, so i tend to recolor some parts and sometimes entire areas...


    imagine that! the VFGirls thread has been bumped off to the second page :p

    well...let's just walk a bit forward into the queue....

    i probably shouldnt , but here's the next VFGirl in line for coloring...


  4. Weve been weaned on Mikimoto figures and Kawamori mecha art, so we tend to be disappointed when professionally made output falls short of our expectations.

    as comicbook art, this isnt terrible per se, but in comparing the robotech comics line art with the line art of the originals (like Mac7Trash from Mikimoto) it really pales.

    now, i havent really seen much of these Robotech comics (all ive seen are the cover art) but i could say that the art in this set of Robotech comics have greatly improved from the old 1980s set.

    im just glad this comicbook art isnt trying to pass itself off as Macross, so i can keep saying that Macross is still tops with whatever media it comes out of- tv, music, movie, or print.

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